フロー (心理学) 隣接分野

フロー (心理学)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/08/03 07:55 UTC 版)

フロー: flow)とは、人間がそのときしていることに、完全に浸り、精力的に集中している感覚に特徴づけられ、完全にのめり込んでいて、その過程が活発さにおいて成功しているような活動における、精神的な状態をいう。

  1. ^ Csikszentmihalyi, M., Finding Flow, 1997.
  2. ^ Nakamura, J.; Csikszentmihályi, M. (20 December 2001). “Flow Theory and Research”. In C. R. Snyder Erik Wright, and Shane J. Lopez. Handbook of Positive Psychology. Oxford University Press. pp. 195–206. ISBN 978-0-19-803094-2. https://books.google.com/books?id=2Cr5rP8jOnsC 2013年11月20日閲覧。 
  3. ^ a b What is Flow?”. About Education. 2015年3月30日閲覧。
  4. ^ Michael Lopp (12 June 2007), “Chapter 25: A Nerd in a Cave”, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager, Apress, p. 143, ISBN 978-1-59059-844-3, http://www.randsinrepose.com/archives/2006/07/10/a_nerd_in_a_cave.html, "[The Zone] is a deeply creative space where inspiration is built. Anything which you perceive as beautiful, useful, or fun comes from someone stumbling through The Zone." 
  5. ^ Joel Spolsky (9 August 2000), The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code, http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000043.html, "We all know that knowledge workers work best by getting into 'flow', also known as being 'in the zone' (...) Writers, programmers, scientists, and even basketball players will tell you about being in the zone." 
  6. ^ Hack Mode”. Jargon File. 2013年11月閲覧。
  7. ^ Scott Rosenberg (2007), Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software, http://www.dreamingincode.com/book-excerpt/, "When things go well, you can lose track of passing hours in the state psychologists call "flow." When things go badly, you get stuck, frozen between dimensions, unable to move or see a way forward. Either way, you've left the clock far behind. You're on software time." 
  8. ^ Positive Psychology: Harnessing the power of happiness, mindfulness, and inner strength” (英語). Harvard Health. 2022年11月15日閲覧。

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