極小切開斜視手術とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2020/02/02 14:31 UTC 版)

極小切開斜視手術(きょくしょうせっかいしゃししゅじゅつ、Minimally Invasive Strabismus Surgery, MISS)は、従来の術式よりも小さな切開を使用する斜視手術の技術であり、組織破壊を最小限に抑える。 この技術は、1994年ベルギーの眼科医マルク・ゴビン(Marc Gobin)がフランス語の医学テキストで考案した後、2007年頃にスイスの眼科医ダニエル・モジョンによって導入された[1] [2]

  1. ^ D. S. Mojon: Comparison of a new, minimally invasive strabismus surgery technique with the usual limbal approach for rectus muscle recession and plication. In: Br J Ophthalmol. 91(1), Jan 2007, S. 76–82.
  2. ^ M. H. Gobin, J. J. M. Bierlaagh: Chirurgie horizontale et cycloverticale simultane´e du strabisme. Centrum voor Strabologie, Antwerp 1994.
  3. ^ D. S. Mojon: Review: minimally invasive strabismus surgery. In: Eye. 29, 2015, S. 225–233.
  4. ^ Gupta P, Dadeya S, Kamlesh, Bhambhawani V: Comparison of Minimally Invasive Strabismus Surgery (MISS) and Conventional Strabismus Surgery Using the Limbal ApproachJ Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2017;54:208-215..
  5. ^ Kushner BJ. Minimally invasive strabismus surgery. Comparison of a new, minimally invasive strabismus surgery technique with the usual limbal approach for rectus muscle recession and plication. Br J Ophthalmol 2007;91:5.
  6. ^ Asproudis I, Kozeis N, Katsanos A, Jain S, Tranos PG, Konstas AG. A Review of Minimally Invasive Strabismus Surgery (MISS): Is This the Way Forward?Adv Ther. 2017;34:826-833.
  7. ^ D. S. Mojon: Review: minimally invasive strabismus surgery. In: Eye. 29, 2015, S. 225–233.
  8. ^ P. Gupta, S. Dadeya, Kamlesh, V. Bhambhawani: Comparison of Minimally Invasive Strabismus Surgery (MISS) and Conventional Strabismus Surgery Using the Limbal Approach. In: J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 54(4), 1. Jul 2017, S. 208–215.
  9. ^ I. Asproudis, N. Kozeis, A. Katsanos, S. Jain, P. G. Tranos, A. G. Konstas: A Review of Minimally Invasive Strabismus Surgery (MISS): Is This the Way Forward? In: Adv Ther. 34(4), Apr 2017, S. 826–833.
  10. ^ P. Merino, I. Blanco Domínguez, P. Gómez de Liaño: Outcomes of minimally invasive strabismus surgery for horizontal deviation. In: Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 91(2), Feb 2016, S. 69–73.
  11. ^ N. Pellanda, D. S. Mojon: Combined horizontal rectus muscle minimally invasive strabismus surgery for exotropia. In: Can J Ophthalmol. 45(4), Aug 2010, S. 363–367.
  12. ^ D. S. Mojon: Minimally invasive strabismus surgery for rectus muscle posterior fixation. In: Ophthalmologica. 223(2), 2009, S. 111–115.
  13. ^ D. S. Mojon: Minimally invasive strabismus surgery (MISS) for inferior obliquus recession. In: Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 247(2), 2009, S. 261–265.
  14. ^ M. N. Naik, A. G. Nair, A. Gupta, S. Kamal: Minimally invasive surgery for thyroid eye disease. In: Indian J Ophthalmol. 63(11), Nov 2015, S. 847–853.
  15. ^ D. S. Mojon: Review: minimally invasive strabismus surgery. In: Eye. 29, 2015, S. 225–233.


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