ジョット・ディ・ボンドーネとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/07/05 15:30 UTC 版)

ジョット・ディ・ボンドーネ: Giotto di Bondone1267年頃-1337年1月8日)は、中世後期のイタリア人画家、建築家。日本でも諸外国でも単にジョット(ジオット)と呼ばれることが多い。フィレンツェ共和国(現在のイタリア・トスカーナ州近辺)の首都フィレンツェ近郊の出身といわれており、その絵画様式は後期ゴシックに分類され、イタリア・ルネサンスへの先鞭を付けた偉大な芸術家と見なされている。

  1. ^ Bartlett, Kenneth R. (1992). The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance. Toronto: D.C. Heath and Company. ISBN 0-669-20900-7 (Paperback). Page 37.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Giorgio Vasari, Lives of the Artists, trans. George Bull, Penguin Classics, (1965)
  3. ^ a b Hartt, Frederick (1989). Art: a history of painting, sculpture, architecture. Harry N. Abrams. pp. 503–506 
  4. ^ 新建築社 『NHK 夢の美術館 世界の名建築100選』新建築社、2008年、38頁。ISBN 978-4-7869-0219-2 
  5. ^ Sarel Eimerl, see below, cites Colle di Romagnano. However, the spelling is perhaps wrong, and the location referred to may be the site of the present Trattoria di Romignano, in a hamlet of farmhouses in the Mugello region.
  6. ^ Michael Viktor Schwartz and Pia Theis, "Giotto's Father: Old Stories and New Documents," Burlington Magazine, 141 (1999) 676-677 and idem, Giottus Pictor. Band 1: Giottos Leben, Vienna, 2004
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i Sarel Eimerl, The World of Giotto, Time-Life Books.
  8. ^ Hayden B.J. Maginnis, "In Search of an Artist," in Anne Derbes and Mark Sandona, The Cambridge Companion to Giotto, Cambridge, 2004, 12-13.
  9. ^ Sarel. But note that Riccobaldo does not say Giotto painted the Francis Cycle. He writes: "What kind of art [Giotto] made is testified to by works done by him in the Franciscan churches at Assisi, Rimini, Padua..." A. Teresa Hankey, "Riccobaldo of Ferraro and Giotto: An Update," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 54 (1991) 244.
  10. ^ Friedrich Rintelen, Giotto und die Giotto-apokryphen, (1912)
  11. ^ See, for example, Richard Offner's famous article of 1939, "Giotto, non-Giotto," conveniently collected in James Stubblebine, Giotto: The Arena Chapel Frescoes, New York, 1969 (reissued 1996), 135-155, which argues against Giotto's authorship of the frescoes. In contrast, Luciano Bellosi, La pecora di Giotto, Turin, 1985, calls each of Offner's points into question.
  12. ^ Bruno Zanardi, Giotto e Pietro Cavallini: La questione di Assisi e il cantiere medievale della pittura a fresco, Milan 2002; Zanardi provides an English synopsis of his study in Anne Derbes and Mark Sandona, The Cambridge Companion to Giotto, New York, 2004, 32-62.
  13. ^ Maginnis, "In Search of an Artist,"23-28.
  14. ^ In 1312 the will of Ricuccio Pucci leaves funds to keep a lamp burning before the crucifix "by the illustrious painter Giotto". Ghiberti also cites it as a work by Giotto.
  15. ^ See the complaint of the Eremitani monks in James Stubblebine, Giotto: The Arena Chapel Frescoes, New York, 1969, 106-107, and an analysis of the commission by Benjamin G. Kohl, "Giotto and his Lay Patrons," in Anne Derbes and Mark Sandona, The Cambridge Companion to Giotto, Cambridge, 2004, 176-193.
  16. ^ Anne Derbes and Mark Sandona, The Usurer's Heart: Giotto, Enrico Scrovegni, and the Arena Chapel in Padua, University Park, 2008; Laura Jacobus,Giotto and the Arena Chapel: Art, Architecture and Experience, London, 2008; Andrew Ladis, Giotto's O: Narrative, Figuration, and Pictorial Ingenuity in the Arena Chapel, University Park, 2009
  17. ^ The remaining parts (Stigmata of St. Francis, Martyrdom of Franciscans at Ceuta, Cruficixion and Heads of Prophets) are most likely from assistants.
  18. ^ Finished in 1309 and mentioned in a text from 1350 by Giovanni da Nono. They had an astrological theme, inspired by the Lucidator, a treatise famous in the 14th century.
  19. ^ La 'Madonna d'Ognissanti' di Giotto restaurata, Florence, 1992; Julia I. Miller and Laurie Taylor-Mitchell, "The Ognissanti Madonna and the Humiliati Order in Florence," in The Cambridge Companion to Giotto, ed. Anne Derbes and Mark Sandona, Cambridge, 2004, 157-175.
  20. ^ Julian Gardner, "Altars, Altarpieces and Art History: Legislation and Usage," in Italian Altarpieces, 1250-1500, ed. Eve Borsook and Fiorella Gioffredi, Oxford, 1994, 5-39; Irene Hueck, "Le opere di Giotto per la chiesa di Ognissanti," in La 'Madonna d'Ognissanti' di Giotto restaurata, Florence, 1992, 37-44.
  21. ^ Duncan Kennedy, Giotto's Ognissanti Crucifix brought back to life, BBC News, 2010-11-05. Accessed 2011-04-05
  22. ^ Ghiberti, I commentari, ed. O Morisani, Naples 1947, 33.
  23. ^ Giorgio Vasari, Le vite de' più eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori Italiani ed. G. Milanesi, Florence, 1878, I, 373-374.
  24. ^ L. Tintori and E. Borsook, The Peruzzi Chapel, Florence, 1965, 10; J. White, Art and Architecture in Italy, Baltimore, 1968, 72f.
  25. ^ C. Brandi, Giotto, Milan, 1983, 185-186; L.Bellosi, Giotto, Florence, 1981, 65, 71.
  26. ^ Tintori and Borsook; Laurie Schneider Adams, “The Iconography of the Peruzzi Chapel,” L’Arte, 1972, 1-104. (Reprinted in Andrew Ladis ed., Giotto and the World of Early Italian Art New York and London 1998, 3, 131-144); Julie F. Codell, "Giotto's Peruzzi Chapel Frescoes: Wealth, Patronage and the Earthly City," Renaissance Quarterly, 41 (1988) 583-613.
  27. ^ The concept of such linkings was first suggested for Padua by Michel Alpatoff, "The Parallelism of Giotto's Padua Frescoes," Art Bulletin, 39 (1947) 149-154. It has been tied to the Bardi Chapel by Jane C. Long, “The Program of Giotto’s Saint Francis Cycle at Santa Croce in Florence,” Franciscan Studies 52 (1992) 85-133 and William R. Cook, "Giotto and the Figure of St. Francis," in The Cambridge Companion to Giotto, ed. A. Derbes and M. Sandona, Cambridge, 2004, 135-156.
  28. ^ 青空文庫より引用
  29. ^ a b IOL,September 22, 2000
  30. ^ Franklin Toker, a professor of art history at the University of Pittsburgh, who was present at the original excavation in 1970, says that they are probably "the bones of some fat butcher!" [1]



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