エイブラハム・メリット 改作


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/01/30 09:39 UTC 版)






  • The Moon Pool (1919) 『ムーン・プール』ハヤカワSFシリーズ
  • The Ship of Ishtar (1924) 『イシュタルの船』ハヤカワSFシリーズ、ハヤカワ文庫FT
  • Seven Footprints to Satan (1927) 未訳
  • Burn, Witch, Burn! (1932) 『魔女を焼き殺せ』徳間書店、『魔女を焼き殺せ!』書苑新社
  • The Drone Man (1934) 未訳
  • Creep, Shadow! (1934) 未訳
  • Snake Mother (1937) 『黄金郷の蛇母神』ハヤカワ文庫SF
  • The Metal Monster (1946) 『金属モンスター』ハヤカワSFシリーズ
  • The Fox Woman (1949) 『フォックス・ウーマン』講談社(※未完の作品を、半村良が翻訳・加筆したもの)
  • Dwellers in the Mirage (1952) 『蜃気楼の戦士』ハヤカワ文庫SF


  • The People of the Pit 『秘境の地底人』朝日ソノラマソノラマ文庫海外シリーズ〉
    • The People of the Pit 「秘境の地底人」
    • The Drone 「蜂になった男」
    • Three Lines of Old French 「中世フランス語の幻」
    • Through the Dragon Glass 「竜鏡の向こうに」
    • The Old Gods Wake 「古代マヤ神の復活」
    • The Women of the Wood 「樹精の復讐」
    • The White Road 「白い道への門」
    • The Last Poet and the Robots 「最後の詩人の決断」
    • The Welming of Cherkis 「金属怪獣の女王」

  1. ^ メキシコ製ホラー映画。トッド・ブラウニングの『悪魔の人形』のリメイクだとしているが、むしろメリットの『魔女を焼き殺せ』に近い。
  1. ^ Moskowitz, Sam. A. Merritt: Reflections in the Moon Pool. Philadelphia, Oswald Train, 1985. ISBN 9996247600
  2. ^ a b Partners in Wonder: Women and the Birth of Science Fiction, 1926-1965 by Eric Leif Davin, Lexington Books, 2005, pages 409-10.
  3. ^ 11月14日号
  4. ^ "I was extremely glad to meet Merritt in person, for I have admired his work for 15 years. ... he has a peculiar power of working up an atmosphere and investing a region with an aura of unholy dread" H.P. Lovecraft's letter to R. H. Barlow (January 13, 1934) [1]
  5. ^ "Merritt, A[braham]" in An H.P. Lovecraft encyclopedia (2001) page 167. ISBN 0313315787
  6. ^ Skinner, Doug (2005年8月). “What's This? A Shaver Revival?”. Fate. 2009年8月26日閲覧。 “Shaver’s main literary model was Abraham Merritt. Merritt isn’t read much today, but his fantasy novels were quite popular throughout the ’20s and ’30s. Beginning with The Moon Pool in 1919, he produced a series of novels about underground caverns, lost races, ancient ray machines, shell-shaped hovercraft, and other marvels. He was also a member of the original Fortean Society and the editor of The American Weekly, a Sunday newspaper supplement that often featured scientific and historical oddities. Shaver thought Merritt had seen the caves but could only mention them in fiction. One might also suspect that Merritt’s novels had influenced Shaver’s beliefs.”



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