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(William Prynne から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/10/07 07:38 UTC 版)

ウィリアム・プリン(William Prynne, 1600年 - 1669年10月24日)は清教徒革命イングランド内戦)期のイングランドピューリタン弁護士、パンフレット作家、王党派政治家、ロンドン塔公文書館長。カンタベリー大主教ウィリアム・ロードの政策に反対した。

  1. ^ a b c d e ポリアコフ 1巻,p.254-261.
  2. ^ A Brief Survey of Mr. Cozens his cozening Devotions.
  3. ^ Health's Sickness. The Unloveliness of Lovelocks(1628年).
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s "Prynne, William" . Dictionary of National Biography (英語). London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1885–1900.
  5. ^ A Divine Tragedy lately acted, or a Collection of sundry memorable Examples of God's Judgment upon Sabbath-breakers
  6. ^ True and Full Relation of the Trial of Nathaniel Fiennes, 1644.
  7. ^ The Subjection of all Traitors, &c. 1658).
  8. ^ A Breviate of the Life of William Laud,Hidden Works of Darkness brought to Public Light.
  9. ^ Canterburies Doom, or the first part of a complete History of the Commitment, Trial, &c., of William Laud (1646)
  10. ^ Independency Examined, Unmasked, and Refuted, 1644.
  11. ^ Brief Animadversions on Mr John Goodwin's Theomachia, 1644.
  12. ^ Truth triumphing over Falsehood, 1645.
  13. ^ Just Defence of John Bastwick, 1645; The Liar Confounded, 1645; Fresh Discovery of some prodigious new wandering blazing Stars, 1645.
  14. ^ Four Serious Questions, 1644; A Vindication of Four Questions, 1645; Suspension Suspended, 1646; The Sword of Christian Magistracy Supported, 1647.
  15. ^ The Divine Right of Church Government and Excommunication, 1646.
  16. ^ 'Mr. Prynne and the Erastian lawyers are now our remora,'1645.
  17. ^ William M. Lamont, Godly Rule: Politics and Religion 1603–60 (1969), p. 170.
  18. ^ Brief Justification of the Eleven Accused Members, 1647; Full Vindication and Answer of the Eleven Accused Members, 1647; Hypocrites Unmasking, 1647.
  19. ^ a b c History of Parliament Online – Prynne, William
  20. ^ The Substance of a Speech made in the House of Commons by William Prynne, 4 December 1648.
  21. ^ True and Perfect Narrative of the Officers and Army's Force upon the Commons House; Brief Memento to the Present Unparliamentary Junto; Mr. Prynne's Charge against the King.
  22. ^ William Prynne (1655), The First and Second Part of a Seasonable, Legal, and Historicall Vindication, and Chronological Collection of the Good, Old, Fundamentall Liberties, Franchises, Rights, Laws of All English Freemen Their Best Inheritance, Birthright, Security, against All Arbitrary Tyranny, and Ægyptian Burdens) and of Their Strenuous Defence in All Former Ages; of Late Years Most Dangerously Undermined, and almost Totally Subverted, under the Specious Disguise of Their Defence and Future Establishment, upon a Sure Basis, by Their Pretended, Greatest, Propugners. Wherein is, Irrefragably Evinced by Parliamentary Records, Proofs, Presidents, that We Have such Fundamentall Liberties, Franchises, Rights, Laws. That to Attempt or Effect the Subversion of All or Any of Them, (or of Our Fundamentall Government) by Fraud or Force, is High Treason. [...] Collected, Recommended to the Whole English Nation, as the Best Legacy He Can Leave Them, by William Prynne of Swainswick, Esquire (2nd corr. & much enl. ed.), London: Printed for the author, and are to be sold by Edward Thomas in Green Arbour, OCLC 15871789 .
  23. ^ A Legal Vindication of the Liberties of England against all Illegal Taxes and Pretended Acts of Parliament, 1649.
  24. ^ A Brief polemical Dissertation concerning the Lords Day Sabbath, 1655; The Quakers Unmasked, 1655; A New Discovery of some Romish Emissaries, 1656.
  25. ^ Scult, Mel (1978). Millennial Expectations and Jewish Liberties: A Study of the Efforts to Convert the Jews in Britain, Up to the Mid Nineteenth Century. Brill Archive. pps.30-31.
  26. ^ William Prynne, A short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued barred remitter into England Comprising an exact chronological relation of their first admission into, their ill deportment, misdemeanors, condition, sufferings, oppressions, slaughters, plunders, by popular insurrections, and regal exactions in; and their total, final banishment by judgment and edict of Parliament, out of England, never to return again: collected out of the best historians and records. With a brief collection of such English laws, Scriptures, reasons as seem strongly to plead, and conclude against their readmission into England, especially at this season, and against the general calling of the Jewish nation. With an answer to the chief allegations for their introduction. 1655.
  27. ^ In 1657, Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas in England, a Pagan festival”. Curionic. 2015年10月8日閲覧。
  28. ^ A Plea for the Lords, 1658.
  29. ^ A True and Perfect Narrative of what was done by Mr. Prynne, &c., 1659.
  30. ^ Brief Narrative how divers Members of the House of Commons were again shut out, 1660.
  31. ^ The Character or Earmark of Mr. W. Prynne, 1659; A Petition of the Peaceable and well-affected People of the three Nations, &c.
  32. ^ William Prynne (1659). The first part of a brief register, kalendar and survey of the several kinds, forms of all parliamentary vvrits: comprising in 3. sections, all writs, forms of summons to great councils, parliaments, convocations in the Tower, from the 5th of King John (1203) till 23 Edw 4. (1483) to all sorts of spiritual and temporal Lords, greatmen (members of,) and the Kings counsil (assistants to) the House of Lords: with other rare writs, and 4. exact alphabetical, chronological tables: 1. Of all abbots, priors, masters of orders, clergy-men, (except bishops:) 2. Of all dukes, earls, forreign kings, marquesses, princes of Wales: 3. Of all lay-barons, lords, vicounts, great men: 4. Of all the Kings counsil (justices, clerks, or other officers) with the several numbers of each of them, and of bishops, summoned to every council, parliament, and the years, rolls, dorses in every kings reign, wherein their names are recorded. Illustrated with choice, usefull annotations, observations concerning these writs differences, alterations, entries in the clause rolls: the stiles, titles, additions of patriarcha, cardinalis, electus, confirmatus, magister, &c given in them to spiritual; ... With other particulars. Publishing more rarities, rectifying more errors in vulgar writers, touching our parliaments, than any former treatises of this subject. By William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolnes Inne (1st ed.). London: Printed for the author, and sold by Edward Thomas in Little Britain, and Henry Brome in Ivy-Lane. OCLC 83751432 Prynne went on to publish another three parts in 1660, 1662 and 1664.


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