The Librarian (painting)とは? わかりやすく解説

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司書 (絵画)

(The Librarian (painting) から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/08/17 22:46 UTC 版)

司書』(ししょ, : Il Bibliotecario, : The Librarian)は、ジュゼッペ・アルチンボルドによる絵画。本を積み上げて人物を表現している。歴史学者ヴォルフガング・ラツィウス英語版肖像画とする説が長く流布していたが[1]、現在ではモデル不明とされている[2]スウェーデンスコークロステル城英語版所蔵。

  1. ^ a b c Elhard, K.C. (Spring 2005). “Reopening the Book on Arcimboldo's "Librarian"”. Libraries & Culture 40 (2): 115-127. doi:10.1353/lac.2005.0027. 
  2. ^ a b c d "Arcimboldo, Giuseppe (?1527 - 1593)." The Encyclopaedia of the Renaissance, edited by Thomas Goddard Bergin, and Jennifer Speake, Market House Books Ltd, 1st edition, 1987.
  3. ^ Arcimboldo, Giuseppe (1537 - 1593)." The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists, edited by Herbert Edward Read, and Nikos Stangos, Thames & Hudson, 2nd edition, 1994.
  4. ^ a b c Baumbach, Sibylle. "Physiognomy." Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture: A New Companion to English Renaissance Literature and Culture, Michael Hattaway, Wiley, 1st edition, 2010.
  5. ^ a b Godwin, Joscelyn, and Godwin. "Rudolf II of Habsburg." Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism, edited by W. J. Hanegraaff, Brill, 1st edition, 2006.
  6. ^ Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann (2009). Arcimboldo: Visual Jokes, Natural History, and Still-Life Painting. University of Chicago Press. p. 259. ISBN 978-0-226-42686-0. 
  7. ^ "Arcimboldo Giuseppe (c. 1530 - 1593)." A Biographical Dictionary of Artists, Andromeda, edited by Lawrence Gowing, Windmill Books (Andromeda International), 2nd edition, 1995.
  8. ^ a b Burke, Peter. "The Historical Geography of the Renaissance." Blackwell Companions to European History: A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance, edited by Guido Ruggiero, Blackwell Publishers, 1st edition, 2007.
  9. ^ Werner Kriegeskorte (2000). Arcimboldo. Ediz. Inglese. Taschen. p. 30. ISBN 978-3-8228-5993-3. 

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