ペンシルベニア (戦列艦)とは? わかりやすく解説

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ペンシルベニア (戦列艦)

(ペンシルヴァニア (戦列艦) から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/11/18 07:08 UTC 版)

ペンシルベニア (USS Pennsylvania) はアメリカ海軍の3層甲板120門戦列艦[1]。アメリカ海軍向けとしては史上最大の帆船であり、イギリス海軍1等艦に相当する。実際に航行したのはデラウェア湾からチェサピーク湾を経て現在のノーフォーク海軍基地へ移動した際の一度だけだった。

  1. ^ a b Lenthall, John (27 May 1843). “On the Launch of the Three-deck Ship, the Pennsylvania, in 1837”. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 3: 103–04. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/86861#page/112/mode/1up 2013年5月6日閲覧。. 
  2. ^ a b USS Pennsylvania (1837–1861), Online Library of Selected Images, Naval Historical Center
  3. ^ Gordon, John Steele (February 1993). “USS Boondoggle: The Business of America”. American Heritage 44 (1). https://www.americanheritage.com/uss-boondoggle#2 2022年8月1日閲覧. "Consider the Navy’s ship-of-the-line program that followed the War of 1812… Congress, on April 29, 1816, 'authorized to cause to be built, nine ships to rate not less than 74 guns each'. All nine were eventually laid down, in shipyards from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to Norfolk, Virginia, and four of them were completed in a timely manner by the end of 1820. None of these ships ever saw action, of course, for the world had entered an extended era of peace." 
  4. ^ “Belfast Ship News”. The Belfast News-Letter (Belfast) (10570). (1838年10月23日) 
  5. ^ “BURNING OF GOSPORT NAVY-YARD; Eleven Vessels Scuttled and Burned, The Steam Tug Yankee Tows the Cumberland to Sea, Norfolk Not on Fire.”. The New York Times (New York City). (1861年4月24日). https://www.nytimes.com/1861/04/24/archives/burning-of-gosport-navyyard-eleven-vessels-scuttled-and-burned-the.html 2022年8月2日閲覧. "The Government vessels had been scuttled in the afternoon before the Pawnee arrived, to prevent their being seized by the Secessionists … The following are the names of the vessels which were destroyed: Pennsylvania, 74 gun-ship; steam-frigate Merrimac, 44 guns; sloop-of-war Germantown, 22 guns; sloop Plymouth, 22 guns; frigate Raritan, 45 guns; frigate Columbia, 44 guns; Delaware, 74 gun-ship; Columbus, 74 gun-ship; United States, in ordinary; brig Dolphin, 8 guns; and the powder-boat … [plus] line-of-battle ship New-York, on the stocks … Large quantities of provisions, cordage and machinery were also destroyed — besides buildings of great value — but it is not positively known that the [dry] dock was blown up." 

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