銅含有亜硝酸還元酵素とは? わかりやすく解説

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銅含有亜硝酸還元酵素(どうがんゆうあしょうさんかんげんこうそ、英語: Copper-containing Nitrite Reductase)は補因子としてイオンを含む 異化型亜硝酸還元酵素で、亜硝酸イオン(NO2-)を一酸化窒素(NO)へと一電子還元する反応を触媒する酵素である。Copper-containing Nitrite Reductaseを略してCuNIR(カッパ―エヌアイアール)と呼ばれることが多い。本酵素の構造遺伝子であるnirKは水中や土壌中の窒素酸化物を分子状窒素(N2)へと段階的に還元する脱窒に関わる古細菌真正細菌および一部の菌類に広く存在する[1][2]。脱窒自体は嫌気呼吸の1つであり、nirKを持つ生物の多くは通性嫌気性生物である。脱窒過程の最初の段階である硝酸塩の還元を触媒する硝酸塩還元酵素は多くの生物が有する酵素であるが、次の段階を触媒する異化型の亜硝酸還元酵素を持つ生物は限られており、酸素の少ない環境下では脱窒菌がエネルギー合成上有利なため、このような代謝系が進化してきたものと考えられている。

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  3. ^ Adman ET,Murphy ME. (Apr 2006), “Copper Nitrite Reductase”, Handbook of Metalloproteins, doi:10.1002/0470028637.met201 
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  8. ^ Nojiri M, Koteishi H, Nakagami T, Kobayashi K, Inoue T, Yamaguchi K, Suzuki S. (Nov 2009), “Structural basis of inter-protein electron transfer for nitrite reduction in denitrification.”, Nature., doi:10.1038/nature08507, PMID 19890332 
  9. ^ a b Strange RW, Murphy LM, Dodd FE, Abraham ZH, Eady RR, Smith BE, Hasnain SS. (Apr 1999), “Structural and kinetic evidence for an ordered mechanism of copper nitrite reductase.”, J Mol Biol., doi:10.1006/jmbi.1999.2648, PMID 10222206 
  10. ^ a b Tocheva EI, Rosell FI, Mauk AG, Murphy ME. (May 2004), “Side-on copper-nitrosyl coordination by nitrite reductase.”, Science., PMID 15131305 
  11. ^ Antonyuk SV, Strange RW, Sawers G, Eady RR, Hasnain SS. (Aug 2005), “Atomic resolution structures of resting-state, substrate- and product-complexed Cu-nitrite reductase provide insight into catalytic mechanism.”, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., doi:10.1073/pnas.0504207102, PMID 16093314 
  12. ^ Suzuki S, Kataoka K, Yamaguchi K (October 2000), “Metal coordination and mechanism of multicopper nitrite reductase”, Acc. Chem. Res. 33 (10): 728–35, PMID 11041837 
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  14. ^ Tocheva EI, Rosell FI, Mauk AG, Murphy ME. (Oct 2007), “Stable copper-nitrosyl formation by nitrite reductase in either oxidation state.”, Biochemistry., doi:10.1021/bi701205j, PMID 17924665 
  15. ^ Hough MA, Antonyuk SV, Strange RW, Eady RR, Hasnain SS. (Apr 2008), “Crystallography with online optical and X-ray absorption spectroscopies demonstrates an ordered mechanism in copper nitrite reductase.”, J Mol Biol., doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2008.01.097, PMID 18353369 
  16. ^ Wijma HJ, Jeuken LJ, Verbeet MP, Armstrong FA, Canters GW. (Jun 2006), “A random-sequential mechanism for nitrite binding and active site reduction in copper-containing nitrite reductase.”, J Biol Chem., doi:10.1074/jbc.M601610200, PMID 16613859 
  17. ^ Goldsmith RH, Tabares LC, Kostrz D, Dennison C, Aartsma TJ, Canters GW, Moerner WE. (Oct 2011), “Redox cycling and kinetic analysis of single molecules of solution-phase nitrite reductase”, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., doi:10.1073/pnas.1113572108, PMID 21969548 
  18. ^ Leferink NG, Han C, Antonyuk SV, Heyes DJ, Rigby SE, Hough MA, Eady RR, Scrutton NS, Hasnain SS. (May 2011), “Proton-coupled electron transfer in the catalytic cycle of Alcaligenes xylosoxidans copper-dependent nitrite reductase.”, Biochemistry, doi:10.1021/bi200246f, PMID 21469743 
  19. ^ Boulanger MJ, Murphy ME. (Feb 2003), “Directing the mode of nitrite binding to a copper-containing nitrite reductase from Alcaligenes faecalis S-6: characterization of an active site isoleucine.”, Protein Sci., doi:10.1110/ps.0224503, PMID 12538888 
  20. ^ Boulanger MJ, Murphy ME. (Feb 2003), “Crystal structure of the soluble domain of the major anaerobically induced outer membrane protein (AniA) from pathogenic Neisseria: a new class of copper-containing nitrite reductases.”, J Mol Biol., doi:10.1006/jmbi.2001.5251, PMID 11827480 
  21. ^ Anna C. Merkle and Nicolai Lehnert (2012), “Binding and activation of nitrite and nitric oxide by copper nitrite reductase and corresponding model complexes”, Dalton Trans., doi:10.1039/C1DT11049G, PMID 21918782 
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