トランスサイレチンとは? わかりやすく解説

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トランスサイレチンまたはトランスチレチン[5]: transthyretin、略称: TTR)は、甲状腺ホルモンサイロキシン(T4)とレチノール英語版肝臓へ運搬する、血清または脳脊髄液中の運搬体タンパク質である。トランスサイレチンという名称は、その機能に由来する(transports thyroxine and retinol)。トランスサイレチンは肝臓から血中へ分泌され、脈絡叢から脳脊髄液へ分泌される。

  1. ^ a b c GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000118271 - Ensembl, May 2017
  2. ^ a b c GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000061808 - Ensembl, May 2017
  3. ^ Human PubMed Reference:
  4. ^ Mouse PubMed Reference:
  5. ^ ライフサイエンス辞書: トランスチレチン”. lsd-project.jp. 2021年10月3日閲覧。
  6. ^ Prealbumin - MeSHアメリカ国立医学図書館・生命科学用語シソーラス(英語)
  7. ^ Mangrolia, Parth; Murphy, Regina M. (2018-08-21). “Retinol-Binding Protein Interferes with Transthyretin-Mediated β-Amyloid Aggregation Inhibition”. Biochemistry 57 (33): 5029–5040. doi:10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00517. ISSN 1520-4995. PMC 6530574. PMID 30024734. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30024734. 
  8. ^ a b “Benzoxazoles as transthyretin amyloid fibril inhibitors: synthesis, evaluation, and mechanism of action”. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 42 (24): 2758–61. (June 2003). doi:10.1002/anie.200351179. PMID 12820260. 
  9. ^ “Orally administered diflunisal stabilizes transthyretin against dissociation required for amyloidogenesis”. Amyloid 13 (4): 236–49. (December 2006). doi:10.1080/13506120600960882. PMID 17107884. 
  10. ^ “Diflunisal analogues stabilize the native state of transthyretin. Potent inhibition of amyloidogenesis”. J. Med. Chem. 47 (2): 355–74. (January 2004). doi:10.1021/jm030347n. PMID 14711308. 
  11. ^ Vilaro M, Arsequell G, Valencia G, Ballesteros A, Barluenga J, Nieto J, Planas A, Almeida R, Saraiva MJ (2007). “Reengineering TTR amyloid inhibition properties of diflunisal”. XIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis. Boca Raton: CRC. pp. 205–207. doi:10.1201/9781420043358.ch69. ISBN 978-1-4200-4281-8 
  12. ^ “Synthesis and evaluation of inhibitors of transthyretin amyloid formation based on the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, flufenamic acid”. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 7 (7): 1339–47. (July 1999). doi:10.1016/S0968-0896(99)00066-8. PMID 10465408. 
  13. ^ “Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls selectively bind transthyretin in blood and inhibit amyloidogenesis: rationalizing rodent PCB toxicity”. Chem. Biol. 11 (12): 1719–28. (December 2004). doi:10.1016/j.chembiol.2004.10.009. PMID 15610856. 
  14. ^ “The pathway by which the tetrameric protein transthyretin dissociates”. Biochemistry 44 (47): 15525–33. (November 2005). doi:10.1021/bi051608t. PMID 16300401. 
  15. ^ a b “Fibril in senile systemic amyloidosis is derived from normal transthyretin”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87 (7): 2843–5. (April 1990). doi:10.1073/pnas.87.7.2843. PMC 53787. PMID 2320592. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC53787/. 
  16. ^ “A peculiar form of peripheral neuropathy; familiar atypical generalized amyloidosis with special involvement of the peripheral nerves”. Brain 75 (3): 408–27. (September 1952). doi:10.1093/brain/75.3.408. PMID 12978172. 
  17. ^ “Familial amyloid polyneuropathy: new developments in genetics and treatment”. Curr. Opin. Neurol. 9 (5): 355–9. (October 1996). doi:10.1097/00019052-199610000-00007. PMID 8894411. 
  18. ^ a b “Variant-sequence transthyretin (isoleucine 122) in late-onset cardiac amyloidosis in black Americans”. N. Engl. J. Med. 336 (7): 466–73. (February 1997). doi:10.1056/NEJM199702133360703. PMID 9017939. 
  19. ^ Zeldenrust SR, Benson MD (2010). “Familial and senile amyloidosis caused by transthyretin”. Protein misfolding diseases: current and emerging principles and therapies. New York: Wiley. pp. 795–815. doi:10.1002/9780470572702.ch36. ISBN 978-0-471-79928-3. https://archive.org/details/proteinmisfoldin00rami 
  20. ^ “Partial denaturation of transthyretin is sufficient for amyloid fibril formation in vitro”. Biochemistry 31 (36): 8654–60. (September 1992). doi:10.1021/bi00151a036. PMID 1390650. 
  21. ^ “The acid-mediated denaturation pathway of transthyretin yields a conformational intermediate that can self-assemble into amyloid”. Biochemistry 35 (20): 6470–82. (May 1996). doi:10.1021/bi952501g. PMID 8639594. 
  22. ^ a b “Prevention of transthyretin amyloid disease by changing protein misfolding energetics”. Science 299 (5607): 713–6. (January 2003). doi:10.1126/science.1079589. PMID 12560553. 
  23. ^ “An engineered transthyretin monomer that is nonamyloidogenic, unless it is partially denatured”. Biochemistry 40 (38): 11442–52. (September 2001). doi:10.1021/bi011194d. PMID 11560492. 
  24. ^ “The biological and chemical basis for tissue-selective amyloid disease”. Cell 121 (1): 73–85. (April 2005). doi:10.1016/j.cell.2005.01.018. PMID 15820680. 
  25. ^ “Transthyretin mutations in health and disease”. Hum. Mutat. 5 (3): 191–6. (1995). doi:10.1002/humu.1380050302. PMID 7599630. 
  26. ^ “Clinical improvement and amyloid regression after liver transplantation in hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis”. Lancet 341 (8853): 1113–6. (May 1993). doi:10.1016/0140-6736(93)93127-m. PMID 8097803. 
  27. ^ “Autonomic dysfunction in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP)”. Amyloid 5 (4): 288–300. (December 1998). doi:10.3109/13506129809007303. PMID 10036588. 
  28. ^ “Transthyretin and the brain re-visited: is neuronal synthesis of transthyretin protective in Alzheimer's disease?”. Mol Neurodegener 6 (1): 79. (2011). doi:10.1186/1750-1326-6-79. PMC 3267701. PMID 22112803. http://www.molecularneurodegeneration.com/content/6/1/79. 
  29. ^ Coelho, T., Carvalho, M., Saraiva, M.J., Alves, I., Almeida, M.R., and Costa, P.P. (1993). A strikingly benign evolution of FAP in an individual found to be a compound heterozygote for two TTR mutations: TTR MET 30 and TTR MET 119. J Rheumatol 20, 179.
  30. ^ “Trans-suppression of misfolding in an amyloid disease”. Science 293 (5539): 2459–62. (September 2001). doi:10.1126/science.1062245. PMID 11577236. 
  31. ^ “Deposition of transthyretin in early stages of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy: evidence for toxicity of nonfibrillar aggregates”. Am. J. Pathol. 159 (6): 1993–2000. (December 2001). doi:10.1016/s0002-9440(10)63050-7. PMC 1850610. PMID 11733349. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1850610/. 
  32. ^ “Tissue damage in the amyloidoses: Transthyretin monomers and nonnative oligomers are the major cytotoxic species in tissue culture”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101 (9): 2817–22. (March 2004). doi:10.1073/pnas.0400062101. PMC 365703. PMID 14981241. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC365703/. 
  33. ^ “Disease biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with first-onset psychosis”. PLOS Med. 3 (11): e428. (November 2006). doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0030428. PMC 1630717. PMID 17090210. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1630717/. 
  34. ^ 臨床試験番号 NCT01960348 研究名 "APOLLO: The Study of an Investigational Drug, Patisiran (ALN-TTR02), for the Treatment of Transthyretin (TTR)-Mediated Amyloidosis" - ClinicalTrials.gov
  35. ^ “Binding of perlecan to transthyretin in vitro”. Biochem. J. 326 (3): 829–36. (September 1997). doi:10.1042/bj3260829. PMC 1218739. PMID 9307034. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1218739/. 


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