トランスコルチンとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/06/08 09:03 UTC 版)

トランスコルチン(Transcortin)は、αグロブリンである[5][6][7]。ヒトにおいては、SERPINA6遺伝子でコードされる。コルチコステロイド結合グロブリン(corticosteroid-binding globulin、CBG)やセルピンA6(serpin A6)とも呼ばれる。

  1. ^ a b c GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000277405、ENSG00000170099 - Ensembl, May 2017
  2. ^ a b c GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000060807 - Ensembl, May 2017
  3. ^ Human PubMed Reference:
  4. ^ Mouse PubMed Reference:
  5. ^ Hammond GL, Smith CL, Goping IS, Underhill DA, Harley MJ, Reventos J, Musto NA, Gunsalus GL, Bardin CW (Aug 1987). “Primary structure of human corticosteroid binding globulin, deduced from hepatic and pulmonary cDNAs, exhibits homology with serine protease inhibitors”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 84 (15): 5153–7. doi:10.1073/pnas.84.15.5153. PMC 298812. PMID 3299377. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC298812/. 
  6. ^ Byth BC, Billingsley GD, Cox DW (Jul 1994). “Physical and genetic mapping of the serpin gene cluster at 14q32.1: allelic association and a unique haplotype associated with alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency”. Am J Hum Genet 55 (1): 126–33. PMC 1918218. PMID 7912884. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1918218/. 
  7. ^ a b Entrez Gene: SERPINA6 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 6”. 2014年2月22日閲覧。
  8. ^ a b c E. Edward Bittar; Neville Bittar (1997). Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. Elsevier. p. 238. ISBN 978-1-55938-815-3. http://books.google.com/books?id=sSHhmGqyXhcC&pg=PA238 2012年8月23日閲覧。 
  9. ^ Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (24 April 2001). p. 712. ISBN 978-0-7817-1750-2. http://books.google.com/books?id=FVfzRvaucq8C&pg=PA712 2012年8月23日閲覧。 
  10. ^ Negi (2009). Introduction To Endocrinology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. p. 268. ISBN 978-81-203-3850-0. http://books.google.com/books?id=7Ev2mV4c_vUC&pg=PA268 2012年8月23日閲覧。 
  11. ^ Dunn JF, Nisula BC, Rodbard D (July 1981). “Transport of steroid hormones: binding of 21 endogenous steroids to both testosterone-binding globulin and corticosteroid-binding globulin in human plasma”. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 53 (1): 58–68. PMID 7195404. http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=7195404. 
  12. ^ Musa BU, Seal US, Doe RP (September 1965). “Elevation of certain plasma proteins in man following estrogen administration: a dose-response relationship”. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 25 (9): 1163–6. doi:10.1210/jcem-25-9-1163. PMID 4284083. 
  13. ^ Torpy DJ, Lundgren BA, Ho JT, Lewis JG, Scott HS, Mericq V (January 2012). “CBG Santiago: a novel CBG mutation”. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 97 (1): E151–5. doi:10.1210/jc.2011-2022. PMID 22013108. 
  14. ^ Rosen MI, Shnider SM, Levinson G, Hughes (2002). Shnider and Levinson's anesthesia for obstetrics. Hagerstwon, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 13. ISBN 0-683-30665-0 


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