マルティン・キッペンベルガーとは? わかりやすく解説

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(Martin Kippenberger から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/07/07 03:50 UTC 版)

マルティン・キッペンベルガー(Martin Kippenberger、1953年2月25日 - 1997年3月7日)は、ドイツの芸術家で、大酒飲みで挑発的でひょうきんな一面と同様に、多岐にわたる表現方法と大量の作品で知られる。

  1. ^ a b c Roberta Smith (March 11, 1997), Martin Kippenberger, 43, Artist Of Irreverence and Mixed Styles New York Times.
  2. ^ a b Martin Kippenberger, 8 February ? 14 May 2006 Archived 2011年8月5日, at the Wayback Machine. Tate Modern, London.
  3. ^ a b Jerry Saltz (February 26, 2009), The Artist Who Did Everything New York Magazine.
  4. ^ Germaine Greer (April 27, 2009), Martin Kippenberger is just a man exposing himself. Why is his work a hit with women? The Guardian.
  5. ^ a b Martin Kippenberger MoMA Collection.
  6. ^ Kippenberger, Susanne (2011) pg. 247.>Kippenberger: The Artist and His Families, J & L Books, Atlanta and New York. ISBN 9780982964217.
  7. ^ O'Hagan, Sean; The Observer (2006年1月22日). “The German prankster who joked his way to the truth”. London: guardian.co.uk. http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2006/jan/22/art 2009年1月1日閲覧。 
  8. ^ Martin Kippenberger: Antikriegsmuseum ? Befehl im Museum fur unnotige Kriegsforschung, 1984 Phillips de Pury & Company Evening Sale, February 12, 2010, London.
  9. ^ Martin Kippenberger: TMB, May 1 - June 13, 2009 Archived 2011年9月1日, at the Wayback Machine. Capitain Petzel Gallery, Berlin.
  10. ^ Adrian Searle (February 7, 2006), Modern art is rubbish The Guardian.
  11. ^ Martin Kippenberger, 8 February ? 14 May 2006 Archived 2009年11月9日, at the Wayback Machine. Tate Modern, London.
  12. ^ a b Roberta Smith (April 15, 2005) Martin Kippenberger New York Times
  13. ^ Martin Kippenberger, 8 February ? 14 May 2006 Archived 2009年11月9日, at the Wayback Machine. Tate Modern, London.
  14. ^ Martin Kippenberger, Untitled (from the series Hand-Painted Pictures) (1992) Christie's Post War and Contemporary Art Evening Auction, 11 October 2012, London.
  15. ^ a b Martin Kippenberger, Untitled (1990) Christie's Post-War & Contemporary Art Evening Auction, 14 October 2011, London.
  16. ^ Martin Kippenberger, Untitled (1990) Phillips de Pury & Company, London.
  17. ^ a b Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen: Gitarren, die nicht Gudrun heissen. Holzwarth Publications, Berlin 2002. p. 45
  18. ^ Martin Kippenberger, 8 February ? 14 May 2006 Archived 2009年11月9日, at the Wayback Machine. Tate Modern, London.
  19. ^ http://www.absolutearts.com/artsnews/2000/09/12/27438.html
  20. ^ http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/blogon/view_essay.php/155/the_incorrectness_of_martin_kippenberger
  21. ^ Martin Kippenberger, Untitled (1990) Christie's Post War and Contemporary Art Evening Auction, 11 October 2012, London.
  22. ^ Holland Cotter (January 28, 2000), Martin Kippenberger New York Times
  23. ^ Martin Kippenberger, Untitled (1996) Christie's Post War and Contemporary Art Evening Auction, 11 October 2012, London.
  24. ^ Kippenberger Meets Picasso, 22 February ? 29 May 2011 Museo Picasso, Malaga.
  25. ^ Kippenberger artwork worth ?800,000 'cleaned' away, thelocal.de, 3. November 2011
  26. ^ Cotter, Holland (2009年2月26日). “At MoMA: Live Hard, Create Compulsively, Die Young”. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/27/arts/design/27kipp.html 
  27. ^ Martin Kippenberger: "I Had A Vision", May 7 - Jun 18, 2011
  28. ^ Mark Spiegler, The posthumous rise of Martin Kippenberger Archived 2012年9月11日, at Archive.is Sky Arts.
  29. ^ Fraser, Paul. “Martin Kippenberger's Untitled breaks artist's world record by 24%”. 2012年10月13日閲覧。
  30. ^ www.christies.com, "[1]", Christies
  31. ^ Reuters (28 August 2008). "Museum defies Pope over crucified frog". Canada.com. 2008年8月28日閲覧 {{cite web}}: |author=に無意味な名前が入力されています。 (説明)
  32. ^ Bloom, Julie (2008年8月27日). “Crucified-Frog Sculpture Troubles the Pope”. nytimes.com. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/28/arts/28arts-CRUCIFIEDFRO_BRF.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin 2008年8月28日閲覧。 


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