ノブゴロド公国とは? わかりやすく解説

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ノヴゴロド公国(ノヴゴロドこうこく、ロシア語: Новгородского княжества教会スラヴ語: Новгородская земьля)は、公座を大ノヴゴロドに置いていた中世ルーシ(古代ロシア)の主要な都市国家の一つ。中世には特殊な貴族共和制により、しばしばノヴゴロド共和国ロシア語: Новгородская республика)と呼ばれ、こちらの名前が定着しつつある。その他、ノヴゴロド国という表記も見られる。

  1. ^ Sixsmith, Martin. "Chapter 3." Russia: A 1,000 Year Chronicle of the Wild East. New York, NY: Overlook Pr., 2012. 19. Print.
  2. ^ Sixsmith, Martin. "Chapter 3." Russia: A 1,000 Year Chronicle of the Wild East. New York, NY: Overlook Pr., 2012. 20. Print.
  3. ^ V. O. Kliuchevskii, Boiarskaia Duma drevnei Rusi; Dobrye liudi Drevnei Rusi (Moscow: Ladomir1994), 172-206; Idem., Sochinenii, vol. 2, pp. 68-69; George Vernadsky, Kievan Russia (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1948), 98, 197-201;
  4. ^ Jonas Granberg, “The Soviet Gospod of Novgorod, in Russian and German Sources,” Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 47 (1998): 396-401
  5. ^ a b c Valentin Yanin "Outline of history of medieval Novgorod.
  6. ^ Paul, "Was the Prince of Novgorod a 'Third-rate bureaucrat' after 1136?" passim.
  7. ^ Michael C. Paul, “Secular Power and the Archbishops of Novgorod Before the Muscovite Conquest.” Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 8, no. 2 (Spring 2007): 231-270; Idem, “Episcopal Election in Novgorod, Russia 1156-1478.” Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture 72, No. 2 (June 2003): 251-275.
  8. ^ Valentin Yanin Novgorod posadniks
  9. ^ Starting from 1156, elevated to archiepiscopal status in 1165
  10. ^ Michael C. Paul, "The Iaroslavichi and the Novgorodian Veche 1230-1270: A Case Study on Princely Relations with the Veche," Russian History/ Histoire Russe 31, No. 1-2 (Spring-Summer, 2004): 41.
  11. ^ Valentin Yanin Novgorod acts of 12th 15th centuries
  12. ^ Valentin Yanin "Sources of Novgorod statehood.
  13. ^ Paul, "Was the Prince of Novgorod a 'Third-rate bureaucrat' after 1136?" 100-107.
  14. ^ Sixsmith, Martin. "Chapter 3." Russia: A 1,000 Year Chronicle of the Wild East. New York, NY: Overlook Pr., 2012. 30. Print.
  15. ^ Martin, Janet. "Foreign Policy and Foreign Trade." Medieval Russia: 980-1584. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 339. Print.
  16. ^ Janet Martin, Treasure of the Land of Darkness: the Fur Trade and its Significance for Medieval Russia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985).
  17. ^ Paul, "Secular Power and the Archbishops of Novgorod Before the Muscovite Conquest," 258.
  18. ^ Janet Martin, “Les Uškujniki de Novgorod: Marchands ou Pirates.” Cahiers du Monde Russe et Sovietique 16 (1975): 5-18.
  19. ^ Sixsmith, Martin. "Chapter 3." Russia: A 1,000 Year Chronicle of the Wild East. New York, NY: Overlook Pr., 2012. 40. Print.
  20. ^ Sixsmith, Martin. "Chapter 3." Russia: A 1,000 Year Chronicle of the Wild East. New York, NY: Overlook Pr., 2012. 41. Print.
  21. ^ Viktor Nikitich Lazarev, Gerolʹd Ivanovich Vzdornov, and Nancy McDarby, The Russian Icon: From Its Origins to the Sixteenth Century (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical, 1997), 47.
  22. ^ a b Lazarev, Vzdornoc, and McDarby, The Russian Icon, 48.
  23. ^ Anonymous, "Novgorod" in World Heritage: Archaeological Sites and Urban Centres (Paris: Unesco, 2002), 138.
  24. ^ Lazarev, Vzdornoc, and McDarby, The Russian Icon, 53.
  25. ^ Lazarev, Vzdornoc, and McDarby, The Russian Icon, 56.
  26. ^ Lazarev, Vzdornoc, and McDarby, The Russian Icon, 67.
  27. ^ Nicholas V. Riasanovsky and Mark D. Steinberg, “Lord Novgorod the Great” in A History of Russia (New York: Oxford UP, 2011), 75.
  28. ^ Anonymous, “Novgorod,” 143.
  29. ^ Riasanovsky and Steinberg, “Lord Novgorod the Great,” 75.
  30. ^ Riasanovsky and Steinberg, “Lord Novgorod the Great,” 76.
  31. ^ Anonymous, “Novgorod,” 183.
  32. ^ V. L. Ianin, "Medieval Novgorod" in The Cambridge History of Russia: From Early Rus' to 1689. Vol. 1 (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008), 208-209.
  33. ^ V. K. Laurina and V. A. Puškarev, Novgorod Icons: 12th-17th Century (Leningrad: Aurora, 1980), 21.
  34. ^ Ianin, “Medieval Novgorod ,” 209.
  35. ^ a b Ianin, “Medieval Novgorod,” 206.
  36. ^ Riasanovsky and Steinberg, “Lord Novgorod the Great,” 80.
  37. ^ Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto.
  38. ^ See, for example, Igor Froianov, Kievskaia Rus; ocherki sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoĭ istorii. (Leningrad: Leningrad State University, 1974).
  39. ^ Gospodin Velikiy Novgorod is also the name of a 1984 Soviet film starring future People's Artist of the Soviet Union Oleg Strizhenov. It was, however, about Novgorod in the Second World War, and was not set in the medieval period.
  40. ^ Martin, Treasure of the Land of Darkness; Paul, "Secular Power and the Archbishops of Novgorod Before the Muscovite Conquest," 258-259.
  41. ^ Richard Pipes, Russia under the old regime, page 80
  42. ^ Gail Lenhoff and Janet Martin. "Marfa Boretskaia, Posadnitsa of Novgorod: A Reconsideration of Her Legend and Her Life." Slavic Review 59, no. 2 (2000): 343-68.
  43. ^ Paul, "Secular Power and the Archbishops of Novgorod," 262.
  44. ^ Richard Pipes, Russia under the old regime, page 93


  • ノブゴロド公国という,中世の国


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