ヌーメノールとは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > 辞書・百科事典 > 百科事典 > ヌーメノールの意味・解説 


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/01/13 08:31 UTC 版)



  1. ^ ミナス・ティリスミナス・モルグルはヌーメノール由来の技術で建造され、それらの中には回転する建造物もあったという。
  2. ^ “Our ships go now without the wind, and many are made of metal that sheareth rocks, and they sink not in calm or storm; but they are no longer fair to look upon. But our shields are impenetrable, our swords cannot be withstood, our darts are like thunder and pass over leagues unerring.”
  3. ^ “The teaching of Sauron has led to the invention of ships of metal that traverse the seas without sails, but which are hideous in the eyes of those who have not abandoned or forgotten Tol Eressea; to the building of grim fortresses and unlovely towers; and to missiles that pass with a noise like thunder to strike their targets many miles away.”
  4. ^ “and they were busy to contrive ships that should rise above the waters of the world and hold to the imagined seas. But they achieved only ships that would sail in the air of breath. And these ships, flying, came also to the lands of the new world, and to the East of the old world; and they reported that the world was round. Therefore many abandoned the gods and put them out of their legends. But men of Middle-Earth looked up with fear and wonder seeing the Numenoreans that descended out of the sky; and they took these mariners of the air to be gods, and some of the Numenoreans were content that this should be so.”


  1. ^ カレン・ウィン・フォンスタッド 『中つ国歴史地図』 2002年 評論社 57頁
  2. ^ カレン・ウィン・フォンスタッド 『中つ国歴史地図』 2002年 評論社 57頁


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