染色体凝縮とは? わかりやすく解説

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染色体凝縮(せんしょくたいぎょうしゅく:chromosome condensation)とは、間期細胞核内に分散していたクロマチンが、細胞分裂期においてコンパクトな棒状の構造に変換する過程のことをいう(図1)[1][2][3][4][5]。染色体構築あるいは染色体形成とも呼ばれる。

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  15. ^ Kireeva N, Lakonishok M, Kireev I, Hirano T, Belmont AS (2004). “Visualization of early chromosome condensation: a hierarchical folding, axial glue model of chromosome structure”. J. Cell Biol. 166: 775-785. PMID 15353545. 
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  18. ^ Kakui Y, Rabinowitz A, Barry DJ, Uhlmann F (2017). “Condensin-mediated remodeling of the mitotic chromatin landscape in fission yeast”. Nat Genet. PMID 28825727. 
  19. ^ Schalbetter SA, Goloborodko A, Fudenberg G, Belton JM, Miles C, Yu M, Dekker J, Mirny L, Baxter J (2017). “SMC complexes differentially compact mitotic chromosomes according to genomic context”. Nat Cell Biol 19: 1071-1080. PMID 28825700. 
  20. ^ Gibcus JH, Samejima K, Goloborodko A, Samejima I, Naumova N, Nuebler J, Kanemaki MT, Xie L, Paulson JR, Earnshaw WC, Mirny LA, Dekker J F (2018). “A pathway for mitotic chromosome formation”. Science: pii: eaao6135. doi: 10.1126/science.aao6135. PMID 29348367. 
  21. ^ Goloborodko A, Imakaev MV, Marko JF, Mirny L (2016). “Compaction and segregation of sister chromatids via active loop extrusion”. eLife 5: doi: 10.7554/eLife.14864. PMID 27192037. 
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  23. ^ Sakai Y, Mochizuki A, Kinoshita K, Hirano T, Tachikawa M. (2018). “Modeling the functions of condensin in chromosome shaping and segregation”. PLoS Comput Biol 14 (6): e1006152. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006152. PMID 29912867. 
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  28. ^ Le TB, Imakaev MV, Mirny LA, Laub MT (2013). “High-resolution mapping of the spatial organization of a bacterial chromosome”. Science 342 (6159): 731-734. PMID 24158908. 
  29. ^ Wang X, Le TB, Lajoie BR, Dekker J, Laub MT, Rudner DZ (2015). “Condensin promotes the juxtaposition of DNA flanking its loading site in Bacillus subtilis”. Genes Dev. 29 (15): 1661-1675. PMID 26253537. 
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  31. ^ Hirano T (2014). “Condensins and the evolution of torsion-mediated genome organization”. Trends Cell Biol. 24 (12): 727-733. PMID 25092191. 


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