座標時とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/08/25 13:44 UTC 版)

相対性理論では、言外の観測者英語版に対して相対的な時空座標系によって結果を表現するのが便利である。多くの(ただし全てではない)座標系では、事象英語版は1つの時間座標と3つの空間座標で指定される。時間座標によって特定される時間は、固有時と区別するために座標時(ざひょうじ、英語: coordinate time)と呼ばれる。

  1. ^ a b S A Klioner (1992), "The problem of clock synchronization - A relativistic approach", Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, vol.53 (1992), pp. 81-109.
  2. ^ S A Klioner (2008), "Relativistic scaling of astronomical quantities and the system of astronomical units", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol.478 (2008), pp.951-958, at section 5: "On the concept of coordinate time scales", esp. p.955.
  3. ^ S A Klioner (2008), cited above, at page 954.
  4. ^ This is for example equation (6) at page 36 of T D Moyer (1981), "Transformation from proper time on Earth to coordinate time in solar system barycentric space-time frame of reference", Celestial Mechanics, vol.23 (1981), pages 33-56.)
  5. ^ S A Klioner (2008), cited above, at page 955.
  6. ^ A graph giving an overview of the rate differences (when observed from the Earth's surface) and offsets between various standard time scales, present and past, defined by the IAU: for description see Fig. 1 (at p.835) in P K Seidelmann & T Fukushima (1992), "Why new time scales?", Astronomy & Astrophysics vol.265 (1992), pages 833-838.
  7. ^ IAU 2006 resolution 3, see Recommendation and footnotes, note 3.
  8. ^ These differences between coordinate time scales are mainly periodic, the basis for them explained in G M Clemence & V Szebehely, "Annual variation of an atomic clock", Astronomical Journal, Vol.72 (1967), p.1324-6.
  9. ^ Scaling defined in IAU 2006 resolution 3.
  10. ^ Scaling defined in Resolutions of the IAU 2000 24th General Assembly (Manchester), see Resolution B1.9.

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