ユージン・カスペルスキー 関連書籍


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/29 00:38 UTC 版)



  • MS-DOS Viruses (ロシア語)(1992)
  • Travel Notes 2006 (ロシア語)[38]
  • New Year at the South Pole (英語) (2010)[39]
  • Muchas Pictures (英語) (2011) [40]
  • The Top-100 Places on Earth (2012) (ロシア語) [41]


  • The Kaspersky Principle - Vladislav Dorofeev and Tatiana Kostileva, Kommersant Publishing House (2011) (ロシア語)



  1. ^ a b “Interview: Eugene Kaspersky”. United Kingdom: Infosecurity Magazine. (2010年10月17日). http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/8115/interview-eugene-kaspersky-/ 
  2. ^ “Meet Eugene Kaspersky: the man on a mission to wage war against - and kill - the computer virus”. The Age. (2013年6月1日). http://www.theage.com.au/it-pro/security-it/meet-eugene-kaspersky-the-man-on-a-mission-to-wage-war-against--and-kill--the-computer-virus-20130526-2n611.html 2016年6月1日閲覧。 
  3. ^ http://www.academy.fsb.ru/index_i_pr.htm
  4. ^ Kaspersky Lab AntiViral Toolkit Pro - the Best Anti-Virus Protection for the Year 2000 [1]
  5. ^ A Declaration of Cyber-War アーカイブされたコピー”. 2014年7月13日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2011年3月3日閲覧。
  6. ^ Corrections and clarifications [2]
  7. ^ Russian police free software tycoon Kaspersky's son [3]
  8. ^ A tech tycoon who values privacy [4]
  9. ^ "Если будут "валить" регион, город или страну целиком — до свиданья" [5]
  10. ^ Kaspersky Lab、フェラーリの公式 IT セキュリティプロバイダーに認定[6]
  11. ^ Interview: Eugene Kaspersky [7]
  12. ^ Russian media: Kaspersky’s son feared kidnapped (Final) [8]
  13. ^ Future cyber attacks could prove catastrophic, say online security experts [9]
  14. ^ Russia's Kaspersky Lab Guns For Japan's Trend Micro [10]
  15. ^ Travel Notes [11]
  16. ^ Security Matters [12]
  17. ^ The 2008 Russian Federation National Award in Science and Technology is presented to Evgeny KASPERSKY for major advances in modern information security systems. [13]
  18. ^ Eugene Kaspersky wins V3’s Technology Hero of 2012 award [14]
  19. ^ Top 100 executives of 2012 [15]
  20. ^ Most Powerful Voices in Security [16]
  21. ^ Eugene Kaspersky Named Business Person of the Year by the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia [17]
  22. ^ Outstanding Contribution to Business Award, CEO Middle East [18]
  23. ^ Eugene Kaspersky Wins Prestigious CEO of The Year Award [19]
  24. ^ Eugene Kaspersky Receives VB2010 Lifetime Achievement Award [20]
  25. ^ Eugene Kaspersky honored with Strategic Brand Leadership Award by World Brand Congress [21]
  26. ^ Eugene Kaspersky has Won a Prestigious Runet Prize [22]
  27. ^ a b Kaspersky Warns UK Government Of ‘Catastrophic’ Cyber Attack [23]
  28. ^ Future cyber attacks could prove catastrophic, say online security experts [24]
  29. ^ The world's five biggest cyber threats [25]
  30. ^ A tech tycoon who values privacy [26]
  31. ^ Eugene Kaspersky: "Escalation of Cyber-Warfare is a Call for Action" [http://www.kaspersky.com/about/news/virus/2012/Eugene_Kaspersky_Escalation_of_Cyber_Warfare_is_a_Call_for_Action
  32. ^ InfoSec 2013: Security Big Guns Back Cyber Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty [27]
  33. ^ Expert Issues a Cyberwar Warning [28]
  34. ^ Interviews: Eugene Kaspersky Answers Your Questions [29]
  35. ^ Russia’s Top Cyber Sleuth Foils US Spies, Helps Kremlin Pals [30]
  36. ^ What Wired Is Not Telling You – a Response to Noah Shachtman’s Article in Wired Magazine [31]
  37. ^ The INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation [32]
  38. ^ Travel Notes 2006 [33]
  39. ^ New Year at the South Pole (英語) (2010) [34]
  40. ^ Muchas Pictures (英語) (2011) [35]
  41. ^ The Top-100 Places on Earth (2012) (ロシア語) [36]


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