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  1. ^ John Michell "Who Wrote Shakespeare" 1996. 日本語訳は『シェイクスピアはどこにいる?』高橋健次訳、文藝春秋社刊、1998年。
  2. ^ シェイクスピアの生涯に関する完全な記録については、Samuel Schoenbaum, "William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life", OUP, 1987. (サミュエル・シェーンボーム『ウィリアム・シェイクスピア――記録を中心とする』、小津次郎他訳、紀伊国屋書店刊、1982年)を参照。
  3. ^ The Shakespeare Authorship Page, Seventeenth Century References to Shakespeare's Stratford Monument. デヴィッド・キャスマンによる同サイトはシェイクスピア別人説の検証サイトとしては世界有数のものである。
  4. ^ 『シェイクスピアの墓を暴く女 』大場建治、集英社 (2002/10).『バンヴァードの阿房宮: 世界を変えなかった十三人』(シェイクスピアの墓をあばく ディーリア・ベーコン)、ポール コリンズ、白水社 (2014/8/26)
  5. ^ Justice John Paul Stevens, "The Shakespeare Canon of Statutory Construction", UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW (v.140: no. 4, April 1992).
  6. ^ The Shakespeare Authorship Page, The Spelling and Pronunciation of Shakespeare's Name.
  7. ^ より精密な複写はサミュエル・シェーンボーム『ウィリアム・シェイクスピア――記録を中心とする』を参照。
  8. ^ Shakespeare's Unorthodox Biography, Shakespeare's Unorthodox Biography: Literacy in Shakspere's family
  9. ^ S. Schoenbaum, "William Shakespeare: A Documentary Life" (New York: OUP, 1975), p. 234.
  10. ^ Michael Prescott, Shakespeare VS. Shakespeare: Introduction to the Authorship Controversy.
  11. ^ Germaine Greer, "Past Masters: Shakespeare" (Oxford University Press 1986, ISBN 0-19-287538-8) pp. 1-2.
  12. ^ James Ridell, and Stanley Stewart, "The Ben Jonson Journal", Vol. 1 (1994), p. 183; ベン・ジョンソンの蔵書目録に触れた記事。
  13. ^ The Shakespeare Authorship Page, Shakespeare and Richard Field.
  14. ^ Jonathan Bate, "Shakespeare and Ovid" (Clarendon Press, 1993).
  15. ^ a b c d e Anderson, "Shakespeare by Another Name", 2005, pgs 400-405
  16. ^ Ken Steele, The Earl of Oxford vs Shakespeare of Stratford.
  17. ^ James Spedding, "The Life and Letters of Francis Bacon" (1872), Vol.7, p.228-30 (遺言に「とりわけ、私の記した頌歌"in felicem memoriam Reginae Elizabethae"はぜひとも刊行してもらいたい」との言葉がある)
  18. ^ G. E. Bentley, "The Profession of Dramatist in Shakespeare's Time: 1590-1642" (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1971)
  19. ^ Shakespeare-Oxford Society, The Honor Roll of Skeptics.
  20. ^ Jonathan Bate, "The Genius of Shakespeare" (London, Picador, 1997)
  21. ^ Charlton Ogburn, "The Mysterious William Shakespeare", 1984
  22. ^ Charlton Ogburn, "The Mystery of William Shakespeare", 1983, pp. 86-88.
  23. ^ The Shakespeare Authorship Page, The Spelling and Pronunciation of Shakespeare's Name, 4. Hyphenation.
  24. ^ ベン・ジョンソンの発言はいずれもJonson, "Discoveries 1641," ed. G. B. Harrison (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1966), pp. 28-29. を参照。
  25. ^ a b Peter Dawkins, "The Shakespeare Enigma" (Polair: 2004), p.44 - 47
  26. ^ 『謎ときシェイクスピア』新潮選書、2008
  27. ^ Davenport, Arnold, (Ed.), The Scourge of Villanie 1599, Satire III, in "The Poems of John Marston" (Liverpool University Press: 1961), pp.117, 300-1
  28. ^ アスカムの"Scholemaster"の原文は[1]を参照。
  29. ^ Robert Greene, "Farewell to Folly" (1591)
  30. ^ John Michell, "Who Wrote Shakespeare". ISBN 0-500-28113-0
  31. ^ H. Traubel, "With Walt Whitman in Camden", qtd. in Anon, 'Walt Whitman on Shakespeare'. The Shakespeare Fellowship. (Oxfordian website). Accessed April 16, 2006.
  32. ^ Roger A. Stritmatter, "The Marginalia of Edward de Vere's Geneva Bible: Providential Discovery, Literary Reasoning, and Historical Consequence" (PhD diss., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2001). Partial reprint at Mark Anderson, ed. The Shakespeare Fellowship (1997-2002) (Oxfordian website).
  33. ^ J. Thomas Looney, "Shakespeare" Identified in Edward de Vere the Seventeenth Earl of Oxford (1920), repr. Mark Anderson, The Shakespeare Fellowship (1997-2002).
  34. ^ a b c George Puttenham, "The Arte of English Poesie"
  35. ^ The Shakespeare Authorship Page, What Did George Puttenham Really Say About Oxford
  36. ^ Andrew Hannas. Shakespeare-Oxford Society The Rest' is Not Silence: On Grammar and Oxford in The Art of English Poesie
  37. ^ The Shakespeare Authorship Page, Shakespeare, Oxford, and Verbal Parallels
  38. ^ The Shakespeare Authorship Page, Oxford's Bible
  39. ^ Joseph Hall, Virgidemarium (1597-8), Book 2, Satire 1 ('For shame write better Labeo ...'); Book 4, Satire 1 ('Labeo is whip't and laughs me in the face ...'); Book 6, Satire 1 ('Tho Labeo reaches right ...')
  40. ^ John Marston, The Metamorphosis of Pygmalion's Image And Certaine Satyres (1598), (see The Authour in prayse of his precedent poem, 'So Labeo did complain his love was stone ...' and 'Reactio' Satire IV ('Fond Censurer! Why should those mirrors seem ...')
  41. ^ William Henry Smith, "Was Lord Bacon the author of Shakespeare’s plays?, A pamphlet letter addressed to Lord Ellesmere". (London, William Skeffington: 1856)
  42. ^ William Henry Smith, "Bacon and Shakespeare: An Inquiry Touching Players, Playhouses, and Play-writers in the Days of Elizabeth". (London, John Russell Smith: 1857)
  43. ^ Delia Bacon, "The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded". (1857)
  44. ^ Constance Pott, "Francis Bacon and His Secret Society" (London, Sampson, Low and Marston: 1891);, Constance Pott
  45. ^ W. F. C. Wigston, "Bacon, Shakespeare and the Rosicrucians" (1890)
  46. ^ James Spedding, "The Works of Francis Bacon" (1872), Vol.4, p.112.
  47. ^ Leonard Dean, "Sir Francis Bacon's theory of civil history writing", in Vickers, Brian, (Ed.), Essential Articles for the Study of Sir Francis Bacon (Sidwick & Jackson: 1972), p.219.
  48. ^ Francis Bacon, "Advancement of Learning", 1640, Book 2, xiii.
  49. ^ James Spedding, 'Of the Interpretation of Nature' in "Life and Letters of Francis Bacon" 1872, Vol. 3, p.85. (「国家の特権的な地位に就くことさえできれば、私の仕事を支える組織や法的資格を意のままに操ることができるのだが……」とベーコンは書いている).
  50. ^ Lambeth Palace MS 650.28.
  51. ^ James Boswell, "The Life of Samuel Johnson 1740-1795", Chapter 13
  52. ^ Percy Bysse Shelly, "Defense of Poetry" (1821), p.10
  53. ^ Ben Jonson, "Timber: or, Discoveries; Made Upon Men and Matter". (Cassell: 1889), pp. 60 - 61.
  54. ^ a b James Spedding, "The Works of Francis Bacon" 1872, Vol. 6, p. 267 - 274.
  55. ^ E. K. Chambers, "The Elizabethan Stage", Vols I-IV (Clarendon Press: 1945)
  56. ^ Desmond Bland, "Gesta Grayorum" (Liverpool University Press: 1968), pp. xxiv-xxv.
  57. ^ James Spedding, "The Life and Letters of Francis Bacon" (1872), Vol. 1, p. 325.
  58. ^ "Gesta Grayorum, The History Of the High and Mighty Prince Henry" (1688), printed by W. Canning in London, reprinted by Malone Society (Oxford University Press: 1914).
  59. ^ Public Record Office, Exchequer, Pipe Office, Declared Accounts, E. 351/542, f.107v p. 40.
  60. ^ E. K. Chambers, "The Elizabethan Stage", Vol. 1 (Clarendon Press: 1945), p. 225.
  61. ^ a b c Reginald Fletcher, (Ed.) "The Gray's Inn Pension Book 1569-1669", Vol. 1, (London: 1901), p. 101 - 107.
  62. ^ W. W. Greg, (ed.) "Gesta Grayorum", p. 23.
  63. ^ British Library, Lansdown MS 107, folio 8
  64. ^ John Nichols, "The Progresses, Processions, and Magnificent Festivities of King James the First", Vol. II (AMS Press Inc, NY: 1828), pp. 589 - 92.
  65. ^ W. W. Greg, (ed.) "Gesta Grayorum". Malone Society Reprints. Oxford University Press, 1914. p. vi.
  66. ^ James Spedding, 'A Brief Discourse tounching the Happy Union of the Kingdom of England and Scotland' (1603), in "The Life and Letters of Francis Bacon" (1872), Vol. 3, p. 98.
  67. ^ Francis Bacon, "De Augmentis", Book VII. (1623)
  68. ^ Archie Webster, Was Marlowe the Man? The National Review 82 (1923): 81-86; repr. in Peter Farey's Marlowe Page (1997-2005).
  69. ^ Much Ado About Something.
  70. ^ Peter Farey, The Reckoning Revisited (2000-2). Peter Farey's Marlowe Page (1997-2005). Accessed 13 April, 2006.
  71. ^ a b John Baker, The Case for the [sic] Christopher Marlowe's Authorship of the Works attributed to William Shakespeare. John Baker's New and Improved Marlowe/Shakespeare Thought Emporium (2002).
  72. ^ John Baker, Primary Documents Relating to Christopher Marlowe. John Baker's New and Improved Marlowe/Shakespeare Thought Emporium (2002).
  73. ^ Marlowe Alive in 1599, 1602 and 1603???!!!. John Baker's New and Improved Marlowe/Shakespeare Thought Emporium (2002). Accessed 13 April,
  74. ^ "The Truth Will Out: Unmasking the Real Shakespeare: Media Pack".
  75. ^ Terry Ross, "The Droeshout Engraving of Shakespeare: Why It's NOT Queen Elizabeth".
  76. ^ シェークスピア17作品は共著、ビッグデータで判明 www.afpbb.comからのアーカイブ, 2018年5月30日閲覧
  77. ^ シェークスピア「ヘンリー六世」は共同執筆、ビッグデータで証明 jp.reuters.comからのアーカイブ 2018年5月30日閲覧
  78. ^ Miller/Looney, Volume 2, pp. 211 - 214
  79. ^ Terry Ross, and David Kathman, Barksted and Shakespeare.
  80. ^ a b David Kathman. Dating The Tempest
  81. ^ Muir, Kenneth. "The Sources of Shakespeaere's Plays" (1978)
  82. ^ a b "Acts of the Apostles", chapters 27-28
  83. ^ (Eden: Kermode 1958 xxxii-xxxiii; Erasmus: Bullough 1975 VIII: 334-339)
  84. ^ "A Note on the Undocumented Influence of Erasmus' "Naufragium" and Richard Eden's 1555 Decades of the New World on Shakespeare's Tempest"
  85. ^ Samuel Pepys' entry of Dec. 26, 1663
  86. ^ Robert Brooner. "MACBETH AND THE GUNPOWDER PLOT"
  87. ^ Royal shakespeare Company. Macbeth-Dating the play
  88. ^ Frank Kermode, 'Macbeth', "The Riverside Shakespeare" (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974), p. 1308.
  89. ^ Alfred Harbage, "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare", 1969
  90. ^ Jardine, Lisa, and Stewart, Alan, "Hostage to Fortune, The Troubled Life of Sir Francis Bacon" (Hill and Wang: 1999), p.55
  91. ^ David Basch, "Shakespeare vs. Edward De Vere and Francis Bacon". (Orthodox) PDF.
  92. ^ Peter Bull, 'Shakespeare's Sonnets Written by Kit Marlowe'. Peter's Gemetria Site (2004).
  93. ^ C.M.Gayley, "Shakespeare and the Founders of American Liberty," 1917.
  94. ^ Kenneth Muir,"The Sources of Shakespeaere's Plays" (1978)
  95. ^ David Lindley, "Re/Kermode, Tempest References"
  96. ^ Frank Kermode, ed. "The Tempest" (London: Methuen, 1958), pp. xxxii-xxxiii.
  97. ^ Geoffrey Bullough, "Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare" (1975), vol. 8, p. 334-9.
  98. ^ Lynne Kositsky, and Roger Stritmatter, "A Note on the Undocumented Influence of Erasmus' "Naufragium" and Richard Eden's 1555 Decades of the New World on Shakespeare's Tempest"
  99. ^ The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  100. ^ Miller/Looney, "Shakespeare Identified", Vol. I p. 449
  101. ^ E. G. Swem, (Ed.), "The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London", in Jamestown 30th Anniversary Historical Booklets 1-4 (1957), pp. 55-69
  102. ^ C. M. Gayley, "Shakespeare and the Founders of Liberty in America" (1917)
  103. ^ James Spedding, "Life and Letters of Francis Bacon", Vol. 6, p. 372
  104. ^ Norman Lloyd Williams, "Sir Walter Raleigh" (Eyre and Spottiswoode: 1962), p.254 (ウェストミンスター大司教はサー・ジョン・アイシャム宛ての書簡でこう書いた。「私は死への怖れに対して彼を励まそうと思ったのだが、彼があまりにも目前の死を軽視しているので驚かされた」)
  105. ^ James Spedding, "Life and Letters of Francis Bacon", Vol. 6, p. 373 (ダドリー・カールトン曰く「彼は生き方より死に方のほうがよく分かっているようだ。罪状認否と処刑の瞬間が一番幸せそうだった」)
  106. ^ Holinshed, Raphael, "Chronicles", Vol. V: Scotland (1587), p.170
  107. ^ James Spedding, "The Life and Letters of Francis Bacon", Vol. 6, (1872), p. 356
  108. ^ George Steevens's 1793 edition of Shakespeare, quoted in "A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare: Vol. 2: Macbeth", ed. Horace Howard Furness (Philadelphia: Lipincott, 1873), p. 44.
  109. ^ Sources of Shakespeare's Works and Elizabethan Literatureシェイクスピア全作品(戯曲・詩)の創作年代、出版登録日、出版年、種本、題材、影響を受けている作品などを参照。
  110. ^ cf. J.H. Pafford, ed. "The Winter's Tale", Arden Edition, 1962, p. 66
  111. ^ A Modern Herbal: Heartsease; Warwickshire dialect is also discussed in Jonathan Bate, "The Genius of Shakespeare" OUP, 1998; and in M. Wood, "In Search of Shakespeare", BBC Books, 2003, pp. 17 - 18.
  112. ^ Irvin Leigh Matus, "Shakespeare in Fact" (1994)

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