Gertrude Baniszewskiとは? わかりやすく解説

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(Gertrude Baniszewski から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/02/12 03:01 UTC 版)

ガートルード・バニシェフスキー(Gertrude Nadine Baniszewski、(Gertrude WrightやNadine van Fossanの名でも知られる)、1929年9月19日 - 1990年6月16日)は、アメリカインディアナ州殺人者である。

  1. ^ Avenging Sylvia; Time Magazine, 27 May 1966
  2. ^ The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens "An American Crime"
  3. ^ The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens The Torture Killers on Tria
  4. ^ The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens - Baniszewski’s Background
  5. ^ a b c d The murder of Sylvia Likens; Indianapolis Star, Library Factfiles.
  6. ^ The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens: Foster Care; Crime
  7. ^ The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens: Foster Care; Crime
  8. ^ Addenda to De Sade; Time Magazine, 6 May 1966
  9. ^ a b The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens: A Dubious Start; Crime
  10. ^ "The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens." Crime Library.
  11. ^ The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens "Was She a Masochist?"
  12. ^ a b c Library Factfiles: The murder of Sylvia Likens. The Indianapolis Star. Access date: November 14, 2007.
  13. ^ a b The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens The Sexless Sex Crime
  14. ^ The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens The Brutality Escalates
  15. ^ The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens No Rescue in Sight
  16. ^ a b The Letter Before End; Crime
  17. ^ The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens: Drama in the Court Room; Crime
  18. ^ a b Suitcase of sorrow”. The Indianapolis Star, Linda Graham Caleca (4-3-99). 2009年6月8日閲覧。
  19. ^ House where 1965 murder occurred is torn down”. WIBC. 2009年6月29日閲覧。
  20. ^ The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens: In Memoriam; Crime
  21. ^ Dean, John (2008-07-29). House of Evil: The Indiana Torture Slaying. St. Martin's True Crime Library. ISBN 978-0312946999. 
  22. ^ a b c d Broeske, Pat H. "A Midwest Nightmare, Too Depraved to Ignore." New York Times. 14 January 2007.
  23. ^ Wheat, Patte (1976). By Sanction of the Victim. Major Books. ISBN 978-0890410776. OCLC 78063000. 
  24. ^ Johnson, Mendal (1974-01-01). Let's Go Play at the Adams'. Panther. ISBN 978-0586042335. 
  25. ^ Regensberg, Pam (1997年3月8日). “Santa actor being investigated in Ramsey case”. Longmont, Colorado Times-Call. 2009年11月25日閲覧。 


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