Gamma delta T cellとは? わかりやすく解説

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γδT細胞(ガンマデルタティーさいぼう)とは細胞表面に普通のT細胞とは異なったタイプのT細胞受容体を持つ細胞集団のことである。ほとんどのT細胞はα鎖、β鎖と呼ばれる2つの糖タンパク質から構成されるT細胞受容体を持つ(この一般的なT細胞はαβT細胞と呼ばれることもある)。それに対し、γδT細胞はγ鎖とδ鎖からなるT細胞受容体を持つ。このグループのT細胞はαβT細胞と比べると、はるかに少数であるが、腸粘膜における上皮細胞間リンパ球(intraepithelial lymphocutes, IELs)として知られるリンパ球集団の中では多数を占める[1]

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  3. ^ Jameson, J; Havran, WL (2007). “Skin gammadelta T-cell functions in homeostasis and wound healing”. Immunological reviews 215: 114–22. doi:10.1111/j.1600-065X.2006.00483.x. PMID 17291283. 
  4. ^ Born, WK; Reardon, CL; O'Brien, RL (2006). “The function of gammadelta T cells in innate immunity”. Current opinion in immunology 18 (1): 31–8. doi:10.1016/j.coi.2005.11.007. PMID 16337364. 
  5. ^ Morita, CT; Mariuzza, RA; Brenner, MB (2000). “Antigen recognition by human gamma delta T cells: pattern recognition by the adaptive immune system”. Springer seminars in immunopathology 22 (3): 191–217. doi:10.1007/s002810000042. PMID 11116953. 
  6. ^ Wu, Y; Wu, W; Wong, WM; Ward, E; Thrasher, AJ; Goldblatt, D; Osman, M; Digard, P et al. (2009). “Human gamma delta T cells: a lymphoid lineage cell capable of professional phagocytosis”. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 183 (9): 5622–9. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.0901772. PMID 19843947. 
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  9. ^ [1] IMGT website
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  11. ^ Garman, R; Doherty, PJ; Raulet, DH (1986). “Diversity, rearrangement, and expression of murine T cell γ genes”. Cell 45 (5): 733–742. doi:10.1016/0092-8674(86)90787-7. PMID 3486721. 
  12. ^ Hayday, AC (2000). “gammadelta cells: a right time and a right place for a conserved third way of protection.”. Annual review of immunology 18: 975–1026. doi:10.1146/annurev.immunol.18.1.975. PMID 10837080. 
  13. ^ Eberl, M; Hintz, M; Reichenberg, A; Kollas, AK; Wiesner, J; Jomaa, H (2003). “Microbial isoprenoid biosynthesis and human gammadelta T cell activation.”. FEBS Letters 544 (1-3): 4–10. doi:10.1016/S0014-5793(03)00483-6. PMID 12782281. 
  14. ^ Hewitt, RE; Lissina, A; Green, AE; Slay, ES; Price, DA; Sewell, AK (2005). “The bisphosphonate acute phase response: rapid and copious production of proinflammatory cytokines by peripheral blood gd T cells in response to aminobisphosphonates is inhibited by statins.”. Clinical and experimental immunology 139 (1): 101–11. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2249.2005.02665.x. PMC 1809263. PMID 15606619. 
  15. ^ Moser, B. and M. Eberl, gammadelta T-APCs: a novel tool for immunotherapy? Cell Mol Life Sci. 2011 Jul;68(14):2443-52. Epub 2011 May 15., 2011


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