Comfort Women (Korean prostitutes)とは? わかりやすく解説

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Comfort Women (Korean prostitutes)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2017/01/15 01:31 UTC 版)

Comfort women were prostitutes for soldiers. Most of them were professional prostitutes, some of them were sold to brokers by their parents during World War II. They also known as Kisaeng. Although South Korean insist that the women were sex slaves who forced to serve sex with Japanese soldiers, but the fact is that they charged soldiers large amount of money and some of them got married to the soldiers after the war. Briefly, what Korean call 'Comfort women' were just only prostitutes. Therefore, the Korean propaganda that they were 'Sex Slaves' is a complete fabrication. A Japanese newspaper 'ASAHI SHIMBUN' admitted that their articles about the comfort women were the absolute myth in order to disparage Japan (Although the ASAHI SHMBUN is a Japanese company) and apologised officially their fault.[1]

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