マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シーとは? わかりやすく解説

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(マンチェスター (マサチューセッツ州) から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2018/10/05 07:53 UTC 版)

マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シー (Manchester-by-the-Sea)、または単にマンチェスター (Manchester) とは、アメリカ合衆国マサチューセッツ州エセックス郡ケープアン英語版に位置する町である。景色のいい浜辺や景勝地で知られる。2010年のアメリカ合衆国国勢調査によると人口は5,136人だった[1]

  1. ^ Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 Demographic Profile Data (DP-1): Manchester-by-the-Sea town, Essex County, Massachusetts”. U.S. Census Bureau, American Factfinder. 2012年9月4日閲覧。
  2. ^ Manchester-by-the-Sea official website; accessed August 10, 2015.
  3. ^ “TOTAL POPULATION (P1), 2010 Census Summary File 1”, American FactFinder, All County Subdivisions within Massachusetts (United States Census Bureau), (2010), http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk 
  4. ^ Massachusetts by Place and County Subdivision - GCT-T1. Population Estimates, United States Census Bureau, http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/GCTTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=04000US25&-_box_head_nbr=GCT-T1&-ds_name=PEP_2009_EST&-_lang=en&-format=ST-9&-_sse=on 2011年7月12日閲覧。 
  5. ^ 1990 Census of Population, General Population Characteristics: Massachusetts, US Census Bureau, (December 1990), Table 76: General Characteristics of Persons, Households, and Families: 1990, 1990 CP-1-23, http://www.census.gov/prod/cen1990/cp1/cp-1-23.pdf 2011年7月12日閲覧。 
  6. ^ 1980 Census of the Population, Number of Inhabitants: Massachusetts, US Census Bureau, (December 1981), Table 4. Populations of County Subdivisions: 1960 to 1980, PC80-1-A23, http://www2.census.gov/prod2/decennial/documents/1980a_maABC-01.pdf 2011年7月12日閲覧。 
  7. ^ 1950 Census of Population, 1: Number of Inhabitants, Bureau of the Census, (1952), Section 6, Pages 21-10 and 21-11, Massachusetts Table 6. Population of Counties by Minor Civil Divisions: 1930 to 1950, http://www2.census.gov/prod2/decennial/documents/23761117v1ch06.pdf 2011年7月12日閲覧。 
  8. ^ 1920 Census of Population, Bureau of the Census, Number of Inhabitants, by Counties and Minor Civil Divisions. Pages 21-5 through 21-7. Massachusetts Table 2. Population of Counties by Minor Civil Divisions: 1920, 1910, and 1920, http://www2.census.gov/prod2/decennial/documents/41084506no553ch2.pdf 2011年7月12日閲覧。 
  9. ^ 1890 Census of the Population, Department of the Interior, Census Office, Pages 179 through 182. Massachusetts Table 5. Population of States and Territories by Minor Civil Divisions: 1880 and 1890, http://www2.census.gov/prod2/decennial/documents/41084506no553ch2.pdf 2011年7月12日閲覧。 
  10. ^ 1870 Census of the Population, Department of the Interior, Census Office, (1872), Pages 217 through 220. Table IX. Population of Minor Civil Divisions, &c. Massachusetts, http://www2.census.gov/prod2/decennial/documents/1870e-05.pdf 2011年7月12日閲覧。 
  11. ^ 1860 Census, Department of the Interior, Census Office, (1864), Pages 220 through 226. State of Massachusetts Table No. 3. Populations of Cities, Towns, &c., http://www2.census.gov/prod2/decennial/documents/1860a-08.pdf 2011年7月12日閲覧。 
  12. ^ 1850 Census, Department of the Interior, Census Office, (1854), Pages 338 through 393. Populations of Cities, Towns, &c., http://www2.census.gov/prod2/decennial/documents/1850c-11.pdf 2011年7月12日閲覧。 
  13. ^ a b c d American FactFinder”. United States Census Bureau Website. 2014年1月14日閲覧。
  14. ^ Kiosk Completed at Wilderness Conservation Area Gateway”. www.mect.org. 2016年4月28日閲覧。


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