ジョージ・ヒル_(バスケットボール)とは? わかりやすく解説

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ジョージ・ヒル (バスケットボール)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/09/16 16:22 UTC 版)

ジョージ・ジェシー・ヒル・ジュニアGeorge Jesse Hill Jr.1986年5月4日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国インディアナ州インディアナポリス出身のプロバスケットボール選手。ポジションはポイントガード

  1. ^ Matt Baker. IUPUI's George Hill dreams of having his name called indystar.com, June 26, 2008. - Archived at Webcite
  2. ^ Indianapolis Public Schools. 2004 BRHS Graduate Hill Picked in First Round of NBA Draft headlines.ips.k12.in.us - Archived at WebCite
  3. ^ Rabjohns, Jeff. "Magnificent Seven - Oden. Conley. McRoberts. Carney. Hill. Lee. And Gordon. Indy high school rivals, now NBA colleagues, take us back to beginning. They recall classic games back in high school -- and even elementary school", Indianapolis Star, The (IN). Final Edition, Sports, D01. (ind138231025)
  4. ^ 2007–2008 Men's Basketball Roster iupuijags.com. - Archived at Webcite
  5. ^ Hill a prototypical Spur: College coach recounts examples of toughness, talent, loyalty, desire mysanantonio.com June 27, 2008 - Archived at WebCite
  6. ^ George Hill is going to the Jazz
  7. ^ George Hill agreed to a three-year $57 mln deal with the Kings
  8. ^ Cavaliers Acquire George Hill and Rodney Hood in Three-Team Trade” (英語). NBA.com (2018年2月8日). 2018年2月9日閲覧。
  9. ^ Thorpe, David (2008年12月10日). “Rookie Watch: Welcome, Westbrook”. Weekly Rookie Rankings for ESPN. 2008年12月11日閲覧。 “However, he has a 6-foot-9 wingspan, which allows him to extend his arm past defenders.”
  10. ^ Spurs 2008 Draft : Spurs Head Coach Gregg Popovich youtube.com, (Video: coach Popovich talking about George Hill).

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