ジャマラート橋とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/12/29 02:06 UTC 版)

ジャマラート橋 (アラビア語: جسر الجمرات‎; Jisr Al-Jamaraat) は、サウジアラビアメッカ(マッカ)郊外のメナー(ミナ) (Mina, Saudi Arabiaに所在し、イスラム教徒の大巡礼(ハッジ)において悪魔に対する投石の儀式 (Stoning of the Devilに用いられる橋。

  1. ^ Minshawi.com
  2. ^ Deadly Mecca-crush Blamed on Bridge-Bottleneck”. Sydney Morning Herald (2006年1月14日). 2016年8月4日閲覧。
  3. ^ BBC News – MIDDLE EAST – Saudis identifying nationalities of 118 dead pilgrims”. bbc.co.uk. 2016年8月3日閲覧。
  4. ^ BBC NEWS – Middle East – Fourteen killed in Hajj stampede”. bbc.co.uk. 2016年8月3日閲覧。
  5. ^ BBC NEWS – Middle East – Hundreds killed in Hajj stampede”. bbc.co.uk. 2016年8月3日閲覧。
  6. ^ Hajj crush police 'not to blame'”. BBC News (2006年2月13日). 2016年8月4日閲覧。
  7. ^ Piggott, Mark (2015年9月26日). “Hajj stampede death toll ‘rises to 1,100’ as Saudi Arabia faces criticism over safety record”. itv. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/hajj-stampede-death-toll-rises-1100-saudi-arabia-faces-criticism-over-safety-record-1521334 2015年9月28日閲覧。 
  8. ^ Hajj stampede: At least 717 killed in Saudi Arabia” (2015年9月24日). 2016年8月3日閲覧。
  9. ^ Browning, Noah (2015年9月27日). “Haj death toll rises to 769, Iran denounces 'crime'”. Dubai: Reuters. 2016年8月3日閲覧。
  10. ^ Hajj ritual sees new safety moves”. BBC News (2006年1月10日). 2016年8月4日閲覧。
  11. ^ Benedictus, Leo (2015年10月3日). “Hajj crush: how crowd disasters happen, and how they can be avoided”. The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/03/hajj-crush-how-crowd-disasters-happen-and-how-they-can-be-avoided 2015年10月4日閲覧。 
  12. ^ Cooke, Rachel (2015年10月11日). “Nawal El Saadawi: ‘Do you feel you are liberated? I feel I am not’”. The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/oct/11/nawal-el-saadawi-interview-do-you-feel-you-are-liberated-not 2016年8月5日閲覧. "“This crush in Saudia Arabia!” she says, referring to the recent deaths at Mecca. “They talk about changing the way it [the hajj] is administered, about making people travel in smaller groups. What they don’t say is that the crush happened because these people were fighting to stone the devil.” Her voice is full of disdain. “Why do they need to stone the devil? Why do they need to kiss that black stone? But no one will say this. The media will not print it. What is it about, this reluctance to criticise religion?” Perhaps, I say, people worry they’ll be seen as racist. “Well, religion is the embodiment of racism. All gods are jealous. People get killed because they are not praying to the right god.” She let go of God long ago, and never looked back. “These girls [who join Isis]. There is a lot of misery among young people. They can’t get work, they are poor and unemployed. But the nonsense they read about Islam and all that… I had to get educated, I had to divorce three husbands, and there they are: ignorant, brainwashed, reading about the [so-called] equality between men and women in Islam.” She waggles a finger at me, today’s representative of the lily-livered media. “This refusal to criticise religion,” she says, sombrely. “This is not liberalism. This is censorship.”" 


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