PyTorchとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/04/17 15:00 UTC 版)

PyTorchは、コンピュータビジョン自然言語処理で利用されている[2]Torch英語版を元に作られた、Pythonオープンソース機械学習ライブラリである[3][4][5]。最初はFacebookの人工知能研究グループAI Research lab(FAIR)により開発された[6][7][8]。PyTorchはフリーでオープンソースのソフトウェアであり、修正BSDライセンスで公開されている。

  1. ^ 旧torch.quantization
  2. ^ AlexNet、SqueezeNet、GoogLeNet、MobileNet V2、VGG、MobileNet V3、ShuffleNet V2、MNASNet、DenseNet、Inception V3、ResNet、Wide ResNet、ResNeXtにも対応
  1. ^ "Release 2.2.2"; 閲覧日: 2024年4月1日; 出版日: 2024年3月27日.
  2. ^ Natural Language Processing (NLP) with PyTorch — NLP with PyTorch documentation” (英語). 2019年3月30日閲覧。
  3. ^ Yegulalp, Serdar (2017年1月19日). “Facebook brings GPU-powered machine learning to Python”. InfoWorld. 2019年3月30日閲覧。 
  4. ^ Lorica, Ben (2017年8月3日). “Why AI and machine learning researchers are beginning to embrace PyTorch”. O'Reilly Media. 2019年3月30日閲覧。
  5. ^ Ketkar, Nikhil (2017). “Introduction to PyTorch” (英語). Deep Learning with Python. Apress, Berkeley, CA. pp. 195–208. doi:10.1007/978-1-4842-2766-4_12. ISBN 9781484227657 
  6. ^ Patel, Mo (2017年12月7日). “When two trends fuse: PyTorch and recommender systems” (英語). O'Reilly Media. 2019年3月30日閲覧。 
  7. ^ Mannes, John. “Facebook and Microsoft collaborate to simplify conversions from PyTorch to Caffe2” (英語). TechCrunch. 2019年3月30日閲覧. "FAIR is accustomed to working with PyTorch — a deep learning framework optimized for achieving state of the art results in research, regardless of resource constraints. Unfortunately in the real world, most of us are limited by the computational capabilities of our smartphones and computers." 
  8. ^ Arakelyan, Sophia (2017年11月29日). “Tech giants are using open source frameworks to dominate the AI community” (英語). VentureBeat. 2019年3月30日閲覧。
  9. ^ “Uber AI Labs Open Sources Pyro, a Deep Probabilistic Programming Language” (英語). Uber Engineering Blog. (2017年11月3日). 2017年12月18日閲覧。 
  10. ^ PYTORCH-TRANSFORMERS: PyTorch implementations of popular NLP Transformers, PyTorch Hub, (2019-12-01), 2019年12月1日閲覧。 
  11. ^ GitHub - catalyst-team/catalyst: Accelerated DL & RL, Catalyst-Team, (2019-12-05), 2019年12月5日閲覧。 
  12. ^ PyTorch” (英語). 2019年12月5日閲覧。
  13. ^ a b PyTorch – About”. 2018年6月15日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2018年6月11日閲覧。
  14. ^ Synced (2018年4月2日). “Caffe2 Merges With PyTorch”. 2019年3月30日閲覧。
  15. ^ Chainer Team (2010年12月5日). “Chainer/CuPy v7のリリースと今後の開発体制について”. Chainer Blog. 2020年8月10日閲覧。
  16. ^ a b c d PyTorch 2.1: automatic dynamic shape compilation, distributed checkpointing
  17. ^ An Introduction to PyTorch – A Simple yet Powerful Deep Learning Library”. (2018年2月22日). 2018年6月11日閲覧。
  18. ^ a b c d torch.tensor PyTorch Foundation
  19. ^ Autograd PyTorch Foundation
  20. ^ Complex Numbers PyTorch Foundation
  21. ^ a b Quantization PyTorch Foundation
  22. ^ torch.Tensor — PyTorch 2.3 documentation PyTorch Foundation
  23. ^ Using FP8 with Transformer Engine NVIDIA
  24. ^ NVIDIA Ampereにおけるプルーニング対応の特徴 Impress 2020年7月20日
  25. ^ Sparse Semi-Structured Tensors PyTorch Foundation
  26. ^ a b c d e Module PyTorch Foundation
  27. ^ The C++ Frontend”. PyTorch Master Documentation. 2019年7月29日閲覧。
  28. ^ Tensor Basics PyTorch Foundation
  29. ^ a b c d PyTorch 2.0 PyTorch Foundation
  30. ^ Installation PyTorch Foundation
  31. ^ Torch-TensorRT で PyTorch の推論を最大 6 倍高速化 NVIDIA 2021年12月2日
  32. ^ DeepSpeed-MII: instant speedup on 24,000+ open-source DL models with up to 40x cheaper inference Microsoft 2022年10月10日
  33. ^ DeepSpeed Deep Dive — Model Implementations for Inference (MII) Towards Data Science 2022年11月17日
  34. ^ Getting Started with Distributed Data Parallel — PyTorch Tutorials 1.13.0+cu117 documentation PyTorch Foundation
  35. ^ Introducing PyTorch Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP) API PyTorch Foundation 2022年3月14日
  36. ^ ZeRO Microsoft
  37. ^ Efficient Memory management - FairScale documentation Facebook Research
  38. ^ ZeRO++ Microsoft
  39. ^ ZeRO-Infinity and DeepSpeed: Unlocking unprecedented model scale for deep learning training Microsoft
  40. ^ ZeRO-Offload Microsoft
  41. ^ a b Pipeline Parallelism PyTorch Foundation
  42. ^ Pipeline Parallelism - FairScale documentation Facebook Research
  43. ^ PiPPy PyTorch Foundation
  44. ^ Pipeline Parallelism - DeepSpeed Microsoft
  45. ^ PETALS: Collaborative Inference and Fine-tuning of Large Models p.2 Alexander Borzunov et al. 2023年
  46. ^ FlexGen: High-Throughput Generative Inference of Large Language Models with a Single GPU p.6 Ying Sheng et al. 2023年
  47. ^ Tensor Parallelism - torch.distributed.tensor.parallel PyTorch Foundation
  48. ^ Model Parallelism — transformers 4.11.3 documentation Hugging Face
  49. ^ a b Mixture of Experts - DeepSpeed Microsoft
  50. ^ Handling big models for inference HuggingFace
  51. ^ How 🤗 Accelerate runs very large models thanks to PyTorch HuggingFace 2022年9月27日
  52. ^ ZeRO-Inference: Democratizing massive model inference Microsoft 2022年9月9日
  53. ^ Docs > CUDA semantics - CUDA streams PyTorch Foundation
  54. ^ a b Pickle Scanning HuggingFace
  55. ^ Python pickle serialization format: format specification Kaitai Project
  56. ^ torch.onnx PyTorch Foundation
  57. ^ "TorchScript is a way to create serializable and optimizable models from PyTorch code." PyTorch. TorchScript.
  58. ^ "TorchScript is a statically typed subset of Python" PyTorch. TorchScript Language Reference.
  59. ^ "TorchScript program that can be run independently from Python, such as in a standalone C++ program." PyTorch. TorchScript.
  60. ^ "In PyTorch 1.10, we’ve added an LLVM-based JIT compiler for CPUs that can fuse together sequences of torch library calls" PyTorch. PyTorch 1.10 Release.
  61. ^ Saving and Loading Models — PyTorch Tutorials 1.12.1+cu102 documentation PyTorch Foundation
  62. ^ torch.onnx — PyTorch 1.13 documentation PyTorch Foundation
  63. ^ My spring internship – torch-mlir eager mode, OPT and blowing away the main git repo 2022年6月20日
  64. ^ "TorchScript is executed using an interpreter attached to a JIT-optimizer and compiler." PyTorch. JIT Technical Overview. 2022-03-19閲覧.
  65. ^ "The executor specializes the Graph for the particular set of inputs." PyTorch. JIT Technical Overview. 2022-03-19閲覧.
  66. ^ "It propagates constants, pre-computing as much as possible" PyTorch. JIT Technical Overview. 2022-03-19閲覧.
  67. ^ "Eliminating dead code" PyTorch. JIT Technical Overview. 2022-03-19閲覧.
  68. ^ "Scripting a function or nn.Module will inspect the source code, compile it as TorchScript code using the TorchScript compiler, and return a ScriptModule or ScriptFunction." PyTorch. TORCH.JIT.SCRIPT. 2023-08-29閲覧.
  69. ^ "Using torch.jit.trace and torch.jit.trace_module, you can turn an existing module or Python function into a TorchScript ScriptFunction or ScriptModule. You must provide example inputs, and we run the function, recording the operations performed on all the tensors." Python. TORCH.JIT.TRACE. 2023-08-29閲覧.
  70. ^ "Tracing will not record any control-flow like if-statements or loops." Python. TORCH.JIT.TRACE. 2023-08-29閲覧.
  71. ^ "FX is a toolkit for developers to use to transform nn.Module instances." PyTorch. TORCH.FX. 2022-03-23閲覧.
  72. ^ "torch.fx, a program capture and transformation library for PyTorch" Reed, et al. (2021). Torch.fx: Practical Program Capture and Transformation for Deep Learning in Python. arxiv.
  73. ^ "torch.fx represents programs in a DAG-based IR" Reed, et al. (2021). Torch.fx: Practical Program Capture and Transformation for Deep Learning in Python. arxiv.
  74. ^ "FX consists of three main components: a symbolic tracer, an intermediate representation, and Python code generation." PyTorch. TORCH.FX. 2022-03-23閲覧.
  75. ^ "graph-based ... IR ... Program transformations ... is as simple embedded programming languages that are meta-programmed from a host language, predominantly Python" Reed, et al. (2021). Torch.fx: Practical Program Capture and Transformation for Deep Learning in Python. arxiv.
  76. ^ "torch.fx provides an fx.graph_drawer package, which gives the user the ability to visualize torch.fx graphs with Graphviz" Reed, et al. (2021). Torch.fx: Practical Program Capture and Transformation for Deep Learning in Python. arxiv.
  77. ^ "Quantization makes use of torch.fx’s graph and GraphModule representation to simultaneously modify the program code and weight values." Reed, et al. (2021). Torch.fx: Practical Program Capture and Transformation for Deep Learning in Python. arxiv.
  78. ^ "6.2.2 Fusion Optimizations ... torch.fx provides the necessary non-local program context and state modification facilities needed for this transformation with its ahead-of-time, graph-based nature" Reed, et al. (2021). Torch.fx: Practical Program Capture and Transformation for Deep Learning in Python. arxiv.
  79. ^ " The project was quickly developed using torch.fx’s Python APIs as well as TensorRT’s Python APIs, creating a translation layer between the two." Reed, et al. (2021). Torch.fx: Practical Program Capture and Transformation for Deep Learning in Python. arxiv.
  80. ^ "the purposes of serialization or export. For instance, TorchScript" Reed, et al. (2021). Torch.fx: Practical Program Capture and Transformation for Deep Learning in Python. arxiv.
  81. ^ functorch.compile (experimental) — functorch 1.13 documentation PyTorch Foundation
  82. ^ functorch.compile.ts_compile — functorch 1.13 documentation PyTorch Foundation
  83. ^ TorchDynamo(torch.compile) integration in PyTorch XLA PyTorch Foundation
  84. ^ a b The Path to Achieve Ultra-Low Inference Latency With LLaMA 65B on PyTorch/XLA PyTorch Foundation
  85. ^ Quantization PyTorch Foundation
  86. ^ a b c PyTorch Mobile PyTorch Foundation
  87. ^ a b ExecuTorch PyTorch Foundation
  88. ^ torch.utils.mobile_optimizer PyTorch Foundation
  89. ^ torch.nn - Transformer Layers PyTorch Foundation
  90. ^ New Releases: PyTorch 1.2, torchtext 0.4, torchaudio 0.3, and torchvision 0.4 PyTorch Foundation 2019年8月8日
  91. ^ a b c PyTorch 2.0: Our next generation release that is faster, more Pythonic and Dynamic as ever PyTorch Foundation 2023年3月15日
  92. ^ A BetterTransformer for Fast Transformer Inference PyTorch Foundation 2022年7月12日
  93. ^ BetterTransformer - Overview Hugging Face
  94. ^ Transformer for PyTorch NVIDIA
  95. ^ Fairseq Meta AI
  96. ^ 動画も音楽もゲームも 広がるAIエンターテインメントの可能性 ITmedia 2022年11月11日
  97. ^ AltDiffusion Hugging Face
  98. ^ a b Models and pre-trained weights — Torchvision main documentation PyTorch Foundation
  99. ^ a b c d e f g New Library Updates in PyTorch 2.1 PyTorch Foundation 2023年10月4日
  100. ^ torchaudio.pipelines PyTorch Foundation
  101. ^ SST-2 Binary text classification with XLM-RoBERTa model PyTorch Foundation
  102. ^ T5-Base Model for Summarization, Sentiment Classification, and Translation PyTorch Foundation
  103. ^ torchtext.transforms PyTorch Foundation
  104. ^ Summary of the tokenizers Hugging Face
  105. ^ torchtext.vocab PyTorch Foundation
  106. ^ TorchRL PyTorch Foundation
  107. ^ a b torch.hub — PyTorch 1.13 documentation PyTorch Foundation
  108. ^ fairseq · PyPI Facebook
  109. ^ PyTorch Hub Ultralytics
  110. ^ Hugging Face Introduces Private Hub Weights & Biases 2022年8月3日
  111. ^ Integrate your library with the Hub Hugging Face
  112. ^ PyTorch 1.12: TorchArrow, Functional API for Modules and nvFuser, are now available PyTorch Foundation 2022年6月28日
  113. ^ a b NVIDIA DALI Documentation NVIDIA
  114. ^ "torch.fx.symbolic_trace() ... can’t handle control flow" PyTorch. Why do you need another way of optimizing PyTorch code? - Getting Started - TorchDynamo Overview. 2023-08-28閲覧.

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