ミューチュアリズム (経済理論)とは? わかりやすく解説

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ミューチュアリズム (経済理論)

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ミューチャリズム英語: mutualism相互主義)は、自由市場と用益権(占有と使用という不動産基準)に基づいた社会主義を提唱する経済理論であり、アナキズム学派の思想である[1]。この体制には、経営を補えるだけの最低限金利で生産者に融資を行う相互信用金庫(mutual-credit bank)の設立が不可欠である[2]。ミューチャリズムは、労働またはその製品が売却される際に、「同等の製品を生産するのに必要な労働量」を表す商品またはサービスをその対価として受け取るべきとする労働価値説に基づいている[3]。ミューチュアリズムの起源は、哲学者のピエール・ジョゼフ・プルードンの叙述である。


  1. ^ 労働時間が基準になった代替貨幣で、額面が1時間や2時間といった表記になっている。詳細は英語版en:Labor notes (currency)を参照。
  2. ^ 銀行が自由に独自の紙幣を発行できる金融制度。詳細は英語版en:Free bankingを参照。


  1. ^ Introduction”. Mutualist.org. 2010年4月29日閲覧。
  2. ^ Miller, David. 1987. "Mutualism." The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Blackwell Publishing. p. 11
  3. ^ Tandy, Francis D., 1896, Voluntary Socialism, chapter 6, paragraph 15.
  4. ^ Proudhon's Solution of the Social Problem, Edited by Henry Cohen. Vanguard Press, 1927.
  5. ^ Swartz, Clarence Lee. What is Mutualism? VI. Land and Rent
  6. ^ Woodcock, George. Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements, Broadview Press, 2004, p. 20.
  7. ^ Carson, Kevin A.Studies in Mutualist Political Economy, Preface Archived 2010-12-21 at WebCite.
  8. ^ Avrich, Paul. Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America, Princeton University Press 1996 ISBN 978-0-691-04494-1, p. 6
  9. ^ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What Is Property?, p. 281.
  10. ^ George Edward Rines, ed. (1918). Encyclopedia Americana. New York: Encyclopedia Americana Corp. p. 624. OCLC 7308909.
  11. ^ Hamilton, Peter (1995). Emile Durkheim. New York: Routledge. p. 79. ISBN 0415110475.
  12. ^ Faguet, Emile (1970). Politicians & Moralists of the Nineteenth Century. Freeport: Books for Libraries Press. p. 147. ISBN 0836918282.
  13. ^ Bowen, James & Purkis, Jon. 2004. Changing Anarchism: Anarchist Theory and Practice in a Global Age. Manchester University Press. p. 24
  14. ^ Knowles, Rob. "Political Economy from below : Communitarian Anarchism as a Neglected Discourse in Histories of Economic Thought". History of Economics Review, No.31 Winter 2000.
  15. ^ Tucker, Benjamin, State Socialism and Anarchism,State Socialism and Anarchism Archived 1999-01-17 at the Wayback Machine.
  16. ^ Fourier, Charles, Traité (1822), cited in Arthur E. Bestor, Jr., "The Evolution of the Socialist Vocabulary", Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Jun., 1948), 259-302.
  17. ^ New-Harmony Gazette, I, 301-02 (14 June 1826) cited in Arthur E. Bestor, Jr., "The Evolution of the Socialist Vocabulary", Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Jun., 1948), 259-302.
  18. ^ Woodcock, George. Anarchism: A History Of Libertarian Ideas And Movements. Broadview Press. p. 100
  19. ^ Swartz, Clarence Lee. What is Mutualism?
  20. ^ Joshua King Ingalls, "A Practical Movement for Transition," Spirit of the Age, II, 13 (March 30, 1850), pp. 202?04.
  21. ^ Albert Brisbane, "The Mutualist Township," The Spirit of the Age, II, 12 (March 23, 1850), 179-83.; II, 13 (March 30, 1850), 200-202.
  22. ^ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, "The Coming Era of Mutualism," Spirit of the Age, I, 7 (August 18, 1849), 107-08.
  23. ^ Wendy McElroy. "The culture of individualist anarchist in Late-nineteenth century America".
  24. ^ a b c d e f Eunice Minette Scuster. Native American Anarchism: A Study of Left-Wing American Individualism. Archived 13 February 2016 at the Wayback Machine.
  25. ^ Individual Liberty by Benjamin Tucker
  26. ^ a b "Anarchism" at the Encyclopædia Britannica online.
  27. ^ George Woodcock. Anarchism: a history of libertarian movements. p. 357
  28. ^ George Woodcock. Anarchism: a history of libertarian movements. p. 357
  29. ^ Rudolf Rocker. "Anarchosyndicalism".
  30. ^ History of The First International by G. M. Stekloff. London. Martin Lawrence Limited
  31. ^ History of The First International by G. M. Stekloff. London. Martin Lawrence Limited
  32. ^ History of The First International by G. M. Stekloff. London. Martin Lawrence Limited
  33. ^ History of The First International by G. M. Stekloff. London. Martin Lawrence Limited
  34. ^ Woodcock, George (1962). Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements. The World Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0140168211.
  35. ^ A Mutualist FAQ: A.4. Are Mutualists Socialists?”. Mutualist.org. 2009年6月9日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2010年4月29日閲覧。
  36. ^ McKay, Iain., An Anarchist FAQ Volume One, AK Press, 2007, pp. 23, 24.
  37. ^ Paul E. Gagnon. "Libertarian Socialism". Archived 25 March 2006 at the Wayback Machine.
  38. ^ Dolgoff, Sam., Bakunin On Anarchy, Vintage Books, 1972, pp. 366.
  39. ^ Horowitz, Irving (1964). The Anarchists. Dell Publishing. "Involved with radical politics and in his contact with the Marxists, [Proudhon] soon rejected their doctrine, seeking rather a middle way between socialist theories and classical economics".
  40. ^ Hymans, E., Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, pp. 190-191
  41. ^ Woodcock, George. Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements, Broadview Press, 2004, pp. 110-112
  42. ^ General Idea of the Revolution, Pluto Press, pp. 215-16, 277
  43. ^ Carson, Kevin. Studies in Mutualist Political Economy. Archived 21 December 2010 at WebCite.
  44. ^ Carson, Kevin. Mutualist Political Economy. Preface. Archived 21 December 2010 at WebCite.
  45. ^ "RECD = Really Existing Capitalist Democracy by Noam Chomsky".
  46. ^ Carson, Kevin. "Carson's Rejoinders". Journal of Libertarian Studies, Volume 20, No. 1 (Winter 2006): 97-136, pp. 116-17
  47. ^ McKay, Iain. An Anarchist FAQ Volume One, AK Press, 2007, pp. 227.
  48. ^ Caron, Kevin (2001). "The Iron Fist Behind The Invisible Hand Corporate Capitalism As a State-Guaranteed System of Privilege". Mutualist.org. Retrieved 19 December 2019.
  49. ^ System of Economical Contradictions, p. 202
  50. ^ Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century. Translated by John Beverly Robinson. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1923, 1969 [1851]. p. 243.
  51. ^ Bookchin, Murray (1996), The Third Revolution: Popular Movements in the Revolutionary Era, Volume 2, A&C Black, p. 115, "Proudhon made the bright suggestion, in his periodical , that the mass democracy of the clubs could become a popular forum where the social agenda of the revolution could be prepared for use by the Constituent Assembly-a proposal that would essentially have defused the potency of the clubs as a potentially rebellious dual power." 
  52. ^ Lenin, Vladimir (1917年4月). “The Dual Power”. 2019年12月28日閲覧。
  53. ^ Lenin, Vladimir (1917年5月). “Has Dual Power Disappeared?”. 2019年12月28日閲覧。
  54. ^ Trotsky, Leon (1930年). “Dual Power”. 2019年12月28日閲覧。
  55. ^ Some background about the name: What is mutualism?”. Mutualism.de. 2010年4月29日閲覧。
  56. ^ Guerin, Daniel (ed.) No Gods, No Masters, AK Press, vol. 1, p. 62
  57. ^ The General Idea of the Revolution, Pluto Press, pp. 277, 281
  58. ^ "Introduction", General Idea of the Revolution, p. xxxii
  59. ^ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and the Rise of French Republican Socialism, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1984, pp. 156, 230
  60. ^ Anderson, Edwin Robert. 1911. The Income Tax: A Study of the History, Theory and Practice of Income Taxation at Home and Abroad. The MacMillan Company. p. 279
  61. ^ Burton, Richard D. E. 1991. Baudelaire and the Second Republic: Writing and Revolution. Oxford University Press. p. 122
  62. ^ Corkran, John Frazer. 1849. History of the National Constituent Assembly, from May, 1848. Harper & Brothers. p. 275
  63. ^ a b Martin, Henri, & Alger, Abby Langdon. A Popular History of France from the First Revolution to the Present Time. D. Estes and C.E. Lauria. p. 189
  64. ^ Augello, Massimo M., Luigi, Marco Enrico. 2005. Economists in Parliament in the Liberal Age. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. p. 123
  65. ^ "Suppose that all the producers in the republic, numbering more than ten millions, tax themselves, each one, to the amount of only one per cent of their capital ... Suppose that by means of this tax a bank be founded, in Competition with the Bank (miscalled) of France, discounting and giving credit on mortgages at the rate of one-half of one per cent." Henry Cohen, ed. Proudhon's Solution of the Social Problem. Vanguard Press, 1927. pp. 118-19.
  66. ^ Henry Cohen, ed. Proudhon's Solution of the Social Problem. Vanguard Press, 1927. p. 46.
  67. ^ Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph. What is Property?.
  68. ^ Ward, Colin (2004). Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction.
  69. ^ Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph. What Is Property?.
  70. ^ Swartz, Clarence Lee. What Is Mutualism.
  71. ^ Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph. What Is Property? p. 118.
  72. ^ Quoted by James J. Martin. Men Against the State. p. 223.
  73. ^ Friedland, William H.; Rosberg, Carl G. (1965). African Socialism. Stanford University Press. p. 25. ISBN 978-0804702034. https://books.google.com/books?id=pjasAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover 
  74. ^ B.3 Why are anarchists against private property?”. An Anarchist FAQ. 2017年11月14日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2018年4月29日閲覧。
  75. ^ End Private Property, Not Kenny Loggins”. Jacobin. 2017年10月26日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2018年4月29日閲覧。
  76. ^ Déjacque, Joseph (1857). "De l'être-humain mâle et femelle – Lettre à P.J. Proudhon par Joseph Déjacque" (in French).
  77. ^ The Anarchist FAQ Editorial Collective (2008). "150 years of Libertarian". Archived 28 December 2012 at Archive.is. Retrieved 16 July 2019.
  78. ^ Mouton, Jean Claude. “Le Libertaire, Journal du mouvement social” (French). 2019年7月12日閲覧。
  79. ^ Woodcock, George (1962). Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements. Meridian Books. p. 280. "He called himself a "social poet," and published two volumes of heavily didactic verse—Lazaréennes and Les Pyrénées Nivelées. In New York, from 1858 to 1861, he edited an anarchist paper entitled Le Libertaire, Journal du Mouvement Social, in whose pages he printed as a serial his vision of the anarchist Utopia, entitled L'Humanisphére."
  80. ^ Graham, Robert (2005). Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas: From Anarchy to Anarchism (300 Ce to 1939). Black Rose Books. ISBN 978-1-55164-251-2. https://books.google.com/books?id=9c9nQgAACAAJ 
  81. ^ Déjaque, Joseph (21 September 1858). "l'Echange" (in French). Le Libertaire (6). New York.
  82. ^ Pengam, Alain. "Anarchist-Communism". According to Pengam, D?jacque criticized Proudhon as far as "the Proudhonist version of Ricardian socialism, centred on the reward of labour power and the problem of exchange value. In his polemic with Proudhon on women's emancipation, Déjacque urged Proudhon to push on 'as far as the abolition of the contract, the abolition not only of the sword and of capital, but of property and authority in all their forms,' and refuted the commercial and wages logic of the demand for a 'fair reward' for 'labour' (labour power). Déjacque asked: 'Am I thus right to want, as with the system of contracts, to measure out to each-according to their accidental capacity to produce?what they are entitled to?' The answer given by D?jacque to this question is unambiguous: 'it is not the product of his or her labour that the worker has a right to, but to the satisfaction of his or her needs, whatever may be their nature.' [...] For Déjacque, on the other hand, the communal state of affairs?the phalanstery 'without any hierarchy, without any authority' except that of the 'statistics book'?corresponded to 'natural exchange,' i.e. to the 'unlimited freedom of all production and consumption; the abolition of any sign of agricultural, individual, artistic or scientific property; the destruction of any individual holding of the products of work; the demonarchisation and the demonetarisation of manual and intellectual capital as well as capital in instruments, commerce and buildings."
  83. ^ The Anarchist FAQ Editorial Collective (2017). "160 years of Libertarian". Retrieved 16 July 2019.
  84. ^ Nettlau, Max (1996) (English). A Short History of Anarchism. London: Freedom Press. p. 162. ISBN 978-0-900384-89-9. OCLC 37529250 
  85. ^ Fernandez, Frank (2001). Cuban Anarchism. The History of a Movement. Sharp Press. p. 9. "Thus, in the United States, the once exceedingly useful term "libertarian" has been hijacked by egotists who are in fact enemies of liberty in the full sense of the word."
  86. ^ "The Week Online Interviews Chomsky". Z Magazine. 23 February 2002. Retrieved 12 July 2019. "The term libertarian as used in the US means something quite different from what it meant historically and still means in the rest of the world. Historically, the libertarian movement has been the anti-statist wing of the socialist movement. In the US, which is a society much more dominated by business, the term has a different meaning. It means eliminating or reducing state controls, mainly controls over private tyrannies. Libertarians in the US don't say let's get rid of corporations. It is a sort of ultra-rightism."
  87. ^ Ward, Colin (2004). Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. p. 62. "For a century, anarchists have used the word 'libertarian' as a synonym for 'anarchist', both as a noun and an adjective. The celebrated anarchist journal Le Libertaire was founded in 1896. However, much more recently the word has been appropriated by various American free-market philosophers."
  88. ^ Robert Graham, ed (2005). Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas. Volume One: From Anarchy to Anarchism (300 CE-1939). Montreal: Black Rose Books. §17 
  89. ^ Marshall, Peter (2009). Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism. p. 641. "The word 'libertarian' has long been associated with anarchism, and has been used repeatedly throughout this work. The term originally denoted a person who upheld the doctrine of the freedom of the will; in this sense, Godwin was not a 'libertarian', but a 'necessitarian'. It came however to be applied to anyone who approved of liberty in general. In anarchist circles, it was first used by Joseph Déjacque as the title of his anarchist journal Le Libertaire, Journal du Mouvement Social published in New York in 1858. At the end of the last century, the anarchist Sebastien Faure took up the word, to stress the difference between anarchists and authoritarian socialists".
  90. ^ The persistent claim that Proudhon proposed a labor currency has been challenged as a misunderstanding or misrepresentation. See, for example, McKay, Iain. "Proudhon’s Constituted Value and the Myth of Labour Notes." Anarchist Studies. Spring 2017.
  91. ^ Kropotkin, Peter. The Wage System, Freedom Pamphlets No. 1, New Edition 1920
  92. ^ Woodcock, George (2004). Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements. Broadview Press. p. 168.
  93. ^ Bookchin, Murray. The Spanish Anarchists. AK Press. 1996. p. 25
  94. ^ Cited in Bookchin, Murray (1995). Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism. From Maximoff, G. P. (1953). Political Philosophy of Bakunin. p. 167.
  95. ^ a b Carson, Kevin (28 June 2006). Mutualist Political Economy. BookSurge Publishing. p. 200. ISBN 978-1419658693.
  96. ^ Reisman, George. "Mutualism's Support for the Exploitation of Labor and State Coercion".
  97. ^ Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph. What Is Property?. p. 118. "The purchaser draws boundaries, fences himself in, and says, 'This is mine; each one by himself, each one for himself.' Here, then, is a piece of land upon which, henceforth, no one has right to step, save the proprietor and his friends; which can benefit nobody, save the proprietor and his servants. Let these multiply, and soon the people [...] will have nowhere to rest, no place of shelter, no ground to till. They will die of hunger at the proprietor's door, on the edge of that property which was their birth-right; and the proprietor, watching them die, will exclaim, 'So perish idlers and vagrants'".
  98. ^ Martin, James J. Men Against the State. p. 223.

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