ポン・レヴェック (チーズ)とは? わかりやすく解説

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ポン・レヴェック (チーズ)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/07/22 20:09 UTC 版)

ポン・レヴェック (Pont-l'Évêque) は、フランスノルマンディー地方のウォッシュチーズ。牛の乳で作られたチーズを塩水で洗うことで、腐敗菌を排除し特定の菌のみを繁殖させることで熟成させる。

  1. ^ Leanne Kitchen The Dairy 2008 - Page 149 "Pont-l'évêque - Named after the village in Normandy where it supposedly first appeared, this cheese is one of the most popular in France. An old cheese, it dates from at least the 12th century, when it was made by monks; it was once known as 'white meat' as it was eaten instead of meat on fasting days .. Pont l'évêque is a cow's milk cheese, with a full, rich, sweet, slightly tangy flavour profile and a thin brownish rind; it is very similar to livarot, another washed-rind......"

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