ホコサキとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2019/07/09 09:32 UTC 版)

ホコサキ Carcharhinus maclotiメジロザメ属に属するサメの一種。インド太平洋熱帯域に広く分布し、沿岸に生息する。吻の軟骨が高度に石灰化して硬くなることが特徴で、英名Hardnose sharkもこれに由来する。小型のサメで、全長1.1m。体は細く、背鰭の後端が長く伸びる。体色は青銅色。群居性で、主に硬骨魚を食べる。胎生で2年毎に1-2匹の仔を産む。分布域全域で漁が行われており、IUCN保全状況準絶滅危惧としている。

  1. ^ a b c d Simpfendorfer, C.A.; Stevens, J. (2003年). "Carcharhinus macloti". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature.
  2. ^ a b c d Last, P.R.; Stevens, J.D. (2009). Sharks and Rays of Australia (second ed.). Harvard University Press. pp. 266–267. ISBN 0674034112. 
  3. ^ Müller, J.; Henle, F.G.J. (1839). Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen (volume 2). Veit und Comp.. p. 34. 
  4. ^ Garrick, J.A.F. (1985). Additions to a revision of the shark genus Carcharhinus: Synonymy of Aprionodon and Hypoprion, and description of a new species of Carcharhinus (Carcharhinidae). NOAA Technical Report NMFS-34: 1–26.
  5. ^ a b c d e Voigt, M.; Weber, D. (2011). Field Guide for Sharks of the Genus Carcharhinus. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. pp. 80–81. ISBN 978-3-89937-132-1. 
  6. ^ Compagno, L.J.V. (1988). Sharks of the Order Carcharhiniformes. Princeton University Press. pp. 319–320. ISBN 0-691-08453-X. 
  7. ^ Naylor, G.J.P. (1992). “The phylogenetic relationships among requiem and hammerhead sharks: inferring phylogeny when thousands of equally most parsimonious trees result”. Cladistics 8 (4): 295–318. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.1992.tb00073.x. 
  8. ^ Vélez-Zuazoa, X.; Agnarsson, I. (February 2011). “Shark tales: A molecular species-level phylogeny of sharks (Selachimorpha, Chondrichthyes)”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 58 (2): 207–217. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.11.018. PMID 21129490. 
  9. ^ Naylor, G.J.; Caira, J.N.; Jensen, K.; Rosana, K.A.; Straube, N.; Lakner, C. (2012). “Elasmobranch phylogeny: A mitochondrial estimate based on 595 species”. In Carrier, J.C.; Musick, J.A.; Heithaus, M.R., eds. The Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives (second ed.). CRC Press. pp. 31–57. ISBN 1-4398-3924-7. 
  10. ^ Costa, S.A.R.F.; Richter, M.; de Toledo, P.M.; Moraes-Santos, H.M. (2009). “Shark teeth from Pirabas Formation (Lower Miocene), northeastern Amazonia, Brazil”. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi Ciencias Naturais 4 (3): 221–230. 
  11. ^ a b c Compagno, L.J.V. (1984). Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. pp. 486–487. ISBN 9251013845. 
  12. ^ Jalali, R.M.H.; Mazaheri, Y.; Peyghan, R. (2008). “Acanthocheilus rotundatus (Nematoda: Acanthocheilidae) from the intestine of shark (Carcharhinus macloti) in Persian Gulf, Iran”. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research 9 (2): 178–180. 
  13. ^ Schaeffner, B.C.; Beveridge, I. (2013). “Redescriptions and new records of species of Otobothrium Linton, 1890 (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha)”. Systematic Parasitology 84 (1): 17–55. doi:10.1007/s11230-012-9388-1. PMID 23263940. 


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