ソドマとは? わかりやすく解説


名前 Sodoma


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/10/05 03:04 UTC 版)

ソドマ(Il Sodoma, 1477年 - 1549年2月14日?)は、マニエリスム期のイタリア画家。本名はジョヴァンニ・アントニオ・バッツィ(Giovanni Antonio Bazzi)[1]。ソドマの絵は、シエナ派の伝統的様式の上に、16世紀ローマ盛期ルネサンス様式を付加した手法で描かれている。2度のローマ滞在を除けば、生涯のほとんどをシエナで過ごした。


  1. ^ File:Sodoma_002.jpg 参考画像
  2. ^ File:Sodoma_001.jpg 参考画像


  1. ^ Also wrongly spelled Razzi. The artist's real surname is uncertain. He is said to have borne the family name of "Sodona" but also the name "Tizzioni". Sodona is the signature on some of his pictures. While Bazzi was corrupted into Razzi, Sodona may have been corrupted into "Sodoma". Whatever the origin, the name indicate that the artist was homosexual.
  2. ^ A minor painter, called "archaic" by Freedberg 1993:117, of whom one signed picture is known.
  3. ^ Morelli, in his Italian Pictures in German Galleries claimed that he ripened into an artist only during two years (1498 - 1500) that he spent with Leonardo in Milan.
  4. ^ Bartalini, Roberto (September 2001). “Sodoma, the Chigi and the Vatican Stanze”. The Burlington Magazine 143 (1182): pp. 544-553.  Zambrano, Patrizia (September 1994). “A New Scene by Sodoma from the Ceiling of Palazzo Chigi at Casato di Sotto, Siena”. The Burlington Magazine 136 (1098): pp. 609-612. . Sigismondo was the guarantor of Sodoma's performance for Julius, October 1508, and his brother Agostino became Sodoma's notable patron.
  5. ^ Illustration.
  6. ^ Recent cleaning revealed the essential intergrity of Sodoma's existing ceilings, illustrated by Bartalini 2001.
  7. ^ Freedberg (1993:117) notes the source of his Crucifixion (Pinacoteca, Siena) in the composition of an altar for Santissima Annunziata, Florence, begun by Filippino Lippi and finished by Perugino.
  8. ^ A dispute concerning the painting and a tondo now in the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, was resolved in 1536; Wolfgang Loseries, "Sodoma's 'Holy Family' in Baltimore: The 'Lost' Arduini tondo" The Burlington Magazine 136 No. 1092 (March 1994), pp. 168-170 notes a miniature dated 1532 that adapts Sodoma's composition.
  9. ^ The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine”. 2011年6月4日時点のオリジナル[リンク切れ]よりアーカイブ。2014年5月24日閲覧。



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