ケーララの赤い雨とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/02/17 05:57 UTC 版)


  1. ^ a b Gentleman, Amelia; Robin McKie (2006年). “Red rain could prove that aliens have landed”. Guardian Unlimited. 2006年3月12日閲覧。
  2. ^ a b JULY 28, 2001, The Hindu: Multicolour rain
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Louis, G.; Kumar A.S. (2006). “The red rain phenomenon of Kerala and its possible extraterrestrial origin”. Astrophysics and Space Science 302: 175. doi:10.1007/s10509-005-9025-4. http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0601022v1 2008年6月6日閲覧. "全文を読むのは有料である ([1])" 
  4. ^ a b Ramakrishnan, Venkitesh (2001年7月30日). “Colored rain falls on Kerala”. BBC. 2006年3月6日閲覧。
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i Sampath, S.; Abraham, T. K., Sasi Kumar, V., & Mohanan, C.N. (2001). “Colored Rain: A Report on the Phenomenon.” (PDF). Cess-Pr-114-2001 (Center for Earth Science Studies and Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute). http://web.archive.org/web/20060613135746/http://www.geocities.com/iamgoddard/Sampath2001.pdf 2009年8月30日閲覧。. 
  6. ^ a b Radhakrishnan, M. G. (2001年). “Scarlets Of Fire”. India Today. 2006年3月6日閲覧。
  7. ^ Mystery of the scarlet rains and other talesTimes of India, 6 August 2001
  8. ^ Now wells form spontaneously in KeralaTimes of India, 5 August 2001 (from the Internet Archive)
  9. ^ DiGregorio, Barry E. (2007). “What made the rain red in India? Isotopic analysis points to a terrestrial origin for the unusual organic particles that colored the rain like blood.”. Analytical Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) 79 (9): 3238. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ac071901u 2010年2月27日閲覧。. 
  10. ^ a b c “Red rain was fungus, not meteor”. Indian Express. (2001年8月6日). http://www.indianexpress.com/res/web/pIe/ie20010806/nat10.html 2008年5月31日閲覧。 
  11. ^ It's raining aliens]”. 2008年6月3日閲覧。 “transcript of a New Scientist podcast http://www.newscientist.com/podcast.ns”
  12. ^ Benfield, Chris (2008年6月3日). “Is mysterious ‘red rain’ first evidence of life in space?”. Yorkshire Today. http://www.yorkshiretoday.co.uk/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=55&ArticleID=1375334 2008年6月3日閲覧。 
  13. ^ 1 April 2006, New Scientist: Red rain fantasies
  14. ^ Satyanarayana, M.; Veerabuthiran S., Ramakrishna Rao D. Presennakumar B. (2004). “Colored Rain on the West Coastal Region of India: Was it Due to a Dust Storm”. Aerosol Science and Technology 28: 24–26. 
  15. ^ Veerabuthiran, S.; Satyanarayana, M. (June 2003). “Lidar observations on atmospheric dust transported from south-west Asia to Indian west coast region: A case study of colour rain event occurred during July 2001”. Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics 32: 158–165. http://www.niscair.res.in/sciencecommunication/ResearchJournals/rejour/ijrsp/ijrsp2k3/ijrsp_jun03.htm#p6 2008年5月30日閲覧。. 
  16. ^ Varma, M. Dinesh (2001年9月1日). “Theory links 'scarlet rain' to Mayon volcano”. The Hindu. http://www.hinduonnet.com/2001/09/01/stories/0401211v.htm 2008年5月26日閲覧。 
  17. ^ Mayon eruption status update June 2001”. 2008年5月26日閲覧。
  18. ^ Jet Streams around the World”. BBC Weather Centre. 2008年5月26日閲覧。
  19. ^ McCafferty, Partick (2008). “Bloody rain again! Red rain and meteors in history and myth”. International Journal of Astrobiology 7. doi:10.1017/S1473550407003904. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?aid=1661980 2008年5月31日閲覧。. 
  20. ^ Louis, Godfrey; Kumar, A. Santhosh (2003年10月5日). “Cometary panspermia explains the red rain of Kerala”. arXiv. 2008年6月1日閲覧。
  21. ^ “'Extraterrestrial Life' in Red Rain of Kerala”. Earthfiles. (2006年8月6日). http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_kerala11.htm 2009年10月11日閲覧。 
  22. ^ "Red rain cell research: A new perspective for interplanetary transfer of life." EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 4, EPSC2009-707-1, 2009. European Planetary Science Congress.
  23. ^ "An optical spectroscopic study correlating the yellow rain and cultured red rain microbes." Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7441, 74410N (11 September 2009); doi:10.1117/12.826780
  24. ^ Louis, Godfrey; Kumar, A. Santhosh (2003年12月29日). “New biology of red rain extremophiles prove cometary panspermia”. arXiv. 2008年6月1日閲覧。
  25. ^ Godfrey Louis and A. Santhosh Kumar. “Unusual autofluorescence of cultured red-rain cells”. SPIE Symposium, San Diego, California 2008. 2009年9月1日閲覧。
  26. ^ Latest India News @ NewKerala.Com, India
  27. ^ “‘Fish rain’ takes Kerala villagers by surprise”. The Financial Express. (2008年2月12日). http://www.financialexpress.com/news/Fish-rain-takes-Kerala-villagers-by-surprise/272219/ 2008年5月27日閲覧。 


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