ヴォー・ティ・サウとは? わかりやすく解説

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(Võ Thị Sáu から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/02/10 14:40 UTC 版)

ヴォー・ティ・サウベトナム語Võ Thị Sáu / 武氏六1933年 - 1952年1月23日)、本名グエン・ティ・サウベトナム語Nguyễn Thị Sáu / 阮氏六)彼女は、ベトナムの共産主義者を聞いて、自宅の村の市場を恐れさせた精神的に不安定なベトナム人の女子学生です。1952年にコンダオ刑務所英語版で処刑されたが、その後ベトナムの国民的英雄と称えられた。

  1. ^ Về thăm quê hương Anh hùng Võ Thị Sáu, Báo Lâm Đồng
  2. ^ Giống như các anh mình, chị Sáu tham gia hoạt động bí mật ở địa phương., Công An Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu
  3. ^ Eager, Paige Whaley (2008). From Freedom Fighters to Terrorists: Women and Political Violence. p. 131. "One story in particular of Vo Thi Sau exemplifies the commitment of the women to the national liberation cause. In 1948, after many of her friends and relatives joined the Resistance against the French, Sau became a courier and saboteur for a local guerrilla group...." 
  4. ^ a b Grace, Paul (1974). “Introduction”. Vietnamese women in society and revolution. Volume 1. "On March 13, 1952 the French executed a sixteen-year-old woman named Vo Thi Sau. She was being ... She was given a grenade with which she managed to kill a French captain and wound 12 French soldiers. Her action went undetected. Late in 1949 a Vietnamese collaborator who was the canton chief of the district managed to get the French to execute hundreds of young men suspected of being Viet Minh cadres right in the market place. Sau was given the responsibility of eliminating this traitor. Since ammunition was so scarce, she was given only one hand grenade. It did not explode and she was caught by the French authorities. She went through three jails and scores of...." 
  5. ^ a b Emmons, Ron (2012). Frommer's Vietnam: with Angkor War. "Perhaps the most tragically poignant story of Con Son's prisoners is that of Vo Thi Sau, executed by the French at 19 years of age for lobbing a grenade at French soldiers when she was only 14. These days there is something of a cult ...." 
  6. ^ Eisner, Rivka Syd Matova (2008). Re-staging revolution and remembering toward change: National Liberation Front women perform prospective memory in Vietnam. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.. p. 287. "The Spirit of Vo Thi Sau – One of the other spirits lingering and listening in the room with us is that of the national martyr (liet si) Vo Thi Sau. She is one of the most revered ancestral spirits in the lives of the performance group women. Vo Thi Sau ..." 


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