Bluefishとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/05/28 20:03 UTC 版)

オキスズキ(学名:Pomatomus saltatrix) は、スズキ目オキスズキ科に属する海水魚の一種で、アミキリという名称のほうが一般的。太平洋北部・東部を除く、全世界の温帯から亜熱帯に生息する回遊性魚類で、日本近海にはいない。オーストラリアではtailor[2]南アフリカ東岸ではshad、西岸ではelfと呼ばれる。他の名としては blue・chopper・anchoaなどがある[3]。独特の風味は好き嫌いがあるものの、一般に食味はよいとされ、ゲームフィッシュとしても人気がある。

  1. ^ Carpenter, K.E., Ralph, G., Pina Amargos, F., Collette, B.B., Singh-Renton, S., Aiken, K.A., Dooley, J. & Marechal, J. 2015. Pomatomus saltatrix (errata version published in 2017). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T190279A115314064. Accessed on 29 October 2023.
  2. ^ CAAB taxon report for Pomatomus saltatrix at the CSIRO
  3. ^ Bluefish Identification”. 2014年11月4日閲覧。
  4. ^ a b c d e Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2006). "Pomatomus saltatrix" in FishBase. March 2006 version.
  5. ^
  6. ^ McBride, R. S., Conover, D. O. 1991. Recruitment of young-of-the-year bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix to the New York Bight - variation in abundance and growth of spring-spawned and summer-spawned cohorts. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 78(3): 205-216,
  7. ^ McBride, R. S., Ross, J. L., Conover, D. O. 1993. Recruitment of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix to estuaries of the U.S. South Atlantic bight. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 91(2): 389-395,
  8. ^ McBride, R. S., Scherer, M. D., Powell, J. C. 1995. Correlated variations in abundances, size, growth, and loss rates of age-0 bluefish in a southern New England estuary. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 124(6): 898-910, DOI: 10.1577/1548-8659(1995)124<0898:CVIASG>2.3.CO;2
  9. ^ a b c Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766) FAO, Species Fact Sheet. Retrieved October 2012.
  10. ^ Pomatomus saltatrix (Bluefish)”. 2014年11月4日閲覧。
  11. ^ Common Name: Bluefish”. 2014年11月4日閲覧。
  12. ^ Saving the Sultan of Fish”. 2014年11月4日閲覧。
  13. ^ Pomatomus Saltatrix
  14. ^ Norcross, J. J., Richardson, S. L., Massmann, W. H., Joseph, E. B. 1974. Development of young bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix and distribution of eggs and young in Virginian coastal waters. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 103:477-497.
  15. ^ Ditty, J. G., Shaw, R. F. 1993.
  16. ^ Kendall, A. W., and Lionel A. Walford. (1979). “Sources and distribution of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, larvae and juveniles off the east coast of the United States”. Fishery Bulletin 77 (1): 213-227. 
  17. ^ Schultz, Ken (2009) Ken Schultz's Essentials of Fishing John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9780470444313.
  18. ^ Based on data sourced from the FishStat database
  19. ^ Bluefish_ Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern US”. 2014年11月4日閲覧。
  20. ^ Ulanski, Stan (2011) Fishing North Carolina's Outer Banks University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 9780807872079.
  21. ^ Lovko, Vincent J. (2008) Pathogenicity of the Purportedly Toxic Dinoflagellates Pfiesteria Piscicida and Pseudopfiesteria Shumwayae and Related Species ProQuest. ISBN 9780549882640.
  22. ^ "Un depredador rápido y muy voraz con dientes de sierra (in Spanish)" El País, July 14, 2006
  23. ^ Ceyhan, Tevfik, et al. (2007). “Age, growth, and reproductive season of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) in the Marmara region, Turkey”. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 64 (3): 531-536. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsm026. 
  24. ^ Bluefish FishWatch, NOAA. Retrieved 5 October 2012.
  25. ^ Istanbul Celebrates New Hope for a Favorite Fish With First-Annual 'Lüfer Festival'”. 2014年11月4日閲覧。
  26. ^ Shad or Elf - Rock Surf and Sea Fishing


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