教皇選挙賭博とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/05/18 16:24 UTC 版)

教皇選挙賭博 (Gambling on papal elections) は少なくとも500年の歴史を持ち、16世紀のコンクラーヴェ(教皇選挙)に際して行われた賭博が最も古い記録として残っている[1]。当時のイタリアでは(例えばヴェネツィアのドージェを決める会議など)非宗教的な「選挙」であればその結果に関して賭博が行われることはごく一般的だった[2]

  1. ^ a b c Paul W. Rhode and Koleman Strumpf. 2008. "Historical Political Futures Markets: An International Perspective Archived 2010年7月11日, at the Wayback Machine.". NBER Working Paper 14377.
  2. ^ Jonathan Walker. 1999. "Gambling and the Venetian Noblemen, c. 1500-1700". Past and Present. No. 162: 28-69.
  3. ^ Clark, 14
  4. ^ Baumgartner, 2003, pp. 88, 250.
  5. ^ Melissa Meriam Bullard, Filippo Strozzi and the Medici, Cambridge Univ. Press (1980), p. 72 n. 36.
  6. ^ Baumgartner, 1985, p. 305.
  7. ^ a b Baumgartner, 1985, p. 306.
  8. ^ Baumgartner, 1985, p. 308.
  9. ^ Baumgartner, 1985, p. 310.
  10. ^ Noelle Knox. 2005, April 18. "Gamblers bet on who will be chosen as next pope". USA Today.
  11. ^ Peters, Edward. 2013, February 26. "Betting on the Conclave". In Light of the Law.
  12. ^ New York Times. 1878, March 2. "The Death of Pope Pius IX". p. 2.
  13. ^ Atlanta Constitution. 1903, July 11. p. 3; Chicago Tribune. 1903, July 27.p. 4; Los Angeles Times. 1903, August 18. p. 5; Scotsman. 1922, January 24. p. 4; Scotsman. 1922, February 7. p. 5.
  14. ^ New York Times. 1903, July 11. "Pope Leo's Life Slowly Ebbing". p. 2.
  15. ^ a b c d Peter Gould. 2005, April 22. "Bets open on Benedict's successor". BBC News.
  16. ^ Shawn Pogatchnik. 2005, April 18. "Picking the pope a gambler's science at top bookmaker in Ireland". AP.
  17. ^ Frank Delaney. 2005, August 18. "Holy Rollers And Papal Perfectas". New York Times.
  18. ^ Don Fernandez. 2005, April 15. "Online and off, bettors pin hopes on a pope". Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
  19. ^ Helen Kennedy. 2005, April 16. "Big Bucks Riding on Red Hats". New York Daily News.
  20. ^ http://www.gambling-law-us.com/Federal-Laws/wire-act.htm
  21. ^ a b http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/25/us/online-gaming-loses-obstacle-at-justice-department.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&
  22. ^ アーカイブされたコピー”. 2012年10月10日時点のオリジナル[リンク切れ]よりアーカイブ。2012年10月4日閲覧。
  23. ^ a b http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/22/4016844/nevada-legislature-legalizes-interstate-online-poker


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