合成音声とは? わかりやすく解説

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音声合成(おんせいごうせい、: speech synthesis)とは、人間音声を人工的に作り出すことである[1]


  1. ^ "Speech synthesis is the task of generating speech waveforms" Wang, et al. (2021). FAIRSEQ S2 : A Scalable and Integrable Speech Synthesis Toolkit.
  2. ^ 【Hope】失った私の声で会話を/AI学習 そっくり再現:ベンチャー無償提供がん患者らに希望東京新聞』夕刊2022年8月20日1面(2022年8月27日閲覧)
  3. ^ a b "with desired characteristics, including but not limited to textual content ..., speaker identity ..., and speaking styles" Wang, et al. (2021). FAIRSEQ S2 : A Scalable and Integrable Speech Synthesis Toolkit.
  4. ^ History and Development of Speech Synthesis (Helsinki University of Technology) - 英語
  5. ^ Mattingly, Ignatius G. Speech synthesis for phonetic and phonological models. In Thomas A. Sebeok (Ed.), Current Trends in Linguistics, Volume 12, Mouton, The Hague, pp. 2451-2487, 1974.
  6. ^ http://query.nytimes.com/search/query?ppds=per&v1=GERSTMAN%2C%20LOUIS&sort=newest Louis Gerstmanの死亡記事(NYタイムス)
  7. ^ Bell Labs: Where "HAL" First Spoke (Bell Labs Speech Synthesis website)
  8. ^ ロボホン”. robohon.com. 2018年11月28日閲覧。
  9. ^ “AIアナウンサー”がラジオ放送 Amazonの音声合成技術で」『ITmedia NEWS』。2018年11月28日閲覧。
  10. ^ 徳田, 恵一 (2015). “統計的音声合成技術の現在・過去・未来”. 音声言語シンポジウム IEICE-115 (346). ISSN 0913-5685. 
  11. ^ 徳田, 恵一 (2017). “風雲急を告げる音声合成研究の最新動向”. 情報・システムソサイエティ誌 (電子情報通信学会) 21 (4): 10–11. doi:10.1587/ieiceissjournal.21.4_10. ISSN 2189-9797. NAID 130005312792. 
  12. ^ 全, 炳河 (2018). “テキスト音声合成技術の変遷と最先端”. 日本音響学会誌 74 (7): 387–393. 
  13. ^ Klatt, Dennis H. (1980). “Real‐time speech synthesis by rule”. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 68: S18. 
  14. ^ "規則合成は ... 三つの処理に分けることができる ... 第三は韻律情報により規定された音源波形で,パラメータ表現された声道伝達フィルタを駆動して合成波形を生成する処理 ... 音声合成方式は,波形編集方式,分析合成方式 ,ホルマント合成方式などが規則合成に用いられており" 広川. (1993). 規則合成における音声合成単位及び音声合成法 - より高品質を求めて. 日本音響学会誌 49巻, 12号. pp. 847-853.
  15. ^ "分析合成方式は音声生成過程を音源モデルと声道モデルに分け,そ れぞれの分析パラメータを独立に制御することにより規則合成音を得る方法である。 " 広川. (1993). 規則合成における音声合成単位及び音声合成法 - より高品質を求めて. 日本音響学会誌 49巻, 12号. pp. 847-853.
  16. ^ "Formant synthesis versus articulatory synthesis" Klatt. (1979). Software for a cascade/parallel formant synthesizer. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 67(3).
  17. ^ "A formant synthesizer is a source-filter model in which the source models the glottal pulse train and the filter models the formant resonances of the vocal tract." Smith. (2010). Formant Synthesis Models. Physical Audio Signal Processing. ISBN 978-0-9745607-2-4
  18. ^ "Constrained linear prediction can be used to estimate the parameters ... more generally ... directly from the short-time spectrum" Smith. (2010). Formant Synthesis Models. Physical Audio Signal Processing. ISBN 978-0-9745607-2-4
  19. ^ Andrew J., Hunt; Black, Alan W. (1996). “Unit selection in a concatenative speech synthesis system using a large speech database” (English). 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Conference Proceedings (IEEE): 373–376. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.1996.541110. ISBN 0-7803-3192-3. ISSN 1520-6149. 
  20. ^ 河井, 恒; 戸田, 智基; 山岸, 順一; 平井, 俊男; 倪, 晋富; 西澤, 信行; 津崎, 実; 徳田, 恵一 (2006). “大規模コーパスを用いた音声合成システムXIMERA”. 電子情報通信学会論文誌 J89-D (12): 2688–2698. ISSN 18804535. NAID 110007380404. 
  21. ^ "Unit selection synthesis is also referred as corpus based synthesis." Kayte. (2015). A Review of Unit Selection Speech Synthesis. IJARCSSE.
  22. ^ "Statistical parametric speech synthesis ... as a framework to generate a synthetic speech signal based on a statistical model" Tachibana, et al. (2018). An Investigation of Noise Shaping with Perceptual Weighting for Wavenet-Based Speech Generation. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2018.8461332
  23. ^ Masuko, Takashi; Keiichi, Tokuda; Takao, Kobayashi; Satoshi, Imai (1999-05-09). “Speech synthesis using HMMs with dynamic features” (English). 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Conference Proceedings (IEEE): 389–392. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.1996.541114. ISBN 0-7803-3192-3. ISSN 1520-6149. 
  24. ^ Zen, Heiga; Senior, Andrew; Schuster, Mike (2013-05-26). “Statistical parametric speech synthesis using deep neural networks” (English). 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (IEEE): 7962–7966. ISBN 978-1-4799-0356-6. ISSN 1520-6149. 
  25. ^ van den Oord, Aaron; Dieleman, Sander; Zen, Heiga; Simonyan, Karen; Vinyals, Oriol; Graves, Alex; Kalchbrenner, Nal; Senior, Andrew et al. (2016-09-12). “WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio” (English). arXiv. arXiv:1609.03499. 
  26. ^ J. Shen, R. Pang, R. J. Weiss, et al., “Natural tts synthesis by conditioning wavenet on mel spectrogram predictions,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.05884, 2017.
  27. ^ W. Ping, K. Peng, and J. Chen, “Clarinet: Parallel wave generation in end-to-end text-to-speech,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.07281, 2018
  28. ^ R. Prenger, R. Valle, and B. Catanzaro, “Waveglow: A flowbased generative network for speech synthesis,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.00002, 2018
  29. ^ N. Kalchbrenner, E. Elsen, K. Simonyan, et al., “Efficient neural audio synthesis,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.08435, 2018.
  30. ^ Jaime Lorenzo-Trueba, Thomas Drugman, Javier Latorre, Thomas Merritt, Bartosz Putrycz, Roberto Barra-Chicote, Alexis Moinet, Vatsal Aggarwal (2019) TOWARDS ACHIEVING ROBUST UNIVERSAL NEURAL VOCODING. Interspeech 2019
  31. ^ Sotelo, Jose; Mehri, Soroush; Kumar, Kundan; Santos, Joao Felipe; Kastner, Kyle; Courville, Aaron; Bengio, Yoshua (2017-02-18). “Char2Wav: End-to-End Speech Synthesis” (English). ICLR 2017 workshop submission. 
  32. ^ Arik, Sercan O.; Chrzanowski, Mike; Coates, Adam; Diamos, Gregory; Gibiansky, Andrew; Kang, Yongguo; Li, Xian; Miller, John et al. (2017-02-25). “Deep Voice: Real-time Neural Text-to-Speech” (English). arXiv. arXiv:1702.07825. 
  33. ^ Wang, Yuxuan; Skerry-Ryan, RJ; Stanton, Daisy; Wu, Yonghui; Weiss, Ron J.; Jaitly, Navdeep; Yang, Zongheng; Xiao, Ying et al. (2017-03-29). “Tacotron: Towards End-to-End Speech Synthesis” (English). arXiv. arXiv:1703.10135. 
  34. ^ a b We use the feed-forward Transformer block, …, as the basic structure for the encoder and mel-spectrogram decoder. arxiv
  35. ^ Jaime (2018) TOWARDS ACHIEVING ROBUST UNIVERSAL NEURAL VOCODING https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.06292
  36. ^ Naihan Li, et al. Neural Speech Synthesis with Transformer Network
  37. ^ Neural Codec Language Models are Zero-Shot Text to Speech Synthesizers p.5 Chengyi Wang, et al. 2023年
  38. ^ Speak, Read and Prompt: High-Fidelity Text-to-Speech with Minimal Supervision Google Research
  39. ^ Speak, Read and Prompt: High-Fidelity Text-to-Speech with Minimal Supervision Eugene Kharitonov, et al. 2023年
  40. ^ Gopala K. Anumanchipalli, et al.. (2019) Speech synthesis from neural decoding of spoken sentences [paper]
  41. ^ "Singing voice synthesis (SVS) aims to generate humanlike singing voices from musical scores with lyrics" Wu. (2022). DDSP-based Singing Vocoders: A New Subtractive-based Synthesizer and A Comprehensive Evaluation.
  42. ^ "Voice conversion (VC) refers to a technique that converts a certain aspect of speech from a source to that of a target without changing the linguistic content" Huang, et al. (2021). S3PRL-VC: Open-source Voice Conversion Framework with Self-supervised Speech Representations. p.1.
  43. ^ "speaker conversion, which is the most widely investigated type of VC." Huang, et al. (2021). S3PRL-VC: Open-source Voice Conversion Framework with Self-supervised Speech Representations. p.1.
  44. ^ "Bandwidth extension ... Frequency bandwidth extension ... can be viewed as a realistic increase of signal sampling frequency." Andreev. (2023). HiFi++: a Unified Framework for Bandwidth Extension and Speech Enhancement.
  45. ^ "Bandwidth extension ... also known as audio super-resolution" Andreev. (2023). HiFi++: a Unified Framework for Bandwidth Extension and Speech Enhancement.
  46. ^ "The applications of conditional speech generation include ... bandwidth extension (BWE)" Andreev. (2023). HiFi++: a Unified Framework for Bandwidth Extension and Speech Enhancement.
  47. ^ Blizzard Challenge 2018 - SynSIG” (英語). www.synsig.org. 2018年11月30日閲覧。
  48. ^ Smithsonian Speech Synthesis History Project (SSSHP) 1986-2002
  49. ^ KI-Sprachforschungsteam von Mozilla macht allein weiter (ドイツ語) Golem.deドイツ語版 2021年3月15日
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  8. ^ 5/30サービス開始!NTTドコモの新しいAIエージェント 「my daiz」にエーアイの音声合成AITalkが採用 株式会社AI(エーアイ)”. 株式会社 エーアイ(AI). 2018年11月28日閲覧。
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  12. ^ テレビの歴史で初となる、全キャラクターが音声合成でしゃべるアニメがスタート | ロボスタ - ロボット情報WEBマガジン」『ロボスタ』。2018年11月28日閲覧。
  13. ^ VoiceTextホーム | HOYA音声合成ソフトウェア”. HOYA音声合成ソフトウェア「VoiceText」. 2018年11月28日閲覧。
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