フランス・スペイン戦争_(1635年-1659年)とは? わかりやすく解説

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フランス・スペイン戦争 (1635年-1659年)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/04/19 04:51 UTC 版)

フランス・スペイン戦争(フランス・スペインせんそう、スペイン語: Guerra franco-españolaフランス語: Guerre franco-espagnole)は、フランス王国三十年戦争に関与した結果起こった、1635年から1659年までの戦争である。ドイツとスウェーデンが同盟を結び、神聖ローマ帝国との関係を修復したことに伴いフランスの領土がハプスブルク家側の領土に包囲されてしまったため、フランスの宰相リシュリューは、ハプスブルク家側のスペインに宣戦布告した。北イタリアにあったマントヴァ公国の跡継ぎが絶えたのにつけこみ、フランスがスペイン・ハプスブルク家の領土であった北部イタリアに侵攻したマントヴァ継承戦争英語版1628年 - 1631年)に引き続いて行われた。この戦争は、1659年にピレネー条約により終結した。

  1. ^ "The treaties of Westphalia and the Pyrenees were more obviously a compromise reflecting an existing balance of forces than a military diktat imposed by victorious powers". Parrott, David: Richelieu's Army: War, Government and Society in France, 1624–1642. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. ISBN 0521792096, pp. 77–78. Parrott develops this idea in France's War against Habsburgs, 1624-1659: the Politics of Military Failure in García Hernan, Enrique; Maffi, Davide: Guerra y Sociedad en La Monarquía Hispánica: Politica, Estrategia y Cultura en la Europa Moderna (1500-1700), 2 vols; Madrid: Laberinto, 2006. ISBN 9788400084912, pp. 31-49. There, he labels France's war against Spain as "25 years of indecisive, over-ambitious and, on occasions, truly disastrous conflict".
  2. ^ "The Peace of the Pyrenees was a peace of equals. Spanish losses were not great, and France returned some territory and strongholds. With hindsight, historians have regarded the treaty as a symbol of the 'decline of Spain' and the 'ascendancy of France'; at that time, however, the Peace of the Pyrenees appeared a far from decisive veredict on the international hierarchy". Darby, Graham: Spain in the Seventeenth Century. London: Longman, 1995. ISBN 9780582072343, p. 66.
  3. ^ R.A. Stradling states that despite the French victory at the Battle of the Dunes, "The subsequent negotiations [...] resulted in a peace settlement in which both sides made concessions; the treaty of the Pyrenees was far from being the Ditkat commonly implied in the textbooks". He also cites Antonio Domínguez Ortiz's The Golden Age of Spain, 1516–1659 (1971) to reflect the stalemate: "It is certain that if in 1659 France had not moderated its demands the contest would have been continued interminably." Stradling, R.A.: Spain's Struggle For Europe, 1598-1668. London: The Hambledon Press, 1994. ISBN 9781852850890, p. 27.
  4. ^ "Spain had maintained her supremacy in Europe until 1659 and was the greatest imperial power for years after that. Although Spain economic and military power suffered an abrupt decline in the half century after the Peace of the Pyrenees, Spain was a major participant in the European coalitions against Louis XIV and in the peace congresses of Nymwegen (1678-79) and Ryswick (1697)". Levy, Jack S.: War in the Modern Great Power System: 1495-1975. Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 2015. ISBN 081316365X, p. 34.
  5. ^ Saluzzo, Alessandro de (1859) (French). Histoire militaire du Piémont. Turin 
  6. ^ Schneid, Frederick C.: The Projection and Limitations of Imperial Powers, 1618-1850. Brill: Leiden, 2012. ISBN 9004226710, p. 69.
  7. ^  この記事にはアメリカ合衆国内で著作権が消滅した次の百科事典本文を含む: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Fronde, The". Encyclopædia Britannica (英語) (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

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