デトロイト大都市圏における日本人の歴史とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/08/02 08:54 UTC 版)

デトロイト大都市圏における日本人の歴史(デトロイトだいとしけんにおけるにほんじんのれきし)では、デトロイト大都市圏Metro Detroit)での日本人の活動履歴について概説する。

  1. ^ a b Metzger, Kurt and Jasonooza. "Asians in the United States, Michigan and Metropolitan Detroit Archived 2013年11月9日, at the Wayback Machine.." Center for Urban Studies, Wayne State University. January 2002 Working Paper Series, No. 7. p. 12. Retrieved on November 6, 2013.
  2. ^ 注:第2位はアナーバーであり、これはデトロイト大都市圏の外にある
  3. ^ Stone, Cal (2013年4月11日). “State's Japanese employees increasing”. Observer & Eccentric (Detroit). オリジナルの2013年5月5日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://www.webcitation.org/6GOjzZP9S?url=http://www.hometownlife.com/article/20130411/NEWS13/304110352/State-s-Japanese-employees-increasing 2013年5月5日閲覧。 
  4. ^ a b c d e f Burden, Melissa. "'Little Tokyo' thrives in Novi as Japanese population expands." (Archive) The Detroit News (posted at Northern Equities Group). Monday December 19, 2011. Nation p. A1. Retrieved on November 7, 2012. Available in the archives of The Detroit News and in NewsBank (EN) as 'Little Tokyo' thrives in Oakland", Document ID: det-129398628
  5. ^ a b c Creager, Ellen. (Knight Ridder (EN) Newspapers) "Language of motherhood connects participants in special support group." The Vindicator (EN). Thursday August 5, 1999. p. D7. Retrieved from Google News (30 of 43) on November 10, 2013. Also published in the Detroit Free Press as "BABY TALK IN TWO LANGUAGES JAPANESE MOMS SHARE EXPERIENCES IN BOTSFORD HOSPITAL SUPPORT GROUP." on April 27, 1999 in Features p. E1.
  6. ^ a b "Metro Japanese celebrate culture." The Detroit News. October 2, 2003. Retrieved on November 10, 2013. ID: det17370193. "Nakahama now is the executive director of the Japan Business Society, and on Sunday, the group, which boasts a membership of 352 Japanese-related businesses, will celebrate its 30th anniversary at the Japan Festival."
  7. ^ a b c Mayer, p. 30. "JAPANESE There are approximately 900 people of Japanese descent in the in the city of Detroit. They first arrived to Detroit in 1892, but there have been no peaks of immigration to this city. However after World War II a number of Japanese persons came to Detroit from California. Many Japanese are located in Highland Park, whereas, the rest are scattered all over the city." and "Several Japanese attend the Japanese Mission which meets at the Trinity Methodist Church, 13100 Woodward."
  8. ^ Baulch, Vivian M. (September 4, 1999). "Michigan's greatest treasure -- Its people" (Archive) Michigan History, The Detroit News. Retrieved on April 4, 2009.
  9. ^ "2010年度 JBSD新年会用景品のご提供、ご寄付のお願い." (Archive) Japan Business Society of Detroit. December 17, 2009. Retrieved on November 15, 2013. "事務局長 中浜 昭太郎"
  10. ^ a b c d Jeffrey, Nancy Ann (Knight-Ridder Newspapers). "Japanese Wives Help Each Other In New Land." Chicago Tribune. March 1, 1992. Retrieved on November 10, 2013.
  11. ^ a b c d Ingrassia and White, p. 335.
  12. ^ Darden and Thomas, page unstated (starts with "This is a crucial point in understanding the anti-Asian motives[...]")
  13. ^ a b c Zia, p. 58.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i Cohen, Sharon. "Metamorphasis in Motown." AP通信 at The Ledger. Thursday December 26, 1991. p. 7C. Retrieved from Google News (95 of 121) on November 19, 2013.
  15. ^ Helweg, Arthur W. Asian Indians in Michigan (Discovering the Peoples of Michigan). Michigan State University Press, March 1, 2012. ISBN 1609170482, 9781609170486., Page unstated (Google Books PT79). "When they learned of assignments here, Japanese officials and their families once fretted over reports of Japanese cars being stoned or pursued the streets, ritually pounded into scrap with sledge hammers or crushed beneath a creaking Sherman tank in a local car dealer's commercial that played widely in Asian news programs."
  16. ^ Darden and Thomas, page unstated (starts with "Dingell was not alone in the sentiment[...]")
  17. ^ a b Helweg, Arthur W. Asian Indians in Michigan (Discovering the Peoples of Michigan). Michigan State University Press, March 1, 2012. ISBN 1609170482, 9781609170486., Page unstated (Google Books PT79). "The 1982 murder of Chinese-American Vincent Chin outside a Highland Park striptease bar was seen in Japan as another example of our cultural savagery; in fact, Japanese reporters visiting Detroit once made a point of macho pride to say they had a drink in the bar Chin visited that night."
  18. ^ Fucini, p. 98.
  19. ^ Fucini, p. 101.
  20. ^ a b c d e Ingrassia and White, p. 336.
  21. ^ "CONSUL GENERAL'S GREETING." (Archive) Consulate-General of Japan, Detroit. Retrieved on May 6, 2013.
  22. ^ Lewis, Shawn D. "'Good wives' help bridge U.S. culture." The Detroit News. Sunday April 4, 1999. Metro Section, Final Edition, p. 3B. Record number det3139967. Available from NewsBank.
  23. ^ アメリカで広がる都市間格差 将来の日本も?|NHK NEWS WEB
  24. ^ "HANDBOOK For Teachers of Japanese Students." (Archive) Japanese School of Detroit. 7 (7/12). Retrieved on April 17, 2011. "Japanese children who come here with their parents attend their neighborhood local schools, since there are no full-time Japanese schools in the area."
  25. ^ HANDBOOK For Teachers of Japanese Students” (PDF). デトロイトりんご会補習授業校. p. 7 (7/12). 2011年4月17日閲覧。 “Japanese children who come here with their parents attend their neighborhood local schools, since there are no full-time Japanese schools in the area” (Archive)
  26. ^ "ミシガン国際学院." Sundai Center for International Education. Retrieved on March 4, 2014.
  27. ^ Home page (Archive). Sundai Michigan International Academy. May 13, 2010. Retrieved on March 4, 2014. "駿台ミシガン国際学院 (旧コービィ国際学院)" (Sundai Michigan International Academy, formerly Koby International Academy)
  28. ^ https://sundai-osn.jp/?page_id=78
  29. ^ "Home page." Koby International Academy. March 10, 2007. Retrieved on March 4, 2014.
  30. ^ a b Lewis, Shawn D. "Preserving culture." The Detroit News. Thursday July 17, 2008. Metro Section p. 1B. Available from NewsBank, record number det23050960.
  31. ^ https://sundai-osn.jp/?page_id=75
  32. ^ "New school year opens new chapter for Japanese school" (Archive). Hometown Life. September 3, 2014. Retrieved on October 18, 2014.
  33. ^ "Joichi Ito" (Archive). Color Magazine. Retrieved on November 25, 2014. "JI: I grew up in a suburb of Detroit during the downturn in the U.S. auto industry, the mid 70s. It was a hard time to be growing up as the only Japanese kid in a school where most kids only heard bad things about the Japanese at home. "
  34. ^ Barnas, Jo-Ann. "Yuka Sato's plans on hold while Japan recovers" (Archive). Detroit Free Press. March 20, 2011. Retrieved on June 20, 2015. Article snippet


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