スクリプト・ドクターとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/10/02 22:34 UTC 版)

スクリプトドクター英語: script doctor)とは、映画、テレビ番組、演劇等の脚本台本を書き直したり、これらの主題、構成、テンポ、登場人物の性格づけ、台詞など特定の要素の完成度を高める目的で制作会社に雇われる脚本家劇作家、台本作家である[1]。脚本コンサルタント(script consultant)と呼ばれることもある[2]

  1. ^ a b Jones, Sarah (2004). Film. North Mankato: Smart Apple Media. pp. 14–15. ISBN 158340256X 
  2. ^ Honthaner, Eve Light (2005). Hollywood Drive: What It Takes To Break In, Hang In & Make It In The Entertainment Industry. Burlington: Focal Press. pp. 87–88. ISBN 0240806689 
  3. ^ Hyman, Paula E. and Moore, Deborah Dash, ed (1998). Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge. p. 444. ISBN 0415919363. "Currently [Fisher] works in that great uncredited Hollywood profession of script doctor—or, as Fisher calls it, script nurse." 
  4. ^ Hurd, Mary G. (2007). Women Directors and Their Films. Westport: Praeger Publishers. p. 150. ISBN 0275985784. "She [Elaine May] then became a script doctor, one of a small group of writers who are paid handsome fees by studios to do uncredited work on a script." 
  5. ^ Appleton, Dina; Yankelevits, Daniel (2010). Hollywood Dealmaking: Negotiating Talent Agreements for Film, TV and New Media (2 ed.). New York: Allworth Press. p. 303. ISBN 1581156715. "A writer hired to 'spruce up' or 'fix' a script, usually by inserting jokes or otherwise adding some 'juice'. These highly paid writers are often hired by studios for brief periods of employment, most often to work on scripts that are very close to being 'green-lit'." 
  6. ^ a b Abramowitz, Rachel (2002年10月27日). “To the rescue?”. The Los Angeles Times. 2012年8月17日閲覧。


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