シスエレメントとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/02/22 23:28 UTC 版)

シスエレメント(cis-element、cis-regulatory element またはcis-acting element)は同一分子上の遺伝子発現を調節するDNA またはRNA の領域を指す。シスcis)はラテン語で「同じ側」の意味であり、「同じ側で発現調節する要素(因子)」がシスエレメントの原義。

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  7. ^ Siddharthan R. "Parsing regulatory DNA: general tasks, techniques, and the PhyloGibbs approach." J Biosci. 2007 Aug;32(5):863-70. PMID 17914228
  8. ^ GuhaThakurta D. "Computational identification of transcriptional regulatory elements in DNA sequence." Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jul 19;34(12):3585-98. PMID 16855295
  9. ^ Jiménez-Delgado S, Pascual-Anaya J, Garcia-Fernàndez J. "Implications of duplicated cis-regulatory elements in the evolution of metazoans: the DDI model or how simplicity begets novelty." Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic. 2009 Jul;8(4):266-75. PMID 19651705
  10. ^ Epstein DJ. "Cis-regulatory mutations in human disease." Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic. 2009 Jul;8(4):310-6. PMID 19641089
  11. ^ Navratilova P, Becker TS. "Genomic regulatory blocks in vertebrates and implications in human disease." Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic. 2009 Jul;8(4):333-42.PMID 19561171


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