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オブジェクティビズム英語: Objectivism)もしくは客観主義(きゃっかんしゅぎ)は、ロシア系アメリカ人作家アイン・ランドが創出した思想体系である[1]。オブジェクティビズムを支持する者をオブジェクティビスト英語: Objectivist客観主義者)と呼ぶ。

  1. ^ Quinton 2005
  2. ^ a b Badhwar & Long 2012
  3. ^ a b c McLemee, Scott (September 1999). “The Heirs Of Ayn Rand: Has Objectivism Gone Subjective?”. Lingua Franca (magazine) 9 (6): 45–55. http://linguafranca.mirror.theinfo.org/9909/rand.html. 
  4. ^ Peikoff, Leonard (May 18, 1989). “Fact and Value”. The Intellectual Activist 5 (1). http://ari.aynrand.org/issues/culture-and-society/religion-and-morality/Fact-and-Value. 
  5. ^ a b Sciabarra 2013, p. 1; Badhwar & Long 2012; Gotthelf 2000, p. 1; Machan 2000, p. 9; Gladstein 1999, p. 2; Heyl 1995, p. 223; Den Uyl & Rasmussen 1984, p. 36
  6. ^ Burns 2009, p. 4; Gladstein 2009, pp. 107–108, 124
  7. ^ Sciabarra 1995, pp. 1–2
  8. ^ "About the Author" in Rand 1992, pp. 1170–1171
  9. ^ a b Rubin, Harriet (2007年9月15日). “Ayn Rand's Literature of Capitalism”. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/15/business/15atlas.html 2007年9月18日閲覧。 
  10. ^ Rand 1967, p. 23
  11. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 36
  12. ^ Peikoff 1991, pp. 4–11
  13. ^ Rand 1992, p. 1040.
  14. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 11
  15. ^ Rand 1992, p. 1016.
  16. ^ Peikoff 1991, pp. 31–33
  17. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 5
  18. ^ Gotthelf 2000
  19. ^ Rand 1990
  20. ^ Rand 1982, pp. 24–28
  21. ^ Rand 1992, p. 1037
  22. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 14
  23. ^ Peikoff 1991, pp. 116–121
  24. ^ Rand 1961, p. 124
  25. ^ Rand 1964, p. 22
  26. ^ 《意識の諸産物に関する諸概念の、特殊な下位カテゴリーの一つとして、〈方法〉の諸概念がある。方法の諸概念は、特定の諸目標を達成するために人間が編み出す、活動の体系的な諸経路を指す。ここで言う活動の経路は、達成する目標に応じて、(たとえば意識を使う方法のように)純粋に心理的な場合もあれば、(たとえば石油を掘削する方法のように)心理的活動と物理的活動の組み合わせである場合もある。
    (原文)"A special subcategory of concepts pertaining to the products of consciousness, is reserved for concepts of method. Concepts of method designate systematic courses of action devised by men for the purpose of achieving certain goals. The course of action may be purely psychological (such as a method of using one’s consciousness) or it may involve a combination of psychological and physical actions (such as a method of drilling for oil), according to the goal to be achieved.
    Concepts of method are formed by retaining the distinguishing characteristics of the purposive course of action and of its goal, while omitting the particular measurements of both.
    For instance, the fundamental concept of method, the one on which all the others depend, is logic. The distinguishing characteristic of logic (the art of non-contradictory identification) indicates the nature of the actions (actions of consciousness required to achieve a correct identification) and their goal (knowledge)—while omitting the length, complexity or specific steps of the process of logical inference, as well as the nature of the particular cognitive problem involved in any given instance of using logic.
    Concepts of method represent a large part of man’s conceptual equipment. Epistemology is a science devoted to the discovery of the proper methods of acquiring and validating knowledge. Ethics is a science devoted to the discovery of the proper methods of living one’s life. Medicine is a science devoted to the discovery of the proper methods of curing disease. All the applied sciences (i.e., technology) are sciences devoted to the discovery of methods."Rand 1990, p. 36
  27. ^ Rand 1990, p. 5
  28. ^ Branden, Nathaniel (January 1963). “The Stolen Concept”. The Objectivist Newsletter 2 (1): 2, 4. 
  29. ^ Rand 1990, p. 3
  30. ^ a b Kelley 1986
  31. ^ Kelley 1986; Peikoff 1991, pp. 44–48
  32. ^ Rand 1990, p. 81
  33. ^ Peikoff, Leonard. "The Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy." in Rand 1990, pp. 97–98.引用文は同書の別の箇所のランドによる説明。
  34. ^ Rand 1990, p. 12。ランドの概念論についてさらに詳しくは、Kelley, David "A Theory of Abstraction"、"The Psychology of Abstraction"、Cognition and Brain Theory vol. vii, no. 3 and 4 (Summer/Fall 1984)、およびRasmussen, Douglas B., "Quine and Aristotelian Essentialism"、The New Scholasticism 58 (Summer, 1984)を参照
  35. ^ Rand 1990, pp. 15–28
  36. ^ Peikoff, Leonard. "The Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy," in Rand 1990, p. 94
  37. ^ Peikoff, Leonard. "The Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy". in Rand 1990, pp. 116–118
  38. ^ "Emotions are not tools of cognition.(感情は認識の道具ではない)"Rand 1961, p. 64
  39. ^ Rand 1982, pp. 62–63
  40. ^ Rand 1961, p. 223; Peikoff 1991, pp. 182–185
  41. ^ Lecture by Leonard Peikoff、Sciabarra 1995.
  42. ^ Peikoff 1991, pp. 171–181
  43. ^ Branden 1987, p. 323
  44. ^ たとえば、Machan 2000, pp. 134–151
  45. ^ Rand 1990, p. 289
  46. ^ Campbell, R. L. (Fall 1999). “Ayn Rand and the Cognitive Revolution in Psychology”. Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 1 (1): 107–134. http://campber.people.clemson.edu/randcogrev.html. 
  47. ^ Dipert, Randall R. (Spring 1987). “Review Essay: David Kelley's Evidence of the Senses: A Realist Theory of Perception. Reason Papers (12): 57–70. http://www.reasonpapers.com/pdf/12/rp_12_7.pdf. 
  48. ^ Long, Roderick T. (2000). Reason and Value: Rand versus Aristotle. Objectivist Studies Monographs. Poughkeepsie, New York: The Objectivist Center. ISBN 1-57724-045-6. OCLC 49875339 
  49. ^ "a code of values to guide man's choices and actions—the choices and actions that determine the purpose and the course of his life" Rand 1964, p. 13.
  50. ^ Rand 1964, p. 18。ランドの形而上学の詳細はBinswanger 1990, pp. 58–66、Smith 2000Gotthelf & Lennox 2010を参照
  51. ^ Rand 1964, p. 22;。意志作用に関するランドの理論の詳細はBinswanger, Harry (December 1991). “Volition as Cognitive Self-Regulation”. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 50 (2): 154–178. doi:10.1016/0749-5978(91)90019-P. Branden, Nathaniel (1969). “Man: A Being of Volitional Consciousness”. The Psychology of Self-Esteem. Los Angeles: Nash Publishing. ISBN 0-8402-1109-0 Peikoff 1991, pp. 55–72を参照
  52. ^ Rand 1992, p. 1013
  53. ^ Rand 1992, p. 1012
  54. ^ Rand 1964, p. 25; Smith 2006, p. 7
  55. ^ Peikoff, Leonard (February 27, 1989). “Why Should One Act on Principle?”. The Intellectual Activist 4 (20). 
  56. ^ Rand 1982, pp. 118–119
  57. ^ Smith 2006, pp. 23–24
  58. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 230
  59. ^ Rand 1964, p. 18
  60. ^ 文庫版第三部、2015年、56頁
  61. ^ O'Neil, Patrick M. (Spring 1983). “Ayn Rand and the Is-Ought Problem” (PDF). Journal of Libertarian Studies 7 (1): 81–99. https://www.mises.org/sites/default/files/7_1_4_0.pdf. 
  62. ^ Den Uyl, Douglas; Rasmussen, Douglas (April 1978). “Nozick On the Randian Argument”. The Personalist 59: 184–205.  Reprinted along with Nozick's article in Reading Nozick, J. Paul, ed., 1981, Rowman & Littlefield.
  63. ^ King, J. Charles. "Life and the Theory of Value: The Randian Argument Reconsidered" in Den Uyl & Rasmussen 1984.
  64. ^ St. F. Blair, Paul (Spring 1985). “The Randian Argument Reconsidered: A Reply to Charles King”. Reason Papers (10). http://www.reasonpapers.com/pdf/10/rp_10_7.pdf 2011年9月14日閲覧。. 
  65. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 354; Sciabarra 1995, p. 274
  66. ^ Bernstein 2009, pp. 25–31
  67. ^ Rand 1967, p. 141
  68. ^ Peikoff 1991, pp. 310–313
  69. ^ Rand 1982, p. 66
  70. ^ Rand 1964, p. 36; Peikoff 1991, p. 310; Smith 1997, pp. 143–147
  71. ^ Smith 1997, pp. 150–155
  72. ^ Peikoff 1991, pp. 319
  73. ^ Rand 1964, pp. 129–130
  74. ^ Rand 1964, p. 126; Peikoff 1991, p. 320
  75. ^ Peikoff 1991, pp. 351–352。オブジェクティビズムにおける権利理解の詳細はSmith 1997を参照
  76. ^ Rand 1964, p. 110
  77. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 355
  78. ^ Peikoff 1991, pp. 356–358; Rand 1964, pp. 120
  79. ^ Rand 1967, p. 19
  80. ^ Rand 1964, p. 37
  81. ^ Peikoff 1991, pp. 392–395; Sciabarra 1995, p. 284
  82. ^ Rand 1964, p. 103
  83. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 364
  84. ^ Rand 1964, pp. 125–128
  85. ^ Rand 1964, p. 112
  86. ^ Rand 1964, p. 131
  87. ^ Rand 1964, p. 129
  88. ^ Rand 1964, p. 128; Peikoff 1991, pp. 364–365
  89. ^ What role should certain specific governments play in Objectivist government? « Podcast « Peikoff”. 2016年11月29日閲覧。
  90. ^ Interview with Yaron Brook on economic issues in today’s world (Part 1). « Featured Podcast « Peikoff”. 2016年11月29日閲覧。
  91. ^ Rand 1982, pp. 173–184
  92. ^ Free Speech”. Ayn Rand Lexicon. 2016年11月29日閲覧。
  93. ^ Rand 1964, pp. 173–184; cf. Wortham, Anne (1981). The Other Side of Racism. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press. ISBN 0-8142-0318-3 
  94. ^ Rand, Ayn (1989). “Of Living Death”. The Voice of Reason. Edited by Leonard Peikoff. New York: New American Library. ISBN 0-453-00634-5 
  95. ^ Rand 2005, pp. 45–46
  96. ^ Rand 1967, pp. 226–228
  97. ^ Greenspan, Alan. "Antitrust" in Rand 1967, pp. 63–71
  98. ^ Branden, Nathaniel. "Common Fallacies about Capitalism" in Rand 1967, pp. 89–92
  99. ^ Hessen, Robert. "The Effects of the Industrial Revolution on Women and Children" in Rand 1967, pp. 110–113
  100. ^ Epstein, Alex (2003年2月4日). “Faith-Based Initiatives Are an Assault on Secular Government”. Ayn Rand Institute. 2009年6月19日閲覧。
  101. ^ Binswanger, Harry (2005年3月3日). “The Ten Commandments vs. America”. Ayn Rand Institute. 2009年6月19日閲覧。
  102. ^ Lockitch, Keith (2005年12月11日). “'Intelligent Design' Is about Religion versus Reason”. Orange County Register. http://www.aynrand.org/site/News2?&id=11555 
  103. ^ Peikoff 1991, pp. 368
  104. ^ Ayn Rand Answers: The Best of Her Q & A
  105. ^ Childs, Roy (1969). "Objectivism and The State: An Open Letter to Ayn Rand"
  106. ^ Barry 1987, pp. 128–129
  107. ^ a b Kukathas 1998
  108. ^ Burns 2009, pp. 250–251
  109. ^ Rothbard, Murray N. (1974年). “Anatomy of the State: What the State Is Not”. Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays. 2016年11月29日閲覧。
  110. ^ "What is Romanticism?" in Rand 1971
  111. ^ 「知識の取得様式における個人ごとの特性の研究」を意味するランドの用語
  112. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 417
  113. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 422
  114. ^ Peikoff 1991, p. 426
  115. ^ Torres & Kamhi 2000, pp. 31–32; Holzer 2005, pp. 115–125
  116. ^ Rand 1982, p. vii
  117. ^ Peikoff, Leonard (May 18, 1989). “Fact and Value”. The Intellectual Activist 5 (1). http://www.aynrand.org/site/PageServer?pagename=objectivism_fv. ; Schwartz, Peter (May 18, 1989). “On Moral Sanctions”. The Intellectual Activist 5 (1). http://www.aynrand.org/site/PageServer?pagename=objectivism_sanctions. 
  118. ^ Kelley, David (2008年10月17日). “A Note to Our Members About Open Objectivism”. Atlas Society. 2016年11月29日閲覧。
  119. ^ Khawaja, Irfan (2000年12月). “Comments on Tara Smith's Viable Values”. 2009年5月29日閲覧。; Hsieh, Diana (Spring 2007). “Egoism Explained: A Review of Tara Smith's Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist. The Objective Standard 2 (1). http://www.theobjectivestandard.com/issues/2007-spring/egoism-explained.asp. 
  120. ^ Harriman, David, The Logical Leap, 2010, New American Library.
  121. ^ Locke, Edwin, and Kenner, Ellen, Platform, 2011
  122. ^ Harvey, Benjamin (2005年5月15日). “Ayn Rand at 100: An 'ism' struts its stuff”. Rutland Herald. http://www.rutlandherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050515/NEWS/505150346/1014 2007年7月20日閲覧。 
  123. ^ Honderich, Ted. The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. x, 740.
  124. ^ ただしアンソニー・クイントン(Anthony Quinton)が執筆した「大衆哲学(popular philosophy)」の項にはアイン・ランドへの言及がある
  125. ^ Salmieri & Gotthelf 2005
  126. ^ Hicks 2005
  127. ^ Stevens 1998
  128. ^ Mautner, Thomas. The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy. Penguin Books, 2000, p. 469.
  129. ^ Sciabarra 1995, p. 386n.7
  130. ^ Uyl, Douglas J. Den (1998). “On Rand as Philosopher”. Reason Papers 23: 70–71. http://www.reasonpapers.com/pdf/23/rp_23_5.pdf 2011年8月8日閲覧。. 
  131. ^ Sharlet, Jeff (April 9, 1999). “Ayn Rand has finally caught the attention of scholars: New books and research projects involve philosophy, political theory, literary criticism, and feminism”. The Chronicle of Higher Education 45 (31): 17–18. 
  132. ^ Concepts and Objectivity: Knowledge, Science, and Values”. 2007年7月20日閲覧。
  133. ^ Gladstein 2009, pp. 116–117; Burns 2009, p. 297
  134. ^ Heller, Anne C. (2009). Ayn Rand and the World She Made. New York: Doubleday. p. xii. ISBN 978-0-385-51399-9 
  135. ^ Branden, Nathaniel (Fall 1984). “The Benefits and Hazards of the Philosophy of Ayn Rand: A Personal Statement”. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 24 (4): 29–64. http://mol.redbarn.org/objectivism/Writing/NathanielBranden/BenefitsAndHazards.html. 
  136. ^ a b Ghate, Onkar (2008年2月2日). “The Appeal of Ayn Rand”. Capitalism Magazine. 2014年4月22日閲覧。
  137. ^ Gladstein 1999, p. 111
  138. ^ a b Doherty, Brian (2007). Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement. New York: Public Affairs. p. 544. ISBN 1-58648-350-1 
  139. ^ Burns 2009, p. 4


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