ウィリアム2世 (イングランド王)とは? わかりやすく解説

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ウィリアム2世 (イングランド王)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/05/28 05:03 UTC 版)

ウィリアム2世(William II、1060年頃 - 1100年8月2日)は、ノルマン朝イングランドの第2代国王(在位:1087年 - 1100年)。フランス名はギヨーム2世(Guillaume II)。ウィリアム征服王マティルダフランドル伯ボードゥアン5世の娘)の三男で、ロベール2世の弟、ヘンリー1世の兄。鬚が赤毛であったことから「赤顔王(あかがおおう、William Rufus)」と呼ばれる[1](赤ら顔に由来するという説もある)。

  1. ^ 森、p. 24
  2. ^ 森、p. 24 - 25
  3. ^ 森、p. 25
  4. ^ 森、p. 26
  5. ^ Douglas William the Conqueror p. 393
  6. ^ Douglas William the Conqueror p. 395
  7. ^ a b Barlow William Rufus pp. 33–34
  8. ^ William of Malmesbury History of the Norman Kings p. 70
  9. ^ Carpenter, Struggle for Mastery, p. 125 f.
  10. ^ a b Carpenter, Struggle for Mastery, p. 129.
  11. ^ Barlow, William Rufus, pp. 402–406.
  12. ^ Cescinsky, Herbert; Gribble, Ernest R. (February 1922). “Westminster Hall and Its Roof”. The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 40 (227): 76–84. JSTOR 861585.  (要購読契約)
  13. ^ Bosanquet (tr.) Eadmer's History p. 53
  14. ^ Carpenter Struggle for Mastery p. 132
  15. ^ Bosanquet (tr.) Eadmer's History p. 54
  16. ^ William of Malmesbury History of the Norman Kings p. 60
  17. ^ Carpenter, Struggle for Mastery, p. 131.
  18. ^ Philip J. Potter, Gothic Kings of Britain: The Lives of 31 Medieval Rulers, 1016–1399 (2009), p. 47.
  19. ^ “Robert II | duke of Normandy” (英語). Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Robert-II-duke-of-Normandy 2018年9月12日閲覧。 
  20. ^ Gillingham, William II, p.97
  21. ^ Quoted in Barlow William Rufus p. 421
  22. ^ Barlow William Rufus pp. 420–423
  23. ^ Lloyd, Arthur (2000). The Death of Rufus. The New Forest Ninth Centenary trust. pp. 19–20. ISBN 0-9526120-5-4 
  24. ^ Lloyd, Arthur (2000). The Death of Rufus. The New Forest Ninth Centenary trust. p. 1. ISBN 0-9526120-5-4 
  25. ^ Chambers, Robert (1832). The Book of Days: A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with the Calendar, Including Anecdote, Biography, & History, Curiosities of Literature and Oddities of Human Life and Character, Volume 2. London: W. & R. Chambers Limited. https://books.google.com/books?id=K0UJAAAAIAAJ&q=Robert+Chambers+1832 2016年1月7日閲覧。 
  26. ^ Lloyd, Arthur (2000). The Death of Rufus. The New Forest Ninth Centenary trust. pp. 11–12. ISBN 0-9526120-5-4 
  27. ^ Plumtree, James. "Stories of the Death of Kings: Retelling the Demise and Burial of William I, William II and Henry I", Southern African Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 21 (2012 for 2011), pp. 10–17 [1]
  28. ^ Robert Bartlett, England under the Norman and Angevin Kings 1075–1225 (2000) p 6
  29. ^ Grinnell-Milne Killing of William Rufus
  30. ^ Barlow William Rufus pp. 408–432
  31. ^ Robert Bartlett, England under the Norman and Angevin Kings 1075–1225 (2000) p. 240
  32. ^ John Gillingham, "The Early Middle Ages" in The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain ed. Kenneth O. Morgan, Oxford University Press 1984, p.115
  33. ^ Austin Lane Poole, From Domesday Book to Magna Carta 1087–1216 (1955) p 113-14
  34. ^ C. Warren Hollister, "The Strange Death of William Rufus," Speculum (1973) 48#4 pp. 637–653 in JSTOR
  35. ^ Royal connections”. Winchester Cathedral website. Dean and Chapter of Winchester Cathedral (2011年). 2011年3月22日閲覧。
  36. ^ Lloyd, Arthur (2000). The Death of Rufus. The New Forest Ninth Centenary trust. p. 41. ISBN 0-9526120-5-4 
  37. ^ Garmonsway (ed.) Anglo-Saxon Chronicle p. 235
  38. ^ Cantor Civilization of the Middle Ages pp. 280–284
  1. ^ Barlow氏によると、ウィリアムとヘンリーはツボを逆さまにして内容物をぶちまけたのではなく、おそらくロベールに向かって小便をしたのではないかと主張している[7]
  2. ^ According to Eadmer, an unusually well placed witness, William II "protested that Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury could not possibly keep at the same time both the allegiance which he owed to the King and obedience to the Apostolic See against the King's will."[15] Anselm found himself in similar conflict with William II's successor, Henry I, as also reported by Eadmer.

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