ジョージ・ベラス・グリノーとは? わかりやすく解説

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(George Bellas Greenough から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/07/17 01:50 UTC 版)

ジョージ・ベラス・グリノー(George Bellas Greenough, 1778年1月18日 - 1855年4月2日)はイギリスの地理学者地質学者。イングランドとウェールズの地質図の作成、および地質学の学問的・制度的確立への貢献で知られている。弁護士をしていたこともあって弁術に長けており、ロンドン地質学会の初代会長として行った年次報告は当時の地質学研究を方向付けるほど影響力があった。

  1. ^ Kölbl-Ebert, M. (2009). "George Bellas Greenough's 'Theory of the Earth' and its impact on the early Geological Society". The Making of the Geological Society of London. Ed. Cherry Lewis、Simon J. Knell. The Geological Society Special Publication, 2009, p.126
  2. ^ Address to the Geographical Society of London, 25 May, 1840. p.3
  3. ^ Sultana, Donald (1969), Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Malta and Italy., Oxford: Blackwell, p. 429. Wyatt, John.F. (1995), "George Bellas Greenough: a Romantic geologist", Archives of Natural History, 22 (1): 61–71, doi:10.3366/anh.1995.22.1.61
  4. ^ Kölbl-Ebert, 116
  5. ^ Lauden, R. (1987), From Mineralogy to Geology: The Foundations of a Science 1650-1830, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-46950-6
  6. ^ Woodward, H. B. (1907), The History of the geological Society, London: Longmans
  7. ^ “…I have been accused of having acted, if not an unfair, at least an ungenerous part, by trespassing upon ground, which I knew to be, by right of pre-occupancy, his [Smith]. I certainly did know, as early as the year 1804, that such a map was begun; but I appeal to all the friends of Mr Smith, with whom I have conversed upon the subject, and especially to the individual who complains of my conduct, whether he, and they did not, for a long time afterwards, in consequence of a variety of circumstances which it is unnecessary to detail, consider its completion, and still more its publication, hopeless. In the belief that the work had been virtually abandoned by Smith, it was undertaken by me.…Mr Smith’s map was not seen by me till after its publication, and the use I have since made of it has been very limited. The two maps agree in many respects, not because the one has been copied from the other, but because both are correct.…” [from Greenough, G B, ‘Memoir of a Geological Map of England: to Which are Added, an Alphabetical Index to the Hills, and a List of the Hills Arranged According to Counties’ (1820), p4.] George Bellas Greenough's 'A Geological Map of England and Wales', 1820. The Geological Society. 2018年2月17日閲覧。
  8. ^ The History of the Geological Society of London, by Horace Bolingbroke Woodward (1907), p.208
  9. ^ Winchester 2001, pp. 224–240
  10. ^ Lauden, R (1977), "Ideas and Organizations in British Geology: A Case Study in Institutional History", Isis, 68(244): 527–538, doi:10.1086/351872
  11. ^ General sketch of the physical and geological features of British India. The Geological Society. 2018年2月17日閲覧。
  12. ^ Greenough, G.B.(compiler) (1857). Correspondence on the subject of the geological map of India. Madras: A. H. Hope.
  13. ^ "History of country town names – G". Western Australian Land Information Authority. 2018年2月17日閲覧。


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