メダル・オブ・ブレイヴリー (カナダ)とは? わかりやすく解説

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メダル・オブ・ブレイヴリー (カナダ)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2015/12/22 05:57 UTC 版)

メダル・オブ・ブレイヴリー (英語: Medal of Bravery, フランス語: Médaille de la Bravoure) はカナダの栄典制度において勇敢な行為を讃える章としては3番目に高位の勲章[1]で、カナダ国王の名の下にカナダ総督から授与される3つの章のうちの1つである。1972年に制定され、生存・死去を問わず「危険な状況において勇気ある行動を示した者」に授与される[2]。また、受章者はM.B.ポスト・ノミナル・レターズを使用することを許される[2]

  1. ^ a b Office of the Governor General of Canada. “Honours > Decorations > Decorations for Bravery”. Queen's Printer for Canada. 2009年8月29日閲覧。
  2. ^ a b c d e Veterans Affairs Canada. “Canada Remembers > Records & Collections > Canadian Orders, Medals and Decorations > Canadian Military Medals and Decorations > Modern Honours of Canada > Medal of Bravery”. Queen's Printer for Canada. 2009年8月29日閲覧。
  3. ^ Royal Canadian Mounted Police. “Honours and Recognition Programs > Canadian National Honours”. Queen's Printer for Canada. 2009年5月20日閲覧。
  4. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada. “Honours > Decorations > Decorations for Bravery > Eligibility and Nominations”. Queen's Printer for Canada. 2009年8月29日閲覧。
  5. ^ http://www.gg.ca/honour.aspx?id=60891&t=3&ln=Winsorref=CITEREF_Office_of_the_Governor_General_of_Canada_Search:_Decorations_for_Bravery_Recipients_List
  6. ^ Chancellery of Honours. “Honours > Find a Recipient > Recipient > Master Seaman Charles Stanley Winsor, M.B. and Bar”. Queen's Printer for Canada. 2013年10月22日閲覧。
  7. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada. “It's an Honour > Find a Recipient > Leading Seaman Robert Binder, M.B.”. Queen's Printer for Canada. 2010年12月7日閲覧。
  8. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada Search: Decorations for Bravery Recipients List, Constable Mary Margaret Diane Brock, M.B.
  9. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada Search: Decorations for Bravery Recipients List, Warrant Officer Dennis Richard Robinson, M.B., C.D.
  10. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada Search: Decorations for Bravery Recipients List, Caporal Joseph Jacques Mario Charette, M.B.
  11. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada Search: Decorations for Bravery Recipients List, Corporal Konrad Lionel Shourie, M.B.
  12. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada Search: Decorations for Bravery Recipients List, Dr. Éric Fortier, M.B.
  13. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada Search: Decorations for Bravery Recipients List, M. Mohamed Chelali, M.B.
  14. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada Search: Decorations for Bravery Recipients List, Mr. Paul Landry, M.B.
  15. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada Search: Decorations for Bravery Recipients List, Mr. John Boyarski, M.B.
  16. ^ Office of the Governor General of Canada Search: Decorations for Bravery Recipients List, Captain Gerry Dawson, M.B.

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