art therapyとは? わかりやすく解説

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アート‐セラピー【art therapy】




【英】:art therapy



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アートセラピー: art therapy)あるいは芸術療法(または絵画療法、創造力治療)とは、認証された治療者が作品と表現式を通してクライアントの象徴的か表向きの自己表現を読み取り、クライアントから解釈を引き出す心理療法の一種である。アートセラピーは芸術と心理療法という二つの起源があるために、その定義は多様である。

  1. ^, p.1
  2. ^ a b
  3. ^ Hill, A. , Art Versus Illness, in: Dannecker, K. (2003). Internationale Perspektiven der Kunsttherapie. Graz, Austria: Nausner & Nausner.(translation: International Perspectives of Art Therapy)
  4. ^ Walker, J. (1992). Glossary of Art, Architecture & Design since 1945, 3rd. ed. London, Library Association Publishing
  5. ^ Adamson, E. (1984). Art as Healing. London, Coventure
  6. ^ a b Hogan, S. (2001). Healing Arts: the history of art therapy. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  7. ^ Adamson E. (1970). Art for Health in The Social Context of Art. Jean Creddy. Tavistock, London
  8. ^ O'Flynn, D. (2011). Art as Healing: Edward Adamson. Raw Vision, 72, Spring 2011, p46-53.
  9. ^ Naumburg, M., quoted in Ulman, 2001: 17)” [Edwards, D. (2004). Art therapy. London, England: SAGE Publications, Ltd., p. 1
  10. ^ Naumburg, M. (1996). Dynamically oriented art therapy. New York: Grune & Stratton, Inc.
  11. ^ Dalley, T. (2004). Art as therapy. London/New York: Brunner-Rontledge.
  12. ^ New York University’s website
  13. ^ Dr. Edith Kramer: Background
  14. ^ George Washington University website
  15. ^ Kramer, E. (1971). Art as therapy with children. New York: Schocken Books; German version: Kramer, E. (1978). Kunst als Therapie mit Kindern. München/Basel: Ernst Reihnhardt Verlag.
  16. ^ Kramer, E. (1977). Art therapy in a children's community. New York: Schocken Books.
  17. ^ Landgarten, H. B. (1989). Klinische Kunsttherapie – ein umfassender Leitfaden. Karlsruhe, Germany: Geradi Verlag für Kunsttherapie.
  18. ^ Lesley University website
  19. ^ Lesley University website: Biographies
  20. ^ Lesley University website:
  21. ^ Knill, P. (2005). Principles and practice of expressive arts therapy – toward a therapeutic aestetics. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
  22. ^ Mount Mary College website
  23. ^ ^ Cardinal, R. (1972), Outsider Art, London
  24. ^ Tosatti, B. (2007)Les Fascicules de l'Art brut, un saggio sull'artista Antonio dalla Valle (Paragraphs on Outsider Art. An essay on artist Antonio dalla Valle)
  25. ^ Baumann, Daniel (2001), Art Brut? Outsider art? Denkfigur und Behauptung (Art Brut? Outsider Art? Meanings and Shapes of thought), Kunst-Bulletin, Geneva
  26. ^ Navratil, Leo (1996) Art Brut & Psychiatry, Raw Vision, Geneva
  27. ^ Bedoni, Giorgio; Tosatti, Bianca (2000),Arte e psichiatria. Uno sguardo sottile (Art and psychiatry. A thin look), Mazzotta, Milano
  28. ^ Rexer, Lyle (2005), How to Look at Outsider Art, New York:Abrams
  29. ^ Lusebrink, Vija B. "Assessment and Therapeutic Application of the Expressive Therapies Continuum: Implications for Brain Structures and Functions." Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association 27.4 (2010): 168. Educators Reference Complete. Web. 30 Nov. 2011.
  30. ^ Chapman, Linda; Diane Morabito, Chris Ladakakos, Herbert Schreier, Margaret Knudson (2001). “The Effectiveness of Art Therapy Interventions in Reducing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms in Pediatric Trauma Patients”. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association 18 (2). doi:10.1080/07421656.2001.10129750. 
  31. ^ "Life Story of an Art Therapist of Color "
  32. ^ Kim, S-K., Kim, M.-Y., Lee, J.-H., & Chun, S.-I. (2008). Art therapy outcomes in the rehabilitation treatment of a stroke patient: A case report. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 25(3), 129-133;
  33. ^ Noice, H., Noice, T., & Staines, G. (2004). A short-term intervention to enhance cognitive and affective functioning in older adults. Journal of Aging and Health, 16(4), 562-585
  34. ^ Spinner, J. (April 15, 2007). “War's pain, softened with a brush stroke: VA's art therapy eases battle stresses.” Washington Post at
  35. ^ Stuckey, H. (2009). Creative expression as a way of knowing in diabetes adult health education: An action research study. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(1), 46-64
  36. ^ Bar-Sela, G., Atid, L., Danos, S., Gabay, N., & Epelbaum, R. (2007). Art therapy improved depression and influenced fatigue levels in cancer patients on chemotherapy. Journal of Psycho-Oncology, 16, 980-984
  37. ^ Collie, K., Bottorff, J. L., & Long, B. C. (2006) A narrative view of art therapy and art making by women with breast cancer. Journal of Health Psychology, 11(5), 761-775
  38. ^ Deane, K., Fitch, M., & Carman, M. (2000). An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 10(4), 147-51, 152-157
  39. ^ Doric-Henry, L. (1997). Pottery as art therapy with elderly nursing home residents. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 14(3), 163-171
  40. ^ Wilkstrom, B. M., Theorell, T., & Sandstrom, S. (1993). Medical health and emotional effects of art stimulation in old age: A controlled intervention study concerning the effects of visual stimulation provided in the form of pictures.
  41. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Machioldi, C. (1998) Understanding Children's Drawings. Guildford Publications
  42. ^ Art Schools
  43. ^ a b c [1]
  44. ^ a b Cohen, Barry. “”. 2012年3月4日閲覧。
  45. ^ a b c”. Art Therapy Catablog. 2012年3月4日閲覧。
  46. ^ Mills, Anne; Cohen, Barry M.. The Arts of Psychology 20(1). 
  47. ^ Lillienfield, James (April 2005). “What's Wrong With This Picture”. Scientific America Mind. 
  48. ^ a b c d e f g h Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders”. 2012年3月4日閲覧。
  49. ^ Michael J. Hanes (1997). Roads to the Unconscious: A Manual for Understanding Road Drawings.
  50. ^ a b c d e f g Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB)
  51. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ATCB Code of Professional Practice, 2005
  52. ^ a b c Stuckley, Heather L, and Jeremy Nobel. "The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health: A Review of Current Literature." American Journal of Public Health (Feb2010): 254-263. Web. 9 Nov 2010.
  53. ^ Appleton, V. (2001). Avenues of hope: Art therapy and the resolution of trauma. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association , 18 (1), 6-13.
  54. ^ Eaton, L. G., Doherty, K. L., & Widrick, R. M. (2007). A review of research and methods used to establish art therapy as an effective treatment method for traumatized children. The Arts in Psychotherapy , 34, 256-262.
  55. ^ Kazim, A. (2002, Fall). Traumatic events and children: How early childhood educators can help. Association for Childhood Education International.
  56. ^ Metzl, E. S. (2009). The role of creative thinking in resilience after Hurricane Katrina. Psychotherapy of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts , 3 (2), 112-123.
  57. ^ Orr, P. P. (2007). Art therapy with children after a disaster: A content analysis. The Arts in Psychotherapy , 34, 350-361.
  58. ^ Davidhizar, R., & Shearer, R. (2002). Helping children cope with public disasters. The American Journal of Nursing , 102 (3), 26-33.
  59. ^ Malchiodi, C. A. (2007). The art therapy sourcebook. United States: McGraw-Hill.
  60. ^ Seligman, Z. (1995). Trauma and drama: A lesson from the concentration camps. The Arts in Psychotherapy , 22 (2), 119-132.
  61. ^ Wadeson, H. (2010). Art Psychotherapy (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley& Sons, Inc.
  62. ^ [日本心理臨床学会−心のケアによる二次被害防止ガイドライン].pdf


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