四 取とは? わかりやすく解説

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(しゅ)とは、サンスクリット語およびパーリ語ウパーダーナ: upādāna)に由来する言葉であり、「ある活動を活性化させ維持させる源や手段となる、燃料、物質的原因、気質」という意味である[1][2]

  1. ^ Thomas William Rhys Davids; William Stede (1921). Pali-English Dictionary. Motilal Banarsidass. pp. 149. ISBN 978-81-208-1144-7. https://books.google.com/books?id=0Guw2CnxiucC 
  2. ^ Monier Monier-Williams (1872). A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. pp. 171. https://books.google.com/books?id=_3NWAAAAcAAJ 
  3. ^ Paul Williams; Anthony Tribe; Alexander Wynne (2002). Buddhist Thought. Routledge. pp. 45, 67. ISBN 978-1-134-62324-2. https://books.google.com/books?id=e9SFAgAAQBAJ 
  4. ^ ひろさちや 『完全図解 仏教早わかり百科』1999年12月1日、38頁。ISBN 978-4391123951 
  5. ^ 相応部蘊相応 Nakulapitu-vaggo, 5.定経
  6. ^ 師子吼小経 (see Nanamoli & Bodhi, 2001, p. 161) , 因縁相応 (see Bodhi, 2000b, p. 535).
  7. ^ 師子吼小経 143-17 , " Te na sammā sabbupādānapariññaṃ paññapenti – kāmupādānassa pariññaṃ paññapenti, diṭṭhupādānassa pariññaṃ paññapenti, sīlabbatupādānassa pariññaṃ paññapenti, na attavādupādānassa pariññaṃ paññapenti. "
  8. ^ In the Abhidhamma, the Dhammasangani §§ 1213-17 (Rhys Davids, 1900, pp. 323-5) contains definitions of the four types of clinging.
  9. ^ Abhidhamma commentaries related to the four types of clining can be found, for example, in the Abhidhammattha-sangaha (see Bodhi, 2000b, p. 726 n. 5) and the Visuddhimagga (Buddhaghosa, 1999, pp. 585-7).
  10. ^ Bodhi (2005), p. 437, n. 10, states that wrong views "deny the foundations of morality, especially those views that reject a principal of moral causation or the efficacy of volitional effort."
  11. ^ See, for instance, Buddhaghosa (1999), p. 587. For a reference to these particular ascetic practices in the Sutta Pitaka
  12. ^ パーリ仏典, 中部57, 狗行者経, Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project
  13. ^ Buddhaghosa (1999), pp. 586-7.
  14. ^ Buddhaghosa (1999), p. 587.
  15. ^ Bodhi (2000a), p. 267.
  16. ^ Bodhi (2000a), pp. 83-4, 371 n. 13.
  17. ^ Buddhaghosa (1999), p. 586.
  18. ^ The idea that the Four Noble Truths identifies craving as the proximate cause of clinging is mentioned, for instance, in Thanissaro (2000).
  19. ^ See, for example, SN 12.2 as translated by Thanissaro (1997a).
  20. ^ Buddhaghosa (1999), pp. 586, 593.


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