アドミラル・ヒッパー (重巡洋艦)とは? わかりやすく解説

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アドミラル・ヒッパー (重巡洋艦)

(アトミラル・ヒッパー から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/05 01:45 UTC 版)

アドミラル・ヒッパー (Admiral Hipper) は第二次世界大戦時のドイツ海軍アドミラル・ヒッパー級重巡洋艦。名前はフランツ・フォン・ヒッパーにちなむ。なお、ドイツ語の発音に従えばアトミラール・ヒッパーと表記されるが、日本では英語読みのアドミラルで呼ばれるのが一般的である。

  1. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, pp.105-106
  2. ^ a b c d German Cruisers of World War Two, p.106
  3. ^ a b c Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 46
  4. ^ a b German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 107
  5. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 107, Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 46
  6. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, pp. 107-108
  7. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 108
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 47
  9. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 109, Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 47
  10. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 109
  11. ^ a b c German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 110
  12. ^ a b c German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 111
  13. ^ 『呪われた海』268ページ、German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 111
  14. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 111-112
  15. ^ a b c d e f g German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 112
  16. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 112, German Fleet at War 1939-1945, p. 71
  17. ^ German Fleet at War 1939-1945, p. 71
  18. ^ German Fleet at War 1939-1945, pp. 71-72
  19. ^ a b c d e f German Fleet at War 1939-1945, p. 72
  20. ^ 『呪われた海』268ページ
  21. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 113
  22. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 114
  23. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, pp. 114-115, Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 50
  24. ^ a b c German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 115
  25. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 115, Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 50
  26. ^ a b Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 50
  27. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, pp. 115-116
  28. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 116, Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 50
  29. ^ a b c German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 116
  30. ^ a b c Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 53
  31. ^ a b German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 117
  32. ^ a b c d German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 141
  33. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, pp. 141-142
  34. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 142, Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 55
  35. ^ a b c German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 143
  36. ^ a b c d e Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 55
  37. ^ German Cruisers of World War Two, p. 144
  38. ^ German Destroyers of World War Two, p. 142, Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class, p. 55

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