ディノ・キング 恐竜王国と炎の山の冒険とは? わかりやすく解説

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ディノ・キング 恐竜王国と炎の山の冒険

(dino king 3d: journey to fire mountain から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/11/22 02:59 UTC 版)

The next day, Speckles says that Junior is the same species like him and to just go over fears. However, when Speckles is hunting some Protoceratopses, Junior's fears come back to him, and was thrown and ends up in the water. He can't swim (As Junior has become aquaphobic from being washed out to sea in the first film), so he calls for help, despite being in shallow water. An enraged Speckles is disappointed in his son's cowardice. However, he over-reacts and lambasts Junior for his inability to conquer his fear. Hurt by his enraged father's comments, Junior tells his enraged father that he hates him and the pair storm off from one another.

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