lamininとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/25 02:32 UTC 版)

ラミニン: laminin)は、細胞外マトリックス基底膜を構成する巨大なタンパク質である。多細胞体制・組織構築とその維持、細胞接着、細胞移動、細胞増殖を促進し、がん細胞と関係が深い。胚発生の初期(2細胞期)に発現する[1]

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  3. ^ de:Rupert Timpl
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  17. ^ a b Tisi D, Talts JF, Timpl R, Hohenester E (April 2000). “Structure of the C-terminal laminin G-like domain pair of the laminin alpha2 chain harbouring binding sites for alpha-dystroglycan and heparin”. EMBO J. 19 (7): 1432-1440. doi:10.1093/emboj/19.7.1432. PMC 310212. PMID 10747011. 
  18. ^ Beckmann G, Hanke J, Bork P, Reich JG (February 1998). “Merging extracellular domains: fold prediction for laminin G-like and amino-terminal thrombospondin-like modules based on homology to pentraxins”. J. Mol. Biol. 275 (5): 725-730. doi:10.1006/jmbi.1997.1510. PMID 9480764. 
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  20. ^ a b Stetefeld J, Mayer U, Timpl R, Huber R (April 1996). “Crystal structure of three consecutive laminin-type epidermal growth factor-like (LE) modules of laminin gamma1 chain harboring the nidogen binding site”. J. Mol. Biol. 257 (3): 644-657. doi:10.1006/jmbi.1996.0191. PMID 8648630. 
  21. ^ a b Baumgartner R, Czisch M, Mayer U, Poschl E, Huber R, Timpl R, Holak TA (April 1996). “Structure of the nidogen binding LE module of the laminin gamma1 chain in solution”. J. Mol. Biol. 257 (3): 658-668. doi:10.1006/jmbi.1996.0192. PMID 8648631. 
  22. ^ Mayer U, Poschl E, Gerecke DR, Wagman DW, Burgeson RE, Timpl R (May 1995). “Low nidogen affinity of laminin-5 can be attributed to two serine residues in EGF-like motif gamma 2III4”. FEBS Lett. 365 (2-3): 129-132. doi:10.1016/0014-5793(95)00438-F. PMID 7781764. 
  23. ^ a b Yurchenco PD, Cheng YS (August 1993). “Self-assembly and calcium-binding sites in laminin. A three-arm interaction model”. J. Biol. Chem. 268 (23): 17286-17299. PMID 8349613. 
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  33. ^ Erhard Hohenester, Peter D. Yurchenco (January 2013). “Laminins in basement membrane assembly”. Cell Adh Migr 7 (1): 56-63. doi:10.4161/cam.21831. PMC 3544787. 
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  36. ^ Thyboll, J; et al. (Feb 2002). “Deletion of the laminin alpha4 chain leads to impaired microvessel maturation”. Mol Cell Biol. 22 (4): 1194-202. PMID 11809810. 
  37. ^ OMIM#609049 Pierson syndrome(2012/3/19閲覧)
  38. ^ Zenker, M; et al. (Nov 2004). “Human laminin beta2 deficiency causes congenital nephrosis with mesangial sclerosis and distinct eye abnormalities”. Hum Mol Genet. 13 (21): 2625-32. PMID 15367484. 
  39. ^ Matejas, V; et al. (Sep 2010). “Mutations in the human laminin beta2 (LAMB2) gene and the associated phenotypic spectrum”. Hum Mutat. 31 (9): 992-1002. PMID 20556798. 
  40. ^ Dainichi, T; et al. (Feb 2009). “Anti-laminin gamma-1 pemphigoid”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106 (8): 2800-5. PMID 19196964. 
  41. ^ Hayashi, I; et al. (2011 published online). “Mucous membrane pemphigoid with generalized blisters: IgA and IgG autoantibodies target both laminin-332 and type XVII collagen”. Br J Dermatol.. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2011.10776.x. PMID 22182184. 
  42. ^ Domogatskaya, A; et al. (Nov 2008). “Laminin-511 but not -332, -111, or -411 enables mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal in vitro”. Stem Cells. 26 (11): 2800-9. 
  43. ^ Miyazaki, T; et al. (Oct 2008). “Recombinant human laminin isoforms can support the undifferentiated growth of human embryonic stem cells”. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 375 (1): 27-32. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2008.07.111. 
  44. ^ Rodin, S; et al. (Jun 2010). “Long-term self-renewal of human pluripotent stem cells on human recombinant laminin-511”. Nat Biotechnol. 28 (6): 611-5. doi:10.1038/nbt.1620. 
  45. ^ Karl Tryggvason (May 2013). “Biologically Relevant Laminins. Key to Derivation and Culture of Stem Cells and Differentiated Cells Lies with These ECM Proteins”. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News 33 (9). 
  46. ^ 特許研究室
  47. ^ Kobayashi N, Yoshida T (2007). “Binding sites on laminin receptors as components for antibiotics”. Protein Pept Lett 14 (1): 33-36. PMID 17266648. 
  48. ^ 小林菜穂子、吉田徹彦 (2009). “ラミニンレセプターのラミニン結合部位を基にした抗菌ペプチドの設計”. 東亜合成研究年報. 

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