ヒレナガゴンドウとは? わかりやすく解説

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ヒレナガゴンドウ(鰭長巨頭、学名:Globicephala melas)は鯨偶蹄目ハクジラ亜目マイルカ科ゴンドウクジラ属に属するイルカクジラ)である。

  1. ^ a b Cawardine, M.; Hoyt, E.; Fordyce, R.E.; Gill, P. (1998). Whales and Dolphins, the Ultimate Guide to Marine Mammals.. London: Harper Collins Publishers 
  2. ^ Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes. Elsevier. (2020-06-26). pp. 485. ISBN 978-0-12-816097-8 
  3. ^ Stuart, Chris (1 July 2017). Stuarts' Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa. Penguin Random House South Africa. ISBN 978-1-77584-276-7 
  4. ^ Szabo, Vicki E. (2008-01-31). Monstrous Fishes and the Mead-Dark Sea: Whaling in the Medieval North Atlantic. BRILL. pp. 168-169. ISBN 978-90-474-3241-8. https://books.google.co.in/books?id=DTiwCQAAQBAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false 
  5. ^ Hooker, Sascha K. (2009). Perrin, William F.; Wursig, Bernd; Thewissen, J. G. M, eds. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (2 ed.). 30 Corporate Drive, Burlington Ma. 01803: Academic Press. p. 1173. ISBN 978-0-12-373553-9.
  6. ^ Macdonald, D.W. (2001). The New Encyclopedia of Mammals. Oxford: Oxford University Press 
  7. ^ Nores C, Pérez C (1988) Overlapping range between Globicephala macrorhynchus and Globicephala melaena in the northeastern Atlantic. Mammalia 52(1): 51–55. doi: 10.1515/mamm.1988.52.1.51
  8. ^ ICES (2010) Report of the Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME), 12–15 April 2010, Horta, The Azores. ICES CM 2010/ACOM: 24. 212 pp.
  9. ^ Mortensen, H.S. (2014). “Quantitative relationships in delphinid neocortex”. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. doi:10.3389/fnana.2014.00132. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4244864/. 
  10. ^ Globicephala melas — Long-finned Pilot Whale”. Species Profile and Threats Database. DCCEEW(英語版). 2023年9月23日閲覧。
  11. ^ a b Bloch, D., Desportes, G., Mouritsen, R., Skaaning, S. and Stefansson, E. (1993). An introduction to studies of the ecology and status of the long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) off the Faroe Islands, 1986-1988. Report of the International Whaling Commission. Special Issue 14: 1-32.
  12. ^ Sergeant, D.E. (1962). On the external characteristics of the blackfish or pilot whales (genus Globicephala). Journal of Mammology, 43(3): 395-413.
  13. ^ Ottensmeyer, A. and Whitehead, H. (2003). Behavioural evidence for social units in long-finned pilot whales. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 81: 1327-1338.
  14. ^ Jankowski, M. (2005). Long-finned pilot whale movement and social structure: residency, population mixing and identification of social units. M.Sc. thesis, Biology, Dalhousie University.
  15. ^ Amos, B., Schlotterer, C. and Tautz, D. (1993). Social structure of pilot whales revealed by analytical DNA profiling. Science, 260 (5108): 670-672.
  16. ^ a b Amos, B., Bloch, D., Desportes, G., Majerus, T.M.O., Bancroft, D.R., Barrett, J.A. and Dover, G.A. (1993). A review of molecular evidence relating to social organization and breeding system in the long-finned pilot whale. Report of the International Whaling Commission. Special Issue 14: 209-217.
  17. ^ Nemiroff, L. (2009).Structural variation and communicative functions of long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) pulsed calls and complex whistles. M.Sc. Thesis. Dalhousie University.
  18. ^ Amos, B., Barrett, J. and Dover, G.A. (1991). Breeding behaviour of pilot whales revealed by DNA fingerprinting. Heredity, 67: 49-55.
  19. ^ Hay, K. (1982). Aerial line-transect estimates of abundance of humpback, fin, and long- finned pilot whales in the Newfoundland-Labrador area. Report of the International Whaling Commission, 32: 475-486.
  20. ^ Buckland, S.T., Bloch, D., Cattanach, K.L., Gunnlaugsson, Th., Hoydal, K., Lens, S. and Sigurjónsson, J. (1993). Distribution and abundance of long-finned pilot whales in the North Atlantic, estimated from NASS-87 and NASS-89 data. Report of the International Whaling Commission. Special Issue 14: 33-49.
  21. ^ Reeves, R.R., Smith, B.D., Crespo, R.A. and di Sciara, N. (2003). Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises: 2002–2010 Conservation Action Plan for the World's Cetaceans. Cetacean Specialist Group. IUCN: Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
  22. ^ Payne, P.M., Selzer, L.A. and Knowlton, A.T. (1984). Distribution and density of cetaceans, marine turtles, and seabirds in the shelf waters of the northeastern United States, June 1980-December 1983, from shipboard observations. Final Report, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole, MA, Contract No. NA-81-FA-C-00023. 246pp.
  23. ^ Mercer, M.C. (1975). Modified Leslie-DeLury population models of the long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melaena) and annual production of the short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) based upon their interaction at Newfoundland. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, vol 32 (7): 1145-1155.
  24. ^ Bloch, D., Desportes, G., Mouritsen, R., Skaaning, S. and Stefansson, E. (1993c). An introduction to studies of the ecology and status of the long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) off the Faroe Islands, 1986-1988. Report of the International Whaling Commission. Special Issue 14: 1-32.
  25. ^ Reeves, R.R., B.S. Stewart, P.J. Clapham and Powell, J.A. (2002). National Audubon Society Guide to Marine Mammals of the World. Alfred A. Knopf: New York.
  26. ^ 天野 雅男 (2012). “みちのくの海のイルカたち(特集 みちのくの海と水族館の海棲哺乳類)” (PDF). 勇魚 56号  (長崎大学水産学部): 60–65. http://isanakai.web.fc2.com/journal/ 2017年3月9日閲覧。. 
  27. ^ "Appendix II" of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). As amended by the Conference of the Parties in 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2005 and 2008. Effective: 5 March 2009.
  28. ^ Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas. Ascobans.org. Retrieved on 2014-01-04.
  29. ^ Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area. Accobams.org. Retrieved on 2014-01-04.
  30. ^ Memorandum of Understanding for the Conservation of Cetaceans and Their Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region. Pacificcetaceans.org. Retrieved on 2014-01-04.
  31. ^ Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Conservation of the Manatee and Small Cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia, Convention on Migratory Species page on the Long-finned pilot whale. UNEP/Convention on Migratory Species


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