ダヴィデ像 (ドナテッロ)とは? わかりやすく解説

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ダヴィデ像 (ドナテッロ)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/10 08:33 UTC 版)

ダヴィデ像』(ダヴィデぞう、: David)は、ルネサンス初期のイタリア人彫刻家ドナテッロが制作した彫刻。1408年から1409年に制作された大理石のダヴィデ像と、1440年ごろに制作されたブロンズのダヴィデ像の2点があり、どちらもフィレンツェバルジェロ美術館が所蔵している。美術史上からはブロンズ製の『ダヴィデ像』がより重要視されている。

  1. ^ Raymond-Jean Frontain and Jan Wojcik, eds., The David Myth in Western Literature, West Lafayette, IN, 1980.
  2. ^ Janson, Donatello, 77-78; Poeschke, 397; Omaggio, 196-197; Adrian W.B. Randolph, Engaging Symbols: Gender, Politics, and Public Art in Fifteenth-Century Florence, New Haven, 2002, 139-141. Randolph published a poem from 1466 that seems to describe the statue in the Medici palace.
  3. ^ Giorgio Vasari, Le Vite..., ed. G. Milanesi, Florence, 1878-1885, III, 108.
  4. ^ 15世紀の写本にもこの銘の内容が書かれており、おそらくは『ダヴィデ像』に言及した最初の記述であるが、日付は入っていない。Christine M. Sperling, "Donatello's Bronze 'David' and the Demands of Medici Politics," The Burlington Magazine, 134 (1992), 218-219.
  5. ^ Political readings of the David include Christine Sperling, "Donatello's Bronze "David" and the Demands of Medici Politics," The Burlington Magazine, 134 (1992) 218-224; Roger J. Crum, "Donatello's Bronze David and the Question of Foreign versus Domestic Tyranny," Renaissance Studies, 10 (1996) 440-450; Sarah Blake McHam, "Donatello's Bronze David and Judith as Metaphors of Medici Rule in Florence," Art Bulletin, 83 (2001) 32-47; Allie Terry, "Donatello's decapitations and the rhetoric of beheading in Medicean Florence," Renaissance Studies, 23 (2009) 609-638.
  6. ^ M. Greenhalgh, Donatello and His Sources, London, 1982, 166.
  7. ^ Leo Steinberg, "Michelangelo and the Doctors," Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 56 (1982) 552-553.
  8. ^ G. Gaye, Carteggio inedito d'artisti dei secoli xiv.xv.xvi., 3 vols., Florence, 1840, II: 456: "El Davit della corte è una figura et non è perfecta, perchè la gamba sua di drieto è schiocha." Cited in John Shearman, Only Connect...Art and the Spectator in the Italian Renaissance, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992, 22 n. 17. Shearman notes that schiocha could be translated as "imprudent" or "stupid."
  9. ^ H.W. Janson, The Sculpture of Donatello, Princeton, 1957, II, 77-86; Laurie Schneider, "Donatello's Bronze David," The Art Bulletin, 55 (1973) 213-216.
  10. ^ Randolph, 139-192; name="raymondjeanfrontain">Raymond-Jean Frontain. “The Fortune in David’s Eyes”. GLRW. 2012年8月1日閲覧。.
  11. ^ See PBS documentary "The Medici", 2003
  12. ^ See, for example, Poeschke, 398.
  13. ^ Lanyi never published his hypothesis; his ideas were made public by John Pope-Hennessey in “Donatello’s Bronze David," Scritti di storia dell’arte in onore di Federico Zeri Milan: Electa, 1984, 122-127, and further developed by Alessandro Paroncchi, Donatello e il potere, Florence, 1980, 101-115 and G. Fossi, et.al., Italian Art, Florence, 2000, 91.
  14. ^ See also John Shearman, Only Connect...Art and the Spectator in the Italian Renaissance, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992, 20-21.
  15. ^ アーカイブされたコピー”. 2011年7月17日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2007年7月2日閲覧。
  16. ^ Shana Sureck (2002年7月14日). “Dusting”. Hartford Courant. 2011年10月10日閲覧。
  17. ^ H.W. Janson, The Sculpture of Donatello, Princeton, 1957, II, 3-7; John Pope-Hennessey, Italian Renaissance Sculpture, London, 1958, 6-7; Joachim Poeschke, Donatello and his World: Sculpture of the Italian Renaissance, New York, 1990, 27.
  18. ^ Documents on the statue may be found in Omaggio a Donatello, 1386-1986, exh. cat., Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, 1985, 126-127. On the political implications of David for early-modern Florence, see Andrew Butterfield, ”New Evidence for the Iconography of David in Quattrocento Florence,” I Tatti Studies 6 (1995) 114-133.
  19. ^ Poeschke, 377;Omaggio, 125.

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