ウラベニガサ属とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/05/26 23:16 UTC 版)


  1. ^ Watring, R., 1971. Basidiomycetes: Homobasidiomycetidae. (Booth, D. ed., Methods in Microbiology 4: 219-236. Academic Press, London).
  2. ^ Benerjee, P., and W. J. Sundberg, 1993. Preliminary observations on germination of Pluteus cervinus Basidiospores. Mycologia 85: 811-813,
  3. ^ Minnis, A. M., Sundberg, W. J., Methven, A. S., Sipes, S. D., and D. L. Nickrent, 2006. Annulate Pluteus species, a study of the genus Chamaeota in the United States. Mycotaxon 91: 36-39.
  4. ^ Vellinga, E. C., and J. Schreurs, 1985. Pluteus Fr. in west Europe. Persoonia 12: 337-373.
  5. ^ Vellinga, E. C., 1990. Pluteus. (Bas, C., Kuyper, T. W., Noordeloos, M. I., and E. C. Vellinga. Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 2. Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 31-55.)
  6. ^ Singer, R. 1956. Contributions towards a monograph of the genus Pluteus. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 39: 145-232.
  7. ^ Singer, R., 1987. New taxa and new combinations of Agaricales (Diagnoses Fungroum Novorum Agaricalium Ⅳ). Fieldiana Botany 21: 91-133.
  8. ^ Murata, Y., 1978. New records of gill fungi from Hokkaido (1). Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 19: 241-247.
  9. ^ Benerjee, P., and W. J. Sundberg, 1995. The genus Pluteus section Pluteus (Pluteaceae Agaricales) in the Midwestern United States. Mycotaxon 53: 189-246.
  10. ^ Takehashi, S., and T. Kasuya, 2009. Pluteus magnus and Pluteus podospileus f. podospileus, two agaric fungi new to Japan. Mycoscience 50:74-77.
  11. ^ Kobayashi, T., 2002. Type studies of the new species described by Seiya Ito and Sanshi Imai from Japan. Mycoscience 43: 411-415.
  12. ^ Benerjee, P., and W. J. Sundberg, 1993. Three new species and a new variety of Pluteus from the United States. Mycotaxon 47: 389-394.
  13. ^ 竹橋誠司、星野保、糟谷大河「北海道産ハラタケ類の分類学的研究-特にザラミノシメジ属・ツエタケ属・ビロードツエタケ属・フクロタケ属・ウラベニガサ属」『日本生物学会誌』、NPO法人 北方菌類フォーラム、札幌、2010年。 
  14. ^ Hongo, T., 1963. Notes on Japanese larger fungi (16). Journal of Japanese Botany 38:233-240.
  15. ^ Nagasawa, E., and T. Hongo, 1985. Some Agarics from San-in District, Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 18: 73-88.
  16. ^ Takahashi, H., 2001. Notes on new Agaricales of Japan 2. Mycoscience 42:347-354.
  17. ^ Homola, R. L., 1972. Section Celluroderma of the genus Pluteus in North America. Mycologia 64:1211-1247.
  18. ^ Takehashi, S., and T. Kasuya, 2007. First record of Pluteus chrysophaeus and reexamination of Pluteus leoninus from Japan. Mycoscience 48:321-325
  19. ^ S. Imai, 1938, Studies on the Agaricaceae of Hokkaido Ⅰ. Journal of the Facluty of Agriculture of Hokkaido Imperial University 18: 1-178.
  20. ^ 高橋春樹、2001.小田原で発見された日本産ハラタケ目菌類Pluteus romellii キアシベニヒダタケ(新称). 神奈川自然誌資料 22:21-23.
  21. ^ Courtecuisse, R., Uchida, M., Andary, C., and T. Hongo, 1991. A new Asiatic species of Pluteus (Basidiomycotina, Pluteales) with dotted pileus, and its variations. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 32:113-124.


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