工学カテゴリ のさくいん
- 絞込み
- B
- BA
- BB
- BC
- BD
- BE
- BF
- BG
- BH
- BI
- BJ
- BK
- BL
- BM
- BN
- BO
- BP
- BQ
- BR
- BS
- BT
- BU
- BV
- BW
- BX
- BY
- BZ
- B(50音)
- B(タイ文字)
- B(数字)
- B(記号)
- B
- B class license
- B seed
- B type heavy oil
- B-77
- B-A vacuum gauge
- B-A真空計
- B.F.式
- B.F.しき
- B/L
- B10型
- B131型
- B747
- B747-100SR
- babbitt metal
- bach ho oilfield
- bacillariophyc
- back door
- back filling
- back fire
- back flow
- back focal plane
- back ground noise
- back impact
- back off
- back order
- back panel
- back pressure
- Back Pressure
- back pressure valve
- back taper
- back window
- back-in provision
- back-in right
- back-stream
- back-up lamp
- backfill
- backfilling
- backfire
- backflow
- Background Gas
- background level
- backing
- backing plate
- backing pressure
- backlash
- backlight
- backlight curtain
- backscatter coefficient
- backscatter yield
- backscattered electron
- backscattered-electron coefficient
- backscattered-electron detector
- backscattered-electron yield
- backyard builder
- backyard special
- Badger Bit
- baffle plate
- baffle plate fuel tank
- Bag Blower
- bailout
- bainite
- baja 1000
- bake out
- bakeout device
- baking
- balance bar
- balance of payments for traded-in car
- balance shaft
- balance weight
- Balanced Flue Systems
- balanced linkage system
- balcony
- balk /baulk
- ball bearing
- ball end mill
- ball joint
- Ball pressure test
- ball spline
- ball tap
- ball tube
- ball valve
- Ball Valve
- Ballade
- BallaSet Diamond Bit
- ballast
- Balling Up